From the Writer’s Desk: Guys, I’ll let you in on a big secret; this is a very popular topic among women. So many times, males think that because a technique worked on one woman, it will do the same for another. That is false information. Many women don’t believe they can achieve orgasm from clitoral stimulation, but it’s quite possible that their guy just wasn’t following the rules. Check these tips out and try them at home with caution.
– Nuff Love,
P.S. – Never use teeth. Ever!
Sex Tips: Clitoral Stimulation

The clitoris is not a bull’s-eye, power switch, or launch button. “You can’t just go for the gold,” says Rebecca Chalker, author of The Clitoral Truth. “You might short-circuit her body’s elaborate arousal process.” Your step-by-step guide to treating her right starts by taking it slow.
1. EASE INTO IT “The nerve-packed tip of the clitoris is sensitive at first,” says Chalker. “But just above the clitoral tip lies a short shaft—a genetic cousin to your penis—that can help her warm up.”
Try this After some foreplay, stimulate this inner shaft. Push down on her lower abdomen with your outstretched fingers, massaging the skin on either side of her vagina in a scissors motion, causing the skin of her inner labia to caress the shaft.
Clitoris extra credit “Don’t Reach for My Clitoris”
2. MOVE TO THE MIDDLE Gradually tease inward with your fingers, occasionally brushing against and lubricating the clitoral hood and the length of her inner lips in a light up-and-down motion.
Try this Position yourself between her legs and use your palm to cover her vulva, keeping your fingers stretched over her pubic mound (as if you were palming a basketball). Use her lips to gently tease the clitoris.
3. BE DIRECT On the brink of orgasm, a symphony of muscles and ligaments pulls the clitoral tip back under its hood. “It’s a good sign,” says Debby Herbenick, Ph.D., the Men’s Health “Sex Professor.”
Try this If she’s comfortable with direct stimulation, replace your palm with two fingers on the tip of her clitoris. “Once she’s fully aroused, she’s just as eager and hungry as you are,” says Susie Bright, editor of the Best American Erotica series. Start light and increase pressure until you find her sweet spot.
Clitoris extra credit Give Her a Blended Orgasm with 5 Techniques to Target the Clitoris and G-Spot
4. DO AN INSIDE JOB If direct touch is too much, stimulate the inner labia.
Try this Use your fingers or a toy to stimulate the buried “legs” of her clitoris, which run up into her vaginal wall like a wishbone at 10 o’clock and 2 o’clock. “Just before orgasm, look for contractions around her vagina and lower abdomen,” says Herbenick.
5. PUT IT ALL TOGETHER A woman’s blood flows freely through her tissues after orgasm, making repeat performances easier.
Try this From behind, angle your penis down at the vaginal wall. In the missionary position, keep pressure on her most sensitive spot with your lower abdomen by tipping your hips forward.
