Hey Kimi – another random one, lol. This stems from a vine video I just watched…

This is an excellent example of how urban legends and street chatter can change how we look at sex. Many of us don’t know much about bodily functions, and the smart people don’t want to run the risk of infection. I definitely appreciate the individuals who take it upon themselves to research sex health information – no matter how unique the questions may be.
This gentleman typed in “Pussy Bubbles,” but let’s get a little more medical with our query. Vaginal bubbles can be put into two different categories:
Foamy Substance (Bubbles) On the Vagina:
Typically, any liquid or foam that forms on the vagina is caused by infection. If you watched How to Get Away With Murder last night, Professor Annalise Keating discussed a father and son who contracted Trichomoniasis from the same woman. Sounds gross, but it’s totally possible. According to the CDC (Centers of Disease Control):
“Trichomoniasis is considered the most common curable STD. In the United States, an estimated 3.7 million people have the infection, but only about 30% develop any symptoms of trichomoniasis.”
Symptoms of “trich” can vary from being asymptomatic (no symptoms at all) to severe inflammation (swelling and irritation of the genitals. In men, there may be a burning sensation during urination – which is usually the telltale sign.
“Women with trichomoniasis may notice itching, burning, redness or soreness of the genitals, discomfort with urination, or a thin discharge with an unusual smell that can be clear, white, yellowish, or greenish.”
Sex can be painful while suffering from trichomoniasis, and symptoms can last from months to years if untreated.
Air Bubbles Coming Out of the Vagina:
These are more popularly known as Queefs. Sometimes, air gets trapped in the vaginal cavity and leaves the vagina sounding like a “fart.” This is known as “vaginal flatulence,” and often happens after vaginal childbirth and (more commonly) immediately after sexual intercourse.
About Queefs:
- Usually Odorless
- Does not contain methane gas like rectal gas
- Can be a sign of more serious issues like genital prolapse or rectovaginal fistulas
Read more about Vaginal Prolapse – “Can My Vagina Fall Out?”
The action of queefing is biologically normal, but may be considered embarrassing. One great way to minimize vaginal flatulence is to get and keep the pelvic floor and vaginal walls strong through kegel exercises.
Video Tutorial: How to Use Smart Balls (Kegel Balls)
Building stronger vaginal muscles reduces air entry into the vagina by clenching more tightly during sex. Adding a drop or two of lubricant may also help by reducing friction between the penis and vagina.
If you feel discomfort or are unsure if your symptoms are “normal,” please seek the advice of a medical profession.
Sound Off: Have you ever experienced a “queef?”
Send me your awkward questions to contact@vforvadge.com
Follow Me on Instagram for daily sex facts and tips.
Thanks again for reading!
I think it’s important to note that “queefing” is not typically a sign of genital prolapse or rectovaginal fistulas… I’d venture to say that 99.999% of the time it’s because air was pushed inside the vagina, usually during rough sex or sex with a large-membered man or large dildo…. Also, certain positions can allow air to become trapped inside the vagina, like doggystyle, because gravity let’s the vaginal canal hang down (doesn’t mean it’s loose, it’s just gravity). Queefing is not a sign of looseness, dryness, age, disease, or anything else. If you’re queefing a lot and it bothers you, switch positions or tell your partner to go easy on you.
Absolutely, you so get me! Queefing is totally normal, and really should only cause alarm if it’s preceded or followed by pain or discomfort.