The Gift They Can’t Help But Grab…

The Gift They Can’t Help But Grab…

The Gift They Can’t Help But Grab – Pussy.


Everyone likes getting surprise mail, right? Imagine how much your friends (or ex friends) would love a special, unexpected package that tells them how you truly feel.


  Now you can send a special message to anyone you’d like (or dislike). Opening a bag of pussy can either be a sweet compliment or the ultimate insult. We won’t offer any specific suggestions…


Each Bag of Pussy includes a reusable sack and top- quality, delicious pussycats. We’ll include a personalized note at your request, with or without your name.

Pussy Mail

Give the gift of Pussy here

Want to make your gift even more “thoughtful?” Send it with glitter on top.

Oh, they’ll love that.


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