Female Ejaculate: What Is It and Where Does it “Squirt” From?

Female Ejaculate: What Is It and Where Does it “Squirt” From?










I have a question for your website ..

What is female ejaculation made of and where exactly does it “squirt” from?


Excellent question! As women become more in tune with their bodies, they are able to differentiate out what makes them feel good from what makes them feel REAL GOOD. Female ejaculation comes from various levels of stimulation that may occur differently in each woman. Finding what works for you may take a little practice and a lot of exploration…


Like Stonehenge, solar eclipses, and countless other wonders of nature, female ejaculation has provoked both awe and controversy. Because the fluid in question is expelled from the urethra upon orgasm, many researchers, women, and their partners believed that the phenomena of female ejaculation was really just a loss of bladder control. The book, The G Spot, by sex researcher and educator Beverly Whipple, Alice Ladas, and John Perry, broke through the silence and embarrassment that surrounded female ejaculate, leading many to G Spot joy.


Now researchers believe that female cum is produced by the Skene’s glands, which are located near a woman’s urethra and are made of tissue that’s similar in composition to a man’s prostate gland. These researchers point to chemical analysis of female ejaculate that reveals the presence of high levels of prostatic acid phosphatase (a chemical secreted by the prostate gland and found in semen). This would seem to indicate that a woman’s ejaculation is similar in composition to semen — without the sperm, of course. Female ejaculate is not pee. It’s generally clear or somewhat milky, nearly odorless, and maybe a little sweet.



Although modern science may not know exactly yet what female ejaculation is, women who experience it, and the intense orgasms that usually accompany it, are only too happy to conduct their own experiments, and direct partners with cries of, “Oh, yes, right there… THERE!”

 Read: “Squirting 101 – Can You Master the Phenomenon?”








  1. does ejaculation always accompany an orgasm? or is it possible to ejaculate without or prior to getting an orgasm?

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