Life; What it Means to be Pansexual…


Our favorite LGBT advocate, Charlie gives a quick, yet vivid look into what it means to be a Pansexual individual. You may have heard the word being used lightly, like when artist Angel Haze discussed her pansexuality. Take a peek into Charlie’s world and perhaps you may gain some insight…


According to Webster’s Dictionary, Pansexuals are “people who exhibit or imply many forms of sexual expression.”

In Layman’s terms, I date, love have sex with anyone regardless of their genitalia or gender expression. I have had people in utter awe because some find it to be a mind fuck, more so because they are forced to realize that there are so many different people who I date. I can be attracted to anyone across the gender expression spectrum, from trans folks to intersex folks to those who identify as gender-fluid and I could never forget cis gendered folks. For those wondering what cis-gendered is, it means that your gender identity matches the sex you were assigned at birth. None the less, even with all of the “options” of being able to date. The best way I can make the connection to those who are heterosexual or otherwise is, we all have a preference as far as how feminine, masculine our partners are, including but not limited to how they dress, facial/body features, characteristics, y’all get the point. For a Pansexual, it is literally the same thing just without their “sexual organs” being apart of the equation.

How did this all come about for me you ask?

When I was in my freshman year of high school, I came out to friends and fellow classmates as Bi-sexual. Back then people believed that there was no way that bisexuals could actually exists. It was either you liked one or the other. Responses like “y’all are just greedy” and “you must be confused” shadowed my chosen sexual identity. Even after coming out as a Lesbian and later on as Queer, the confusion persisted but definitely became much more watered down as it seemed people became more comfortable with celebrities coming out as Gay, Lesbian or Queer as well. But even with my final I.D. I did not feel as comfortable. Something about the other identities I claimed did not fully encompass who I was attracted to nor who I enjoyed sex with. If you didn’t know, now you know, there is a difference between who you love and choose to be in a relationship with and people you just enjoy sex with. That may be best left for another article. Currently and finally, I identify as a Pansexual.

Now, it seems the other reason that a lot of people don’t know about Pansexuals is because our sexual preference can cloak us in other sexual identifiers such as heterosexual, bisexual, gay or lesbian at any given moment. For those out there reading this and feeling like we are tricking people, being greedy or whatever other thing you may think, refer back to the first paragraph of this article. It is really that simple.

People like what they like, are attracted to all sorts of other folks and although many people don’t want to admit it, genitals is the last thing that attracts us to another person.

Have a question for Charlie? Send it to us anonymously – don’t be afraid to ask!


  1. Wow! This is fascinating as I simply did not have a clue about pansexual. I love being educated and knowing what is happening around me and possibly with those in my circle.

    Thank you Sis!

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