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The LELO HEX Story: Made of Honey & Gold

The LELO HEX Story:
 Made of Honey & Gold

Fun Fact: The condom has not been re-engineered in over 60 years and according to Charlie Sheen, “this is NOT your grandfather’s condom.”

LELO HEX is the thinnest, strongest condom to date and was endorsed by comedian and actor Charlie Sheen at the premier of the new condom. The design was inspired by graphene, which is known for its thinness and strength. The hexagon pattern makes this material more flexible and increases resistance from tearing. For those of you who hate when the condom slips off, the LELO HEX condom will hold on for as long as you want it to.

Just before guests could head home and try the condom out for themselves, LELO made sure to have a demonstration station.  Representatives did a number of tests to show just how amazing the new condom is. They stretched and pulled and even poked holes in the condom to show its tear resistance.


To be honest, the LELO HEX condom is also very appealing to the eyes. Especially due to the fact that they had a giant ice sculpture of the condom with RESPECT etched into the shaft of it. Clearly LELO knows how important it is to respect ourselves and others, especially when it comes to safe and amazing sex.

For those of you who haven’t heard of the LELO sex toy brand, you are serious depriving yourself of pure luxury. So much so, that they don’t even call their toys “sex toys”, they call them “pleasure objects”. Let that sink in.

In case there is any doubt that LELO isn’t all about the luxurious life, they are the first sex toy brand to have used 24-karat gold on their sex toys. A demonstrator revealed their 24- karat gold-plated luxury massager, OLGA. When holding the gold-plated dildo, I had to reconsider if diamonds were REALLY a girl’s best friend.




The tasty drink selection was icing on top. As someone with a true oral fixation, I was tickled at the variety of drinks offered and if nothing else, I LOVE my fancies tickled.


To top off the LELO experience, there was an amazing DJ, delicious hors d’oeuvres and finally the gift bag of any sex toy lover. The gift bag was equipped with their 24-karat draped couples massager TIANI, LELO personal lubricant, LELO HEX condoms and a LELO toy cleaner. Talk about treating yo’self! Trust me lovies, there will definitely be a review on these products.


Until next time,

Gay VS Straight: 4 Ways Gay Men Worry More About Dating


Gay VS Straight: 4 Ways Gay Men Worry More About Dating

The irony in a gay vs straight debate is that those paying adequate attention will soon realize that the difficulties faced are eerily similar. I personally found this study extremely interesting and insightful – hopefully you will, too.


Gay VS Straight

Using data from over 20,000 singles, elitesingles.com found that gay men are less confident, less secure, more anxious and feel more misunderstood compared with straight men.

Do gay vs straight men really worry more about their love life? Yes, a new study by popular dating website EliteSingles says, but it doesn’t make them any less happy overall. The large-scale data analysis of users’ responses discovered that, across all the indicators, gay men were demonstrably more neurotic than straight men.

– Over 20,000 American men studied in large-scale member data analysis

– Gay men in the US 3.5% less confident than straight men

– Study also shows them 3% less secure, 2% more anxious and 2% more misunderstood

– Level of happiness on par with straight men however

– UK study had similar results (-3% confident, -3% secure, +4.5% anxious, +3% misunderstood)


Gay VS Straight
via elitesingles.com


Gay men lack confidence: In the study, gay singles in the US were on average a staggering 3.5% down on how confident they felt, compared with the sample group of 10,000 heterosexual men.

Gay men feel more insecure: Gay men also averaged 3% lower on the ‘secure’ scale. The same correlation was seen in the UK study.

Gay men are more ‘anxious about the future’: Gay respondents were 2% more likely to describe themselves as ‘anxious about the future’. This pales in comparison to the UK figure however, which stood at a whopping +4.5%.

Gay men feel more misunderstood: Gay singles were also more likely to feel ‘misunderstood’, scoring 2% higher in this area.

Whilst none of the figures are large enough for concern, the study does identify an interesting behavioral pattern. Though it does seem that gay men worry more, the same analysis also took into account how ‘happy’ respondents felt and produced no significant difference between gay and straight men. With a difference less than 1%, this might suggest that worrying about our love life more actually has little impact on our general happiness.

Gay VS Straight

Resident psychologist at EliteSingles, Salama Marine had this to say: “Lack of confidence can come from a difficult former relationship, or even stem from childhood,” before adding “this can be a real problem whilst dating.”

To build more confidence when dating, Marine suggests these practical steps:

1. Make a list of all your qualities and be honest with yourself. Write down everything you have to offer someone in a relationship. For some people, this exercise can be really helpful because they can – literally – see just how valuable they are on the page in front of them.

2. If you feel that it’s not enough to realize this by yourself, why not talk with your friends? Just by asking simple questions like “Why are you my friend?” and “Why do you like to spend time with me?” you can realize your own value in other people’s eyes and learn to believe that you are a good person to know.

3. Fix reasonable objectives. When people want to change, they tend to forget that it needs to be done step by step – it’s important to fix doable objectives to avoid any disappointment. For example, it’s not easy for everyone to just walk up to someone they like in a bar and start talking to them. In this scenario, online dating can be really helpful; it can help you to realize that meeting and dating completely new people is not a big deal – you just need the practice!


So, the next time you see a gay or straight individual on the dating scene, take a moment to realize that they’re probably going through the same life lessons and challenges as you. After all, no one truly wants to be alone – right?

How to Get Your Body Summer Ready


How to Get Your Body Summer Ready

Summer, winter, spring or fall; no matter what the season, good health equals better penis power. The general condition of your mind and body are reflected in the state of your penis performance. In the summer, it becomes even more important to get and maintain a high level of well-being, both mentally and physically. As the days get longer and warmer, we tend to be more active, and more of our bodies are visible. Dr. Dudley Danoff is back with some tips you’ll need to get your body summer ready.

Get Your Body Summer Ready

Get Fit and Stay Fit

A good exercise program is central to overall health and sexual fitness. It takes energy and strength to make love; the muscles of your arms, legs, back, and abdomen are all involved in the action. If they become flabby, your penis also risks becoming flabby. Build up your muscular strength with weights, push-ups, sit-ups, yoga, or whatever exercise you prefer. The summer is the perfect time to ride your bicycle in the park or take a jog. It is not that you have to get “ripped” or sculpted like an Egyptian god, but it is important to develop muscular strength and flexibility.

As the summer approaches, it’s time to commit to cardiovascular fitness. A vigorous half hour of aerobic exercise four or five times a week is what I recommend for developing and maintaining cardiovascular fitness. Physical inactivity leads to the deterioration of your body as a whole and can also lead to deterioration of your penis power. If you start wheezing or gasping for breath while making love, your penis will get the message that you need rest, and that is exactly what it will do.

Watch What You Eat

As spring turns to summer, it is even more important than ever to pay attention to what you eat. A diet low in saturated fat and high in fiber is the most effective diet to get your body summer ready. The most important factor in getting and keeping a firm erection is blood flow; and It is obvious that super potency depends on clean arteries. Do not gum up the works by ingesting saturated fats and bad cholesterol. If you have ever made love when you felt bloated or constipated, you know how much better you functioned when your digestive system was not overtaxed.Get Your Body Summer Ready

Do not overeat; make sure you consume plenty of fiber within each day. Wining and dining can be romantic, but the romance withers if you overdo either one. Too much alcohol (or any intoxicant) might increase your desire, but will surely diminish your penis power. Too much dining, and you will feel sluggish, heavy, and tired. In addition, a super potent man should be concerned with maintaining good prostate health. Reliable evidence supports a low-fat, high-fiber, and high-protein diet in addition to regular exercise as part of a good overall regimen to keep your prostate healthy year round.

Summer and the goal of weight control go hand-in-hand. Let us face it—it is a lot easier to operate smoothly and vigorously in bed if you are not carrying a twenty-pound belt of blubber around your waist. Not only do real health risks exist when overweight, but for most women, a lean physique is much more attractive. Even more important than how other people see you is your perception of your body. Maintaining a healthy body weight encourages self-confidence and promotes a healthy, positive outlook on life. In addition, if you are overweight and looking down at your penis from above a big belly, you might start thinking of your penis as small because layers of fat obscure so much of it. That in turn will cause you to think small about your penis power.

Get Your Body Summer Ready

Stay Positive

In general and particularly in the summertime, I have found that men with poor body images have some degree of penis weakness. Men who are comfortable with their bodies and are content with their looks have a higher likelihood for super potency. Believe it or not, men with positive body images are not necessarily hunks. Some good-looking, well-built men have far worse body images than men with ordinary bodies. It is all a matter of how you see yourself. Some men are so insecure and vain that if they do not see Brad Pitt when they look in the mirror, they hate their bodies and ultimately spin a pall of negativity over their self-esteem. Others are content with what nature gave them as long as they stay in reasonable shape. In my opinion, every man is capable of attaining a positive body image. As you get ready for a joyful summer, set your own standards of health and fitness and maintain a regular routine.

Looking for more tips to help with bedroom power? Check out Dr. Danoff’s book – “Penis Power.”

Dudley Seth Danoff, MD, FACS, is president and founder of the Cedars-Sinai Tower Urology Group in Los Angeles, a Diplomate of the American Board of Urology, a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons, and the author of two books on men’s health.

Natural Glide Lubricant by VNatural


Natural Glide Lubricant


Looking for a slick sensation, without all the hard to pronounce ingredients?

Natural Glide Lubricant provides a long-lasting, sensual slip for those intimate moments.

Made with all-natural ingredients, this lube is water-based and condom friendly.

The food-based preservative is totally edible; for sex so good – you may want to take a taste…

It’s perfect for solo play, too!




Check out some of the reviews from LeVadge Shop:

June: “I really liked it. It never dried out and it wasn’t thick. No irritation is a major plus.”

Cory: “This Lube is pretty awesome! I like the fact that it didn’t get sticky and dry after a few minutes of using it…”


Get your Natural Glide Lubricant Here

Natural Glide Lubricant


Vnatural was created after I took my pregnant self to the pharmacy looking for natural personal lubricant one night. Not only did I find none, but everything I found had weird chemicals that could harm my unborn child. This inspired the formulation of a food-based lubricant. From there, our focus was to create natural body care products with sensual applications. Infusing our product with aphrodisiacs helps to encourage self-confidence and foster intimacy amongst our customers. To date, we have a cozy lineup of products that are natural and effective.

Safe for everyone – perfect for adults.

Top 5 Questions Every Gay Man Should Be Asking His Doctor, but Isn’t


Top 5 Questions Every Gay Man Should Be Asking His Doctor but Isn’t

No matter the orientation, having medical discussions has been difficult for many men while visiting their doctor. Unless their physician directly addresses the issue, some men may avoid it, even when a serious problem may be present.

Here are five key issues that a gay man should be talking about with his doctor.

Gay Man

1. I’m considering taking an oral erectile dysfunction medication. How will that medication interact with others drugs I’m taking?

Before taking any of the oral erectile dysfunction drugs (such as Viagra), you should consult your doctor and discuss any potential complications with other medications you’re taking.

Unfortunately, use of erectile dysfunction drugs in the gay community is often associated with the abuse of narcotics, especially at sex parties that include the use of crystal methamphetamine, cocaine, ecstasy, or ketamine. The combination of these drugs can and does result in serious cardiac or neurological problems, or both, and is also associated with the spread of sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV and AIDS.

Men taking medication for HIV infections not only are more likely to suffer from erectile dysfunction but also are much more sensitive to the effects of the oral medication. Certain protease inhibitors, the mainstay of treatment for HIV-positive patients, can markedly increase the blood concentration of oral erectile dysfunction drugs and may result in the magnification of both the effectiveness of these drugs and their potential side effects. Therefore, in HIV patients taking these drugs, the smallest possible dose of the PDE-5 inhibitors must be used to achieve adequate performance levels and safety margins that are acceptable.

2. As a gay man, do I need to worry about HPV?

Human papilloma virus (HPV) is the most common sexually transmitted virus in the United States. About 79 million people in the country are currently infected, and about 14 million more get infected each year.

Evidence is mounting that HPV can cause cervical, vaginal, and vulvar cancer in women. Presently, there is an FDA-approved vaccine called Gardasil that is recommended to be given to females between the ages of nine and twenty-six. While Gardasil has predominantly been promoted as an important vaccine for females, the vaccine has benefits for males as well.

In the gay community, HPV has been associated with anal cancer. It is incumbent upon any responsible man to be treated promptly and make his partner aware of his condition should he acquire HPV.

Gay Men

3. If my partner has passed an AIDS test, is it all right for us to have unprotected sex?

Knowing that your partner has passed an AIDS test is not always enough, as the virus can be transmitted before it shows up in a test. When in doubt, you should heed the usual advice about using condoms or avoiding intercourse. Condoms may cramp your style, and, yes, sex feels a lot better without them. But your life is at stake. You can love sex even with latex. You can still exercise your sexual power to your heart’s content. You just have to do it with discernment, caution, and care.

All studies indicate that a primary mode of transmission of HIV/AIDS is through anal sex. The anus is particularly vulnerable to tears in the delicate tissue membrane, which expose the perianal blood vessels as a port of entry for the deadly retrovirus. As a gay man, this information is crucial to staying safe. 

Remember that the entire template of a partner’s prior sexual experience will be permanently tattooed upon you. Those cultures or subcultures that encourage multiple sexual partners greatly facilitate the spread of HIV. The connection between AIDS and anal and oral sex has classically been implicated as the primary route of spread (excluding contaminated needles and blood products). Fellatio by itself can transmit HIV. The deadly virus can, in fact, find its way into your bloodstream through any minor break or crack, either in your skin or in the mucous membranes lining any body cavity.

Since there is no cure, extreme caution in both your choice of sexual partners and your sexual menu becomes your only defense.

4. Is everything normal down there?

Though all men wonder at some point about whether their anatomy is normal in size, shape, or functionality, they don’t always feel comfortable telling their doctor that. Some men may even invent an imaginary friend with a sexual disorder to indirectly express their concerns.  Usually, the conversation starts with some equivalent of the phrase: “Doc, my friend has this problem.” Now, we both know who this “friend” really is.

You don’t need to hide your questions behind a fake friend. If you find yourself wondering, “What’s wrong with it?” or “Why can’t it be bigger and harder?” know that, more than likely, your apparatus is perfectly normal. But if you do have concerns, see a qualified urologist, and don’t be afraid to get personal and ask questions.

When a male patient comes into my office and reluctantly admits that he is having problems, I first try to make him feel comfortable and safe so that we can speak openly and honestly about his situation, and any good urologist will do the same.

Gay men

5.  Should I have a PSA?

One issue that is blind to sexual orientation is prostate cancer. Prostate cancer is one of the most serious health problems in the global community. More than two hundred thousand cases are detected each year in the United States alone.

The best way to beat prostate cancer is with an early diagnosis, and the key to early diagnosis is a yearly digital rectal examination by a qualified examiner, a PSA blood test, and an ultrasonic-guided prostate biopsy, if needed.

The PSA blood test is the male equivalent of the Pap smear and mammogram in women. This is a routine, painless way to potentially detect cancer in time to treat it effectively. A PSA test is recommended as part of a routine annual screening for men over 45. Published data has shown that screening using the PSA in conjunction with a standard, digital rectal examination doubles the detection rate of early prostate cancer.

Though bringing up cancer can feel scary, asking for a PSA screening is one of the best ways you can protect yourself from the threat of prostate cancer.

If any of the above questions—or any others—have been on your mind, don’t wait for your doctor to bring them up. By asking the right questions, you can take charge of your sexual health.

Dudley Seth Danoff, MD, FACS, is president and founder of the Cedars-Sinai Tower Urology Group in Los Angeles, a Diplomate of the American Board of Urology, a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons, and the author of two books on men’s health.

Yoni Egg Poppin’ | VForVadge.com


 “Yoni Egg Poppin'” – by Charlie L’Strange

Our resident melanin goddess, Charlie, has taken on the wonderfully exciting task of exploring the world of Yoni Eggs. In this piece, she uncovers their history, what they do, and her personal experience with nature’s vaginal tightener.

*For your convenience, this post includes affiliate links to help the shopping experience…*


[tweetthis]Unsure what #kegels are? Start here…[/tweetthis]


Over the past month, I decided to purchase my first Yoni Egg. It was one of those things that I had been hearing a lot about and finally decided to get one. As someone who enjoys sex and cares about the general health of my spirit and body, the reviews really drew me in. Every woman who tried it spoke about having better sex with their partner, feeling more connected to their body, their vagina specifically and with their spirit.

And just to be super transparent with y’all, I needed some serious healing on all fronts and I was going to try whatever to get it.

To give you a little history lesson, the yoni egg was originally used by royal families in ancient China. Its purpose was to improve and enhance the spiritual and physical abilities of the women who used it. Strong spirit, strong pussy, right? Yoni is a Sanskrit word meaning sacred space and more specifically refers to the vagina. The Yoni eggs are made of stone and are formed into the shape of an egg. They come in various sizes, depending on the person, and the specific stone is based on what exactly you are trying to accomplish. For myself, I purchased the Rose Quartz stone yoni egg because I need some major healing in the heart department.  In general, yoni eggs can be used to heal past and present relationships, heartbreak, increase creativity, harmonize emotions, reduce PMS and cramps, aids in healing sexual trauma and a lot more.


Yoni Egg


Preparation Time

Although I did extensive research before purchasing my yoni egg, I was still pretty darn skeptical and did not know what to expect when I began using it. I had heard of the egg getting “stuck” and I couldn’t imagine going to the emergency room and explaining that I had put an egg shaped stone in my vagina and couldn’t get it out. But I went for it. Before inserting the egg, I did as I was advised to cleanse the egg. I placed the egg in a cup of water with salt for 3 days. Now, from what I have also gathered, you don’t need to leave it in the water for a certain number of days. One day could also be enough. I then washed it off with Dr. Bronner’s soap. I believe that any Castile or all natural soap will do. I would advise against using any scented soaps as you are going to be putting this thing INSIDE of your body. Next, I charged the egg in the sun and moonlight so that it would have the energy it needed to do its healing work. I am certain that for a few folks are going to be confused as to why you need to “cleanse” and “charge” a stone.  Anything that we receive from other people whether it be clothing, and object, a book, they all come with energies of other people and their experiences. They are “charged” with intentions, ideas, feelings ect.  can affect how that object functions and the purpose it serves. So for a yoni egg, you want it to be super clean for what you want it to do.


Due to the fact that it is a stone that has its own energy, it needs to then be charged up with the most natural and number one energy sources you can find which are the sun and the moon. Some folks have also cleanse and charged their yoni eggs by submerging it in soil to gain the energy from the earth, clearly I skipped that step.  I then meditated with it for a few minutes to activate it. Finally, after 4 days, I was ready.



Yoni Egg
Via “The Hidden Gems” on Amazon

The Experience

So,  I inserted the egg, it was cool and smooth and slid right in. I ordered the smallest one they had available and I was a little shocked that it slid in so easily. I sat up, partially having the irrational thought that the egg would slide so far up inside of me that it would end up somewhere in my intestines. But as I laid there, I honestly could barely feel it. I didn’t want to try to FLEX around it, not yet. I kept it in for around an hour before I decided to remove it.


When I put my finger inside to get a hold of it, my muscles had tightened around it. I thought my worst fears had come true. I took a deep breath and just laid back down. Naturally, I figured, the egg had some more work to do and it might be trying to tell me to just sit back and chill. Two more hours went by with me walking around, using the bathroom, watching a flick, when finally, I squatted down and it slid right out. No pressure applied and absolutely no discomfort. For the next few days, I repeated this routine, even sleeping with the yoni egg inserted for a few hours before it just slide out. Each morning I would wash the yoni egg off, charge it in the sun and reinsert it in the night.


I must say, I didn’t feel super enlightened when I first put it in. But my dreams were the most vivid I had ever had, literally ever. Each one was connected to some sort of trauma I had in the past but had lessons attached. While using the egg just for the week, a few things came up that had to do with past relationships. I had tucked them away and hadn’t dealt with any of them. To me, it was proof that the egg was doing something good. Admitting there is a problem is the first step to recovery. Staring that mug directly in the face is the second.

As for now, I’m going to continue to using the yoni egg until I feel its work is done. I will update y’all in a few!

Keep it cute, k?

All love,


Do you have questions about the yoni egg? Feel free to ask us – contact@vforvadge.com!

Top 5 Ways to Enlarge Sensation, feat. Adam & Eve’s Pleasure Pump


Enlarge the Sensation with Adam & Eve’s Pleasure Penis Pump

Pleasure Pump
Via Adameve.com


Penis pumps are ironically still taboo to talk about, despite men all over the world seeking enlargement and enhancement for their sexual performance. I received a Pleasure Pump from Adam & Eve, and my husband agreed to give it a try on our mini-vacation for his birthday.

He did this for you, guys.

**Note: While I was not paid for this review, I did receive a pump from Adam&Eve in exchange for my honest feedback. I’ve included affiliate links to help your experience, as well**


Pleasure Penis Pump
Via adameve.com


We spent a romantic weekend at the Rennaissaince Cruise Port Hotel in Fort Lauderdale, as a way to let him relax and unwind. He knew I packed the pump, but hadn’t seen it yet. I decided to wine and dine him before bringing out the real treats…


Renaissance Cruise Port Fort Lauderdale


The secret to introducing your partner to a new toy/sexual device, is to let them know ahead of time. While it’s nice to surprise our mates with adventure and exciting sexcapades – it is not usually a desired goal to make them feel uncomfortable. A pleasure/penis pump is one of those toys that can make or break a bedroom romp, if not prepped accordingly. Men can feel intimidated and inadequate as a result of this, so I want to share our experience with you all.


  1. Set the Mood.

The first thing we did was set the mood. I put on my new lingerie and garter belt before dinner, to help elevate my sexy confidence.



2. Create Great Visuals.

Rennaissance Fort Lauderdale Cruise Port Hotel
Renaissance Cruise Port Fort Lauderdale Photo via travelingwiththejones.com

By the time we got back to the room, we had a beautiful sunset view of the Fort Lauderdale skyline. On regular days, we don’t live in a high rise, so another option is to place candles around the room, or soft lights to help please the eye.


3. Elevate the Senses…

In lieu of packing all my toys, I opted to utilize the hotel ice bucket instead. Foreplay is a great time to heighten your partner’s senses and prepare for intercourse. If cold is not your forte, perhaps a tickler or a whip (or this cute combo shown above) is a better fit.


4. Bring in the Pump…

Pleasure Pump

Now that the mood is set, it’s time to introduce the pleasure pump. Following the instructions included is a very important part of the enlargement process. Not only can the pump help increase size, but it can also assist in prolonging erections. Coupled with a penis ring, you may be in for a long night of fun.


The best part of the Triple Play Pleasure Pump is that it’s dual purpose. Not only is it a great pleasure product, but it provides a solution to sexual performance issues many men face for various reasons. The interchangeable sleeves are an awesome way to enjoy the sensations without feeling like you’re in a doctor’s office.

You don’t always have to need a pump to want a change within your bedroom. Penis pumps are a great way to incorporate a device that either partner can control. Don’t take it from me, though – get your own!


Cure Insomnia With – a Shirt?


Cure Insomnia With  – a Shirt?

The National Sleep Foundation is celebrating its annual Sleep Awareness Week March 6th through March 13th, to raise awareness for the health benefits of sleep and its importance to safety and productivity. 

As most people know, I “suffer” from chronic insomnia. It’s an issue I’ve had since I was a child, and am constantly seeking solutions for. I’ve tried a number of remedies; herbal, medicinal, prescription, etc. All of these worked for a period of time (except the prescription one – that’s for another story), but eventually my body gets used to them. I’m a functional insomniac, though – so I can stay awake for weeks before I finally “crash.”

When ActiveEdge contacted me about trying their new activewear – I couldn’t pass up a potential opportunity for sleep. If there is any possible (non-prescription) way to cure insomnia, I want in.

**Note: This is not a paid advertisement. I enjoy sharing my honest feedback, and got this shirt in exchange for my thoughts. **


Active Edge Review

I know you’re wondering – how does Active Edge work?

According to the official website, “Active Edge™ is the first technology capable of infusing and embedding electromagnetic frequencies into fabrics and other materials. Our technology has been tested at the University of Florida Health Shands Hospital, the United States Department of Defense labs, several medical professionals and in several independent labs.”



When you wear an Active Edge™ bracelet or necklace, it has been shown to help the human body perform at a more optimal level. When wearing the product, most people should notice one or many of the following benefits: increased flexibility, range of motion, strength, endurance, and recovery. Many people also experience reduced inflammation in joints, reduction in pain, improved breathing, and enhanced sleep.

 Active Edge

The left image shows a person’s arm before wearing Active Edge™. The right image shows a person’s arm 20 minutes after wearing Active Edge™. You can see the blood flow has cooled the areas in white and red which is helping to reduce inflammation.


The results of the clinical trials show ZERO negative side effects. In addition, Bureau Veritas, a worldwide accepted testing lab, has verified by standard test panel (6509)280-0040, that all standards and consumer protection regulations are passed. Out technology contains no toxins, allergens or harmful properties and is non-microbial. All tests comply with US and international testing regulations.


There are already thousands of people using this technology: everyone from military personnel, pro-athletes, doctors, senior citizen’s and general everyday people looking for an edge to help them perform better.


 Based on our clinical trials, testimonials and personal experiences, Active Edge™ products can benefit many different people and in different ways.

  • Athletes looking to get an improvement in flexibility, strength and recovery.

  • Runners trying to get better times.

  • People looking to get a better night’s sleep. (Aaahh – that’s me!)

  • Senior citizens looking for a reduction in inflammation of the joints.

  • People looking for pain reduction from ailments like arthritis.

  • People looking to give their older dogs a boost. (Yes Active Edge works incredibly well on aging dogs).

Night One: 

So, I slipped into my Active Edge tee last night, watched a little tv – and I have no idea what happened next.


Cure Insomnia

I woke up, and my alarm was going off.

No, seriously.

I did my usual bedtime rituals prior to laying down, and turned on the tv to catch a show I’ve missed (and hopefully doze off towards the end). Well, I caught the opening credits and I draw a blank after.

Night Two: 

Of course, I thought this was a fluke. Perhaps I was exceptionally tired and passed out. I decided to wear my Active Edge shirt again the following night…

Cure Insomnia

I’m not kidding. I put on the same show – same episode and again, I blacked out. It wasn’t like I dozed off at a certain point that I can recall. I really don’t remember anything.


Night Three:

I tried a third night, for good measure.  I felt like the answer to my sleep issue couldn’t be so simple. I’m starting to feel real redundant now. I did a warm oil cleanse on my face to relax, and didn’t even bother with the tv…


I think you know what happened next.

Cure insomnia


I must say, the shirt quality is amazing. It’s pillow soft, but strong material. I have other shirts that feel this way, though – so I doubt that it’s the feel the catalyst for this sudden onset of sleep. I wake up feeling like I want more sleep, which is unusual for me.


I can’t say for sure that the electromagnetic energy is causing the sleep I have experienced. In the same breath, I can’t say it isn’t. What I will say is, I am absolutely willing to buy another shirt and alternate each week. I have been pleasantly surprised this week by how this shirt has made me feel. I’m almost afraid to wash it!

I love you all so much – that ActiveEdge has provided me another shirt to give away! All you have to do is:

Visit Active Edge Gear on Facebook (through the widget below)

Tweet Active Edge on Facebook

Follow them on Twitter

Super easy.


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Check out the Active Edge line up here. They have other products aside from shirts, too.

 So, what do you think? Is it possible this shirt can help cure insomnia?


While you regulate your sleep habits, why not balance your energy, too?

I’ve been enjoying the benefits of caffeine without spilling coffee on myself – thanks to IlMorso bars. They come on different coffee blend flavors and tea, too!




You have to try them yourself to really feel the effects. Check them out at ilmorso.com!

The Diva G – by Adam & Eve


The Diva G – by Adam & Eve

Sometimes, you just want stimulation that’s going to get you to the top in the most powerful way possible. Other times, you want a gentle, yet strong vibration. I present to you – the Diva G…



Diva G


This pretty little thing packs a gentle punch. Seven vibrations, a smooth velvety finish and cute ergonomic design. I think I’ve found one of my favorites.

Some of the features of Adam & Eve’s Diva G: 

Flexible shaft made from silky silicone
• 7 vibration modes, including pulsation and escalation
• 6″ total length, 1.6″ wide, insertable to 4.5″
• Power button located in base
• Uses 2 AAA batteries (sold separately) • Waterproof
• Click on for instant power, press for 3 seconds to shut off

One of my favorite features is that it’s waterproof. Sometimes the shower is the only privacy one may have (especially if you have roommates – or kids!), and this is a great way to pleasure yourself without having to hide.


DIva G


For the ladies (and gentlemen) who are latex sensitive – the Diva G is made with silicone instead, which is one of the most body-safe materials out there. I love the ergonomic shape and how easily it fits in my hand. Perfect for those of us who suffer from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.


Read More about Carpal Tunnel Here…

Diva G

Diva G

Diva G

So far, I absolutely adore the Diva G. It’s a great addition to anyone’s toy collection, and is wonderful for solo play or with a partner.

Want your own Diva G? Get one here…


Stay tuned for my video review tomorrow!


The Paris Guide | Newly Single…


The Paris Guide for Single Men

Please welcome our newly -single guest writer, “K.W.”,  who is currently overcoming the journey of being a fiance. As he works to re-discover himself, he has agreed to share his experiences with us. Hopefully his adventures and misfortunes inspire other men to heal and move forward…


The Paris Guide | Newly Single

Seems like my adventures in Paris have not gone quite as expected. Expedia seems to have booked several events with no confirmation on the guides side of things.
I am now faced with the notion of pretty much booking while here. The early booking process was a waste of time for everything except the taxi service. Go figure – just my luck lol.

However, my experience with the city itself has not been dulled. The areas and activities done at my whim have been extremely enjoyable.

After paying a second time for the Louvre, I found myself strolling aimlessly in a state of security. Maybe I wasn’t able to get the guided group experience I originally wanted, but as I walked through history it completely slipped my mind. This time alone reminds me of the time spent alone at the beaches. Being surrounded by so many while alone is an almost religious affair.

Paris Guide
You notice all as you go unnoticed. While being granted an open door to an unfettered emotional connection with yourself, you realize there is little if anything to disturb you.
Dinner. This is now the third restaurant I’ve visited since arriving yesterday and fifth stop for food. The food continues to surprise and encourage my risky behavior. Trying new things can be scary, but not when it taste this good.

My first delve started on the flight over. I was served chicken and beans with white wine – not bad. Then, once in Paris I happened upon a great little restaurant near my hotel where i was able to pick up some steak and peas with a Coke. The next morning, I went downstairs to take part in the hotel’s breakfast, but as I had been up so early it was not yet prepared. I headed out and found a new place to eat instead, and it was grande. Hot chocolate, eggs, ham, toast, fresh whipped cream, natural jam, and orange juice. This was the beginning of a great day.


Paris Guide

Later that night after finding my way out the Louvre, I started back to the hotel thinking I want some alcohol. The wine was actually extremely relaxing during the meal on the flight and I thought, why not do it again? At first I walked past this restaurant not thinking much of it, then I saw that alcohol could be served with this meal. My prayers were answered before I could put my hands together.


I chose duck with beans, a house special cocktail and a mixed 3 scoop sorbet. The duck arrived and looked almost rolled with beans in a brown sauce topped with bread crumbs. Uber soft and juicy. The drink was smooth as velvet. Seemed to be a mix of apricot, orange and vodka. The all natural sorbet with a scoop of mango, lemon and raspberry was delightful.

Paris Guide
Sorbet, yes!

I missed breakfast and went shopping on day 3. I wound up at an Indian restaurant after finding the sandwich shop was overflowing with clients.


Paris Guide
I ordered some minced lamb in curry and a sauce with eggplant cream what and a side of rice with dried fruit. Lastly, they offered a small glass of apricot juice, red wine and water. At the end they greet you with a hot sanitary towel. You can smell the anti- bacterial solution in the cloth as the waiter holds it, steaming, with clamps as not to burn himself. What an experience.

Enjoying the Paris Guide? Read more from Diary of an Ex-Fiance

Tonight, I don’t really feel like a restaurant – If i do anything, it will probably be a bar. Preferably a club. As I sit near the immense arch of Tripoli, I’m grounded by my sense of almost loneliness. How great it’d be if i had someone to share this with. All in all, I am still extremely happy with my trip thus far. Maybe some fast food tonight. These fat asses got me wanting some comfort food.

Paris Guide

Tripoli was a bust. Too damm crowded.

Went out tonight for some food and wasn’t even hungry. Had a hankering for some ice cream. After strolling through the restaurant area for a while, I stumbled on to several people eating what looked like flower shaped ice cream…

Paris Guide


Need Paris Travel tips from a professional? Check out this guide from The Travel Guru!