The Mama Glow Miami Event with Latham Thomas and Tracy Mourning

The Mama Glow Miami Event with Latham Thomas and Tracy Mourning

This week, I had the honor of attending Latham Thomas’ Mama Glow meet-up. South Beach set the mood for a beautiful Miami day, and the event did not disappoint. It was a day of meditation, relaxation and reflection for mothers, expecting mamas and ladies hoping to start families.

En route to the Mama Glow event
En route to the Mama Glow event

We began by introducing ourselves and despite our varying professions, most of us had common ground in blogging or website ownership.  After getting the formalities out of the way, Latham initiated a brief meditation session; chanting “om” and allowing ourselves to expel the rushed energy we built up navigating the metro traffic. It was awesome. She talked about the importance of mothers taking time for themselves, and allowing time for personal restoration and care. Health and sexual energy was a great topic of discussion, as we can’t make babies without both factors.

My cousin (and fellow mommy blogger) Jheanell (Belle Jheanell) met a lovely lady on our way into Soho Beach House, and flowed into the event in the breeze of her aura. To our surprise, that beautiful spirit was Tracy Mourning. She engaged us with her life story, struggles and triumphs – right before sharing her non-profit lovechild; HoneyShine, Inc. I fell in love with the concept, and hope to work with her very soon.


Tracy Wilson Mourning

About HoneyShine:

Founded as the Honey Shine Mentoring Program in 2002 by Tracy Wilson Mourning Honey Shine has grown in many ways over the last 10 years, in 2010 Honey Shine received 501c3 status as Honey Shine, Inc.  Honey Shine’s mission is to encourage the balance of mind, body and soul in girls and young women by providing nurturing experiences that enlighten their paths and empower their future.

The “Aspire to Shine” workshops offered to the girls in the program, who are affectionately called ‘Honey Bugs’, address life-skill lessons and educational experiences that involve: health, nutrition, sex, and drug education; career mapping and education.

Workshops are held at a variety of South Florida attractions outside of the girls’ own communities; to help them in the development of personal goals, self-respect and self-esteem; financial literacy; journaling, self-exploration and expression.

Latham and Tracy shared the floor gracefully, and Mama Glow had my attention. The concept not only revolves around mothers, but around women as a whole. We all share the same organs, and deserve the same level of care.

Latham Thomas

About Mama Glow:

Mama Glow is an abundant, radiant energy that comes from within. It’s about your initiation, birthing yourself as a powerful woman, as you prepare to give birth to your bundle of joy. Birth is our rite of passage, and Mama Glow is our birth rite—to walk in grace, power, and wisdom, to have understanding, reverence, and trust in our bodies. Having faith in the benevolent universe and being an active participant in the co-creation of your fabulous life. This act of standing in your power ignites a force within that glows from the inside out. It’s a personal style that reflects confidence, beauty, radiance, and balance.

Different walks of life, united by the desire to find happiness within ourselves. The discussions touched on a myriad of topics; settling around motherhood, fertility and taking care of self. What felt like an hour was actually four, and we walked out feeling renewed, refreshed and bonded. I met a group of awesome women who may never be in the same space ever again. Like Ice Cube said – “today was a good day.

Group Shot at MamaGlow with Latham Thomas
South Beach, Miami Fl
South Beach, Miami

South Florida Mommy Bloggers
Belle Jheanell, Kimi LeVadge and Chanell Nicole – mommy bloggers



  1. Mamma Glow looked to be an amazing event, as a pregnant blogging mom an event like this would be right up my alley 🙂 What a wonderful idea for a not-for-profit (HoneyShine). Many of our youth aren’t taught the basic teachings they will learn with HoneyShine, I love the concept and look forward to seeing what the two of you cook up 🙂

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