With fall easing its way in to many regions, it’s easy to slip out of your fitness regimen – or never start one at all. Not to worry! I’ve put together a list of some of my favorite ways to sneak little workouts in throughout the day. Who says you can’t stay sexy with no gym?
*Note: I’ve added an Amazon affiliate link to help with your fitness experience – you’re welcome to explore!*
Squat While Brushing Your Teeth.
It may seem silly now, but that two minutes in the morning and before bed can make a noticeable difference.
If you take toothbrush breaks at work or school, you can add this regimen in each day, too. It costs nothing, and your legs use the resistance of your body weight to tone thighs and glutes. Who doesn’t like a sexy butt?

Do Crunches While Driving
I do this every day, each time I get into the car. Lean back into the seat and compress your abdominal muscles upward. When you’re at a stop light (not a stop sign!), sit up straight and compress your abdominal muscles downward. You can put your hands behind your head as a guide, but don’t be surprised if the driver next to you starts giving the side eye.

**Bonus Tip**
Try a Workout Belt
I’ve been a gym head for quite a few years, and have gone through quite a few workout belts. Not only can they help moms who are getting fit post-partum, they are great for sweating off water weight when you need to slim down for a party/event. The Sweet Sweat Belt is awesome, and even comes with a sample of their slimming gel. Who doesn’t like free stuff?

Calf Raises While Walking
Sounds silly, right? Basketball players are constantly standing on their toes, there are even sneakers with “no heel,” to help build calves. How about doing it for free, though? To avoid fatigue, pick one specific time to do these calf-raises, like when you’re going to the bathroom. This gives your legs a break, but provides a trigger to remind you.

Stretches at Work
If you think they’re looking at you funny now, wait until your hot(ter) body comes in. Stretching is a natural way to improve posture (which elongates you) AND relieve muscles that may be fatigued from sitting too long (yes, that happens). If you work on your feet, stretching aids the muscles in receiving oxygen and avoids fatigue.

Dance at Least Once Per Day
Look at dancers, do you see how toned they are? Take note of that while you’re going through your day, and think about dancing at some point. I dance after coming in from the office; while I’m making dinner or cleaning up after my toddler. Sometimes, I’ll make a little #Sage333 routine in my head and dance it out in my living room.
If you’ve never seen a #Sage333 video on Instagram – here’s your chance…

Put in More Work During Sex.
Yes – more! As you gyrate, you burn calories and release endorphins that help you keep belly weight down. Done at least three times a week, you may actually notice visible change within a few weeks. So, add more variation in positions when possible to get you sweating!
Do you have any easy fitness tips to help your fellow readers? Comment below, or send them anonymously to contact@vforvadge.com. They may be featured in a future post and help someone get their sexy on!