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Bill Cosby And Why Pudding Can’t Save Him.


Today I read the news that Black America’s TV father, Bill Cosby – finally admitted to the rape allegations that have been in the media for the past few years.

I had to pause. Then smile.

After that brief moment of relief, sadness took over me. This is just too easy – there has to be more than what’s on the screen.

So, I go on Facebook to see what my peers are saying, and sure enough – we’ve got some defenders.

“Don’t let this distract you from what’s really going on.”

What’s really going on?

You mean, like millions of women getting raped every day? All over the world?

Yeah, that’s really going on.



Bill Cosby Rape Story


It baffles me how any self-respecting individual could ever put the potential slander of one man over the shaming of millions of women. Did you really think all of those allegations were unfounded? Decades of druggings and rapings and molestation? No one took any of those women seriously? Now you see why many women don’t bother coming forward.

I mean, what’s the point of telling your friends, when they’re going to advise against calling the authorities? Why go to the hospital for a rape kit, when people will label you and judge from afar? Who’s going to let you cry on their shoulder indefinitely while you heal physically and mentally? You brought this on yourself. Stay home.

That’s what I told myself after a while. The guy I was seeing at the time basically told me I was asking for it. I was “Naive.” You’re right. I was naive to trust someone I’d known for years with the power to allow me an hour to sleep off the drinks I’d had. It was stupid of me to keep all my clothes on (save for my shoes) and curl up into a little ball while I slept under blankets, alone. I was the dumb one for not driving home drunk or sleeping in my car on a sidewalk somewhere on South Beach. Yes, me. Not the friend of my ex who could have just left me alone. Or called his wife and phone boned if he felt so horny.

Silly me.


But, Bill Cosby is married – why would he do such a thing? Oh, I dunno – for the same reasons that other married men have sex with other women. Thrill, power, a gauge of their manliness. Imagine when the intrigue of those things wear off; when you get tired of the women who actually want you – now you want the ones who don’t. Why don’t they want you, right? They probably just need a little coercing. Maybe a few more drinks, and this roofie will help her loosen up. Would you look at that – it worked! She’s so comfortable, she’s unconscious. Perfect time to make her feel good. Then I’ll generously have my driver take her home and carry her gently to her bed.

A real Prince Charming.

 Bill Cosby Rape Story


Do we see anything wrong yet? Probably not, I’ll dig deeper. Considering the hypothetical scenario above, and Mr. Cosby’s considerable amount of wealth – what are the odds that a woman with an opposing story would be taken seriously? What would it take for people to believe that she’s not out to get his money? Or take him down as a powerful Black Man? Could he really be a rapist? But he invented Coogi sweaters and Pudding Pops. How did this happen?

It’s simple. Some people are deviants. Male and female alike. Once we as a society come to understand this, just like we understand that serial killers exist – we can restructure how rape is perceived in the world. When we stop acting shy and embarrassed about sex overall – we can take a magnifying glass to sexual assault.


Molestation. Say it. Mo-les-tayyy-shun. 


Have you ever even said the word “sexual” out loud before? You know how many people can’t do it without blushing, but have children? It’s scary.

Do I want to come to terms with the fact that one of my children could be sexually assaulted or molested in the future? No, but it’s a possibility. If you’ve watched Law & Order SVU even once in your life you’ve seen a real life rape story. Just like you get sexually aroused when you focus on an object of desire, there is someone out there that gets aroused when someone tells them no. Even more when they decline an advance or push them away. That person is fully capable of plotting their next attack and executing it perfectly. Rape can be completed so well that even the victim is left unsure, but if she thinks she was raped – chances are she was. Believe her, and help her find out what happened. Even if she decides not to pursue any criminal charges – support her. More likely than not – she’s telling the truth.

He gave qualudes to “at least one woman,” “and other people,” according to the deposition. Moral of the story – accolades or wealth don’t make an individual any less of a sexual deviant.

Other people?

*Gasp!* Oh yes honey, men get raped, too. Stay tuned to see what happens next…


“Truth doesn’t have an expiration date…” – Beverly Johnson

BEFOREPLAY: A Sexual Health Campaign That Works…


The more I work with Beforeplay.org, the more I appreciate their strides in the sex health world. I pride myself in aligning with other brands that share the same goals and vision, this site is no different. Having sex discussions is not easy, but it’s so necessary for the health and wellness of our world. Check out why Beforeplay.org is a sexual health campaign that works.

By: Greta Klingler

(Family Planning Supervisor, Colorado Department of Health and Environment)

Few things change a person’s life more than becoming a parent. Moving in together, making the choice to commit to a partner for life, changing jobs or rerouting career paths, even buying a car or a home are all huge commitments that certainly change lives in major ways, but there is a major difference between these and getting pregnant. These other things rarely, if ever, happen by accident or without prior planning.

What does happen on accident are nearly half of all pregnancies in Colorado.  So why do so many people find themselves dealing with an “oops” pregnancy?



Unintended pregnancy is a serious issue with long-term implications, and it’s not just among teens, as some might think. The highest numbers of unintended pregnancy occur among young adults ages 18-29 – more than 15,000 of them each year according to the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE).  Lack of knowledge about and access to contraception, as well as a certain ambivalence about pregnancy – if it happens, it happens.  Unintended pregnancy can bring real-life consequences to all those involved. Women – and some men – experiencing an unintended pregnancy are less likely to graduate from high school or college, often limiting opportunities to earn a living. Women are also more at risk for intimate partner violence, limited prenatal care (sometimes because of denial that they are pregnant), pre-term labor or having a low-birth weight baby which creates health risks for the child. And children born as the result of an unintended pregnancy are affected as well.  They have a higher risk of experiencing developmental delays, abuse and neglect, learning difficulties and are less likely to be breastfed which can impact their health.  The whole family, communities and our state are affected by unplanned pregnancies.

Over the past seven years, several key players in Colorado have undertaken a multi-faceted approach to address various barriers to individuals planning their pregnancies.  Great strides are being made – capturing the attention of the health care and policy community in the state and around the country – and lives are being improved.  Making contraceptive services more widely available, removing the barriers women face to using the most effective contraceptive methods, advocating for policies, and enhancing knowledge and normalizing conversations about sexual health.



One of the most innovative aspects is Beforeplay.org, a dynamic public awareness campaign to help young adults ‘Just Talk About It’ o reduce unintended pregnancy in Colorado, particularly among young adults ages 18-29, by normalizing the conversation about sexual health, birth control, STDs,pregnancy planning and other sexual health issues. Using a fresh, realistic look – and sometimes an edgy tone to help break through the noise that surrounds the target audience – Beforeplay.org is relevant to people, and takes on a new look and feel for a public health campaign.  Beforeplay.org provides accurate health information and tools for young adults in Colorado that encourage them to have healthy, informed conversations about sexual health. Beforeplay.org was developed based on statewide research regarding attitudes toward family planning, birth control and STDs and is a partnership of the Colorado Initiative to Reduce Unintended Pregnancy and CDPHE.

Beforeplay.org is anchored by a website (in English and Spanish) that uses an age-appropriate tone to encourage young adults to take control of their sexual health with risk-reduction strategies to lead happier, healthy lives and plan for the future. The website features useful tools for young adults including conversation starters to help  with discussions with partners, friends, family and healthcare providers; a birth control method selector that presents key details about different methods; and a comprehensive health center locator to link young adults to  health providers.


Since its launch in February 2012, Beforeplay.org has received an amazing response and growing engagement from young adults in Colorado.  The website has attracted more than 3 million views, more than 25,000 people are Facebook fans and people are “just talking about it” through social media and in person.  Various fun posts – like Spring Fever memes – and informatives ones focusing on timely birth control info or issues related to men’s sexual health issues are regular features.

Beforeplay.org staff and more than 170 volunteers also connects with Coloradans at Rockies games, bar crawls, concerts, campuses across the state, art walks and other events helping create a positive atmosphere for thinking and talking about sexual health issues. Sometimes having someone you don’t know broach these issues opens the door for conversations with partners in the future

Beforeplay.org is a major component of a larger state effort to increase access family planning services and information that is being linked to substanital decreases in teen and overall fertility rates, subsequent teen births, the number of abortions in Colorado and other significant improvements in health and well-being. Because Beforeplay.org is part of a broader strategy, it will be challenging to specifically identify its impact on reducing unintended pregnancies in Colorado.  That said, it is certainly filling a large void that existed to create a space for people to get information, tips and connected to health care they need – and making these topics ones worth talking about.

Best Part about Being a Dad – From Dads.


I love polling real-life people on their feelings, and what better time to do that than Father’s Day? Today, I got great feedback from quite a few fathers today, and I am honored to bring you some of their comments.

Dads!! What’s your favorite part about being a dad? What scared/scares you the most about it? What would you tell youngins wanting to get a girl pregnant?



Reg – “That you get to see things thru a child’s eyes one more time is the coolest thing in the world.”

Chris – The best part is watching them grow and learning to do things on their own. I hate it when they’re sick, because I wanna do everything in my power to make my child feel better but all I can do is take them to the doctor and hope it’s nothing serious.


Photo Credit: debilevine.com

John – “I think everything about being a father is my favorite part. I just love my girls and being with them and around them. The one thing I will miss when they get older is just have them laying on top of me sleeping it’s a peaceful moment.”

“My only fear is not being around to raise via death I’ve never been afraid to die until I had kids I want to be there for them and raise them show them a better way.”

“If a youngin’ doesn’t have his life together I’ll tell him to wait having a kid is a blessing but you gotta have yourself together first before having one.”


Photo Credit: Patheos.com

Andre – “I have a lot of favorite parts, I love watching them learn n them showing me what they know. Both my sons get super excited about learning something new I love it! I was the same way with my pops. The scariest thing is worrying about them getting hurt , not talking scraping n bruises . Talking getting into a bad fight or a bad accident. I was kinda the same way with my younger brother coming up, its a lil worse with my sons.”


Photo Credit: Rutgers.edu

Donald – “No one before has ever depended on you for existence and survival. Not even your wife. That is immense responsibility. The urgency. The immediacy. You can hold them in your hand. And you blink and you need two. And then you blink twice and they are subsisting and motivating on their own. They are faster and smarter than any adult will ever be without the poison of opinion and grey. In their existence it either is or it isn’t and i marvel at that.”

“They force you to be better people and to consider things that were formerly off the table.”

“And you love with no conditions. If you faithful. If you dont get fat. If you have a job. If you do what i say. If i dont outgrow you. Not a single one of those applies to the love you have for a child.” 

“I fall in love daily. I cry at all milestones amd i relish every second. With the understanding that some day she will probably think im the lamest fucking dinosaur ever and my invincibility was a childhood myth. Amd that sometimes Im not a nice person and my choices are not always right. And even after that it would still all be worth it.”

“You probably didn’t ask for all that but such is life.”


Photo Credit: roditeljstvo.com

Errol: “Favorite part = watching him learn and grow while figuring things out, watching him do this for the first time really touched my heart a man in the making.”

“Scariest part = one day his mother gonna get hit by lighting and I won’t be there to see it, other than that scariest thing is watching him in pain or sick. I [baby] up quick, I almost slapped the doctor when he had to get his shots for the first time. “


Photo Credit: funeralbutterflies.com

Franc – “Id tell men to prepare your self for the beauty and headache of being a father 33% of every dollar you earn should go to your child… Respect and honor the mother no matte what… Throw your pride out the window… Educate yourself …”


I’d love to keep this going. Feel free to add your feedback in the comments below. What’s the best part of being a dad?

HPV Vaccines + Screenings May Reduce Cervical Lesions


New breakthroughs in HPV Vaccines studies are very encouraging in the sex health world. Not only do we need to build awareness on STDs and the dangers they can lead to, but we need to study these diseases to watch how they evolve and progress. Hopefully these advances can help control and ultimately eradicate the disease overall…

A new analysis indicates that rates of high-grade cervical lesions decreased in young US women after vaccines were made available to protect against human papillomavirus (HPV), but the trend may be due in part to changes in cervical cancer screening recommendations. Published early online in CANCER, a peer-reviewed journal of the American Cancer Society, the study illustrates some of the challenges in monitoring a vaccine’s impact during a time of concurrent changes in screening.

More than half of high-grade cervical lesions, which are abnormal tissue changes that can lead to cancer, are caused by persistent HPV infection that can be prevented if a person receives an HPV vaccine. Monitoring trends in the incidence of these lesions is helpful for evaluating the impact of HPV vaccination.

A team led by Susan Hariri, PhD, of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, found that in the first few years after HPV vaccination was introduced in the United States (2008-2012), there were large and uniform declines in high-grade cervical lesions in young women across the country who were aged 18 to 20 years, and to a lesser extent, in women aged 21 to 24 years.

Dr. Hariri noted that high-grade cervical lesions are asymptomatic and can only be detected through routine cervical cancer screening. Because screening recommendations were changing during the time period of this study, the investigators also looked at trends in cervical cancer screening utilization. “In particular, screening is no longer recommended in women before age 21 years, and we found substantial declines in screening in 18 to 20 year olds that were consistent with the new recommendations,” said Dr. Hariri. While screening also declined in 21 to 24 year old women, the decreases in screening were much smaller. “We think that the decreases in high-grade lesions in this group reflect changes in screening but also may be partially due to HPV vaccination.” Dr. Hariri added that the greatest benefit of HPV vaccination—reducing the burden of cervical cancer and other HPV-associated cancers—will take many years to evaluate because of the long lag time between infection with HPV and the development of cancer.

In an accompanying editorial, Harinder Brar, MD and Allan Covens, MD, of the University of Toronto, stated that the study is significant because it is the first to look at the incidence trends of high-grade cervical lesions in the post-vaccination era. “The study highlights that while preliminary data demonstrates a drop in… incidence rates, the results may be confounded by the changes in cervical screening guidelines.”


Source: Wiley Science Newsroom

How to Use a Penis Ring feat. The Butterfly


Have you always wanted to learn how to use a penis ring?

I finally got my husband in front of the camera with me – so we reviewed the Adam and Eve  Company’s Butterfly Couple’s Ring together.

I can’t wait to hear what you think! 


How to Use a Penis Ring

 The Butterfly’s Specs:

7 Speeds


Silicone Material


Clitoral + Penis Stimulation


A penis ring is a great toy for couples who are looking to gently add something new in the bedroom without overwhelming the other partner. Some people aren’t into “toys,” but their lover may be.

Now that you’ve fallen in love with The Butterfly Penis Ring – you want one, don’t ya?

Well – today’s your lucky day.

Enter my giveaway and win a Butterfly of your own!

It’s also my birthday month – so get in your birthday suit and have fun on my behalf!

The Butterfly Couple’s Ring Giveaway


Now that you’ve fallen in love with my  Butterfly Penis Ring  Review – you want one, don’t ya?

Well – today’s your lucky day.

Enter my giveaway* and win a Butterfly of your own!

*Please be sure to complete  ALL required entries for a chance to win.

a Rafflecopter giveaway




It’s also my birthday month – so get in your birthday suit and have fun on my behalf!

Myths VS Truths – Sex and Intimacy


As human beings, we often grow up with certain misconceptions about sex and intimacy. We pick them up from chatting with friends, watching tv – movies, too. Can you think of any questions you’re unsure of? Have you ever wanted answers to some of the myths you’ve heard?

Barbara Lee, author of the book Sacred Sex: Replacing the Marriage Ethic with a Sexual Ethic, who coaches organizations and people all around the world in making healthy sexual choices, says it is time to get real about what to expect from sex and intimacy.

Barbara speaks some truth about sex myths many people have been lead to believe.

Myth – You must orgasm to be satisfied.

Truth – Sometimes sexual interaction does not produce an orgasm and that is perfectly fine. It is not a sign of failure if you don’t have an orgasm or if your partner doesn’t have an orgasm. Stress, health issues, sleepiness or even an unexpected leg cramp can all act as deterrents to a sexual climax, but that doesn’t mean that sex isn’t still enjoyable, fulfilling and intimate.

“Don’t believe the myth and fake an orgasm,” Lee says. “If you are too concerned about how you or your partner ‘performs’ then you are not spending enough time relaxing, being authentic and enjoying yourself.”

Myth – Men are always in the mood and ready for sex.

Truth – Men are not sex machines in perpetual motion just waiting for their next opportunity to engage and explode. Men are sometimes not in the mood. A man’s sexual desire has a lot to do with his own sense of self-worth, his emotional state and his comfort with his partner. Sexual interest naturally comes and goes, it ebbs and flows. Even for men.

Myth – No one wants to be caught cheating.

Truth – Many people, particularly women, have affairs because they want to be caught. They want the affair to call attention to the problems in the marriage. They want the affair to be the catalyst that ends the marriage so that they can move on. Sometimes they need the assurance of a new relationship before they feel they can leave an unhappy one.

Myth – Affairs break up marriages.

Truth – Affairs do not create problems within a marriage. Affairs are what people do when they are unable, for whatever reason, to deal directly with the problems they are having with their partner. When two people are having difficulties, an affair allows them to “blame” the cheating partner or even the third party.

Myth – Sex addiction is all about sex.

Truth – Sex addiction is not so much about sex as it is about unresolved issues within the individual. There are generally underlying issues of shame and lack of self-worth that fuel a need for outside affirmation. Responding to this by heaping on additional layers of shame is not productive and in fact can contribute to the very problem that needs to be solved.

Check out Barbara’s websites for more information on her writings. She’s an amazing resource for sex and intimacy education. 



Hustler Hollywood Gets a Facelift – Larry Flynt Interview


Guess who snagged an interview with the iconic Larry Flynt? Me! We chatted about Hustler Hollywood and the sleek, sexy new look it’s been re-birthed with. While I thought the original logo was cute, this new typography style is far more sleek, sexy and discreet – just like Hustler stores…

Larry Flynt Hustler Hollywood


Kimi LeVadge – What inspired the new look of HUSTLER HOLLYWOOD?

Larry Flynt –  It was time to modernize and create a more sophisticated look for the brand.  It’s a reflection of our products and our customers. 

K.L.V. – How has being a pioneer in the adult industry shaped the direction of HUSTLER in 2015?

Flynt – Being a pioneer requires that you take chances and anticipate change. We are constantly doing that in all of our businesses, from publishing to retail to gaming.  You can’t be stagnant – evolving with the times and knowing what people want now and in the future is important.  I also learned very early that diversification is key, as technology is constantly changing.  That’s why there are so many different, successful businesses under the LFP umbrella. 

K.L.V. – Do you use social media? If so, which one’s your favorite? If not – would you?

Flynt: I have a twitter account, but no Facebook page.

K.L.V. – Your company is doing great and is secretly a household name. Are people becoming more comfortable with sex?

Flynt – Absolutely people are becoming more comfortable, as they should be.  Barriers are breaking down little by little, but changes are happening.  The media, from blogs to TV shows and movies to news programming, is accelerating the shift in attitude. The information that is infiltrating the mainstream is allowing people to realize that it’s okay to like sex and talk about it freely and openly


About the new Hustler Hollywood

“Shedding the flaming heart and sporting a sleeker, bolder logo, HUSTLER HOLLYWOOD is completely rebranding itself as a smarter, sexier and unapologetic modern lifestyle conglomerate.

Refocusing its attention on a wide range of products, HUSTLER HOLLYWOOD now offers both HUSTLER and non-HUSTLER apparel, accessories, gifts, jewelry, beauty, lingerie and swimwear items. Every HUSTLER HOLLYWOOD store will now provide a full, broad and diverse shopping experience with consumer interest specifically in mind.

Along with a new logo comes a new look for the stores themselves.  Ten of the current 13 locations have undergone remodels within the past two years, and the facelifts are providing a sleek, sophisticated look and feel to enhance the enjoyable shopping experience.

The re-branding is powered by the new tagline: “Smart. Sexy. Unapologetic.” The statement embodies HUSTLER HOLLYWOOD’s mission, vision and attitude in the spirit of the Company’s compelling, iconic founder, Larry Flynt.

“In the past year, we have developed an experienced and qualified team of professionals from a variety of backgrounds, bringing a fresh approach to our business,” said Philip Del Rio, HUSTLER HOLLYWOOD’s Vice President of Retail Operations, who himself has a background in fashion retail, with companies such as Ed Hardy, AG Jeans and Superdry. “With a new brand and new mindset, we’re ready to take our stores and our customers to the next level.”

Be on the lookout for a HUSTLER HOLLYWOOD store near you, as expansion continues with four additional locations planned to open before the end of this year.

For more information, please visit our website hustlerhollywoodstores.com and check us out on social media @HustlerStores”

Hustler Hollywood

Sex, Fitness and You – The Ultimate Threesome


Sex, Fitness and You – The Ultimate Threesome

Preserve Your Sex and Maintain Your Sexy…

[tweetthis]We all know that exercise can help you stay healthy, but did you know it can boost your sex drive?[/tweetthis] Yes, your workouts can help get your sex life (back) in shape. Today, I’ll give you easy ways to boost energy, rev up your sex drive and get your body to look how you feel – sexy.


Sex in the Kitchen


First, let’s talk about my favorite topic – food. As the saying goes; ”abs are built in the kitchen” and so is    the libido. Eating certain foods can release hormones that put you in the mood, and you don’t need any   special recipes or fancy chefs either. Here are six libido – boosting foods, in no particular order.

  1. Oysters – Packed with zinc (a mineral that helps fertility), this crustacean also contains antioxidants and other trace elements needed for sexual function. Try sprinkling a little lemon on an oyster during     dinner, you may notice easier arousal during sexy time.
  2. Yohimbe – This African herb has been used as an aphrodisiac for centuries and is known as the natural Viagra. The yohimbe tree bark contains the natural chemical yohimbine and can be found in energy drinks and sports supplements.
  3. Broccoli – Added to your salad or next to a nice steak, the Vitamin C in them helps with blood circulation and is also known to increase female sex drive.
  4.    Watermelon – Yes, seriously. At 92% water, watermelon filled with a nutrient called Citruline that ultimately relaxes the blood vessels to increase blood flow. Similar to the effects of Viagra, you may be able to skip the little blue pill. Now you see why Beyonce was drinking it.
  5. Eggs – No matter how you like to eat them, eggs are loaded with protein which boosts stamina, and L-arginine which has been used to treat erectile dysfunction. Plus, they’re low in calories – so you can burn some in the bedroom instead.
  6. 6. Ginseng – University of Hawaii researchers discovered that using ginseng supplements boosted women’s libido in a month, with many saying their overall sex life improved as well. The root has been used    since ancient times as an aphrodisiac in many different cultures. Ask any of your Jamaican friends what Bedroom Bully or Baba Roots are – they know…

Read: “Eat Better Food, Have Better Sex”


In the Gym

[tweetthis]Just like food and sex, fitness and stamina go hand in hand.[/tweetthis] Working out can increase blood flow to the genitals and pump out the hormones necessary for sex drive. Try simple moves like squats, leg lifts and reverse crunches at home for a “head start,” then turn it up a notch at the gym to really go hard.

Weighted machines will not only help you burn fat, they increase the ability to produce hormones like testosterone, estrogen and serotonin. In addition, the muscles you work then begin to burn more fat, which eventually sculpts your entire body. Just imagine, your visual sexy will match how you feel in no time. You’ll typically begin to see visible results in two to three weeks.


Leg Adductor

Sex and Fitness I call these [tweetthis]“Power #Kegels.”[/tweetthis] While pushing the weights inward on the leg adductor (inner thing muscles) machine, squeeze your vaginal muscles. Release them when you open your legs to do the next rep, and squeeze again as you push inward. This move alone can help increase the strength of your vaginal walls, as well as fight incontinence and urinary tract infections. Don’t worry fellas, these moves are not only for women. Maintaining control of the kegel muscles can help men hold longer, stronger erections as they are better able to control blood flow to the penis.


Lying (Prone) Leg Curls

Sex and Fitness

Lying (Prone) Leg Curls are for those looking for a rounder, stronger looking butt. Three sets of ten and you will feel it in the morning. Start by lying face down on the machine, brace your abdominal muscles against the bench and place the cushions above your Achilles tendons (the narrow part above your heel). Lift steadily until the weights will go no higher, bringing your feet towards your cheeks. Lower your legs gently, and start again. This move not only works on the gluteus muscles, but strengthens the lower back as well. Get that arch ready, ladies.


Gym Tip: While doing leg curls, keep your toes pointed out and your feet aligned with each other. Don’t turn your ankles in or out, which allows for better control and avoids injury.


Assisted Crunches work great if you are recovering from surgery or just had a baby. This simple machine supports the back while allowing you to use your abdominal muscles to raise your torso upward. Three sets of twenty will allow your muscles time to adjust, but still gives you some burn around the second to third rep.


The Stair Climber

Sex and Fitness


The Stair Climber is my least favorite machine. We have a love-hate relationship; I hate getting on it, but I love the way my booty looks. Using this machine 2-3 times a week can really tone up the thighs and butt muscles. Choose a comfortable level to start off with, download a movie to your phone and go ham. 30 minutes is the ideal duration for this workout.


Weighted Ball Crunches

Sex and Fitness Photos

Weighted Ball Crunches are a little more advanced, but give serious results. This move works the upper and lower abdominals and also strengthens the arms. Three sets of ten are suggested for beginners.


[Abdominal Curls]

Sex and Fitness

There are a few different kinds of Abdominal Curl machines at most gyms, choose the one that is most comfortable for your skill level. The machine pictured allows you to use your arms to support the weights, but puts all the effort on your abs. Do this one until “failure”; when you cannot do any more.


After a day or two of these workouts, you’ll be walking like Robocop, but in about two weeks you will see results that you may not expect. Not only will you start to look the way you want, but you’ll feel it, too. Part of your sex drive is affected by confidence levels, so loving the way you look in the mirror plays a big role in how you get down when you’re naked. Try these simple moves, the worst that can happen is you get a little sexier…


Have you started a new workout regimen? Do you want to? Weigh in, let’s talk! 


National Masturbation Month Facts


As we bring National Masturbation Month to a close, wouldn’t it be nice to see what other people are doing with their hands? AdamAndEve.com created a great visual to help us understand that we’re not alone – even when we are. Learn who’s touching what in this nifty infographic. Not only does it help to know how many people are masturbating, it’s a great way to open up about self-pleasure and what makes you (or your partner) tick.

Most women stated that they had their first orgasm between the ages of 18 and 24; a surprisingly large range!

National Masturbation Month