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What in The World? 70 Year-Old Twin Prostitutes Who Have Slept With Over 300k Men?


The Fokken twins are 70 year-old sisters who have been prostituting for decades.

One sister has given up the life, while the other continues to pay the bills.

And some of us worry about keeping our libidos up in our 30’s!

It’s Okay to Say No to Sex…


From the Writer’s Desk: 

While all of our Awkward Question and Information articles will contain facts, sometimes we have to step into a world of opinion. I’m not perfect, but I can speak about a lot of events from experience. Today, I will do that – and I ask that you take these things into consideration when reading. We want to enlighten and empower everyone here at VForVadge. Always remember that…

Growing up in the 90’s and 2000’s was the era of sexuality; it seemed like every teen I knew was having sex. We called it “jaying” back then, but it was also referred to by some raunchier names. Anyway, it wasn’t uncommon to be 12 and 13 having sex back then – for the kids in the hood it was like a rite of passage. All the girls with the grown up bodies seemed to be doing it and becoming popular – why not do it, too?

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Now, I wasn’t the most popular girl in school – I was the quirky girl who hung out with one of the most popular girls. You could call me a nerd, but I’d call myself a bookworm. I started getting breasts at 9 years old – as well as my period, and by 12 I was a 32C cup bra and medium panty.  Soccer had conditioned my body into that of a young Serena Williams; I had developed a grown woman’s body. I wasn’t the least bit interested in sexual intercourse, though. I had discovered masturbation by the age of 11 (sneak reading erotic books in my mom’s room), and was quite satisfied with that. It wasn’t until I found myself having a “boyfriend” that sex even became a topic for me.

I was 12, he was about 15 – we dated for about eight months before he started asking to have sex. I wasn’t interested; I’d tell him no all the time and he’d continue his life without complaining too much. One day, we were alone and he took the opportunity to try and force me to have sex with him. Even my best friend at the time was pressuring me to do it. I resisted; tightening all my muscles out of fear, and he forced himself inside of me anyway.

There was blood everywhere. On the bed, on his clothes – on me. It was a steady stream that just wouldn’t stop. I ran into the bathroom to hide, blood following me to the toilet. Days later I was still bleeding. Just imagine three and a half weeks of continuous menstruation. Soaking through layers of pads and even jeans – but I was too ashamed to tell anyone. Apparently my hymen was torn and also ruptured something else. I almost died from the blood loss and was extremely anemic. I couldn’t even play in P.E. (gym) class. All because I didn’t know how to say no. To make matters worse, he went to school and told everybody he scored (even though it barely lasted three minutes). How humiliating.

We can ignore the fact that teenagers and young adults have sex – or we can acknowledge and talk about it. Luckily for me, I wasn’t labeled a whore or made an outcast because of it – but there are so many young women who are. Knowing who you are is half of being a woman. If you’re not sure about yourself – chances are you’re not sure about having sex. It can wait. If you don’t know that unprotected sex can give you diseases you can’t see – chances are you need to hold off on putting out. If you’re not in a steady relationship with one guy – you definitely want to re-think your choice.

Trust me, it catches up with you in time. Promiscuous girls back in my day are still finding it very hard to get into serious relationships with men at 25-28 years old. Guys still remember what you did last summer, or the summer of 2002 AND who you did it with. Many of the girls I grew up with have children but no fathers for them, no wedding ring and no money. If you don’t know that not using condoms can lead to pregnancy – WAIT. He won’t die, and if he leaves for someone else then he wasn’t worth your time.

I held out a lot, mostly because I had the same boyfriend from age 13 to age 21. Even then, we had serious discussions about sex – sometimes we practiced celibacy. It’s a true test of a relationship when a guy doesn’t need sex to be around you. If you’re worth it, he’ll wait. Take your time, get to know him. Sometimes – you’ll find out he has a disease that even he didn’t know about. It’s the simple things in life that make the biggest impact.

If you need to talk about it – I’m here. Think about it before you do it. 



Awkward Question: Is It Going Down? Sex Drive and Age


What’s the average time of sex from a teenager versus an adult’s time? I find that I had sex for close to a hour, if not over a hour when I was younger compared to now, it being no more than 20 minutes. Thirty minutes and he’s a lucky dude. Is there something wrong with ME?


From the Writer’s Desk..

Unfortunately, there were no real statistics in regards to teenage sex vs adult sex – but I can attest to your concern. In our younger years, stamina and libido are at an all time high, due to peaks in our hormones at puberty. In girls, puberty usually starts around 11 years of age, but it may start as early as 6 or 7 years of age. In boys, puberty begins around 12 years as age, but may start as early as 9 years of age. Puberty is a process that goes on for several years. Most girls are physically mature by about 14 years of age. Boys mature at about 15 or 16 (FamilyDoctor, 2010). Depending on how old you were when you started having intercourse, your level of energy may have been slightly higher or lower than the average.

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Consider what life is like now and what it was when you were seventeen – how much do you do in an average day? In high school, our average day consisted of waking up, going to school and coming home. Factor in whether you had a part-time job  or not – think of all the extra time that was available. What about now? Get up, go to work, go to school/pick up the kids. It’s a lot different now that we have extra responsibilities.

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Secondly – think about the quantity of sex versus the quality of it from then and now. Most teens were having sex just to say they were doing it; many of them five or six times a week (if not every day). If you polled them and asked how much of it was memorable, I doubt you’d get fifty percent in agreement. Nowadays we as adults have sex for enjoyment, often factoring in that we have little time to spare for the art of it. Many of us skip the foreplay (which adds about 30 minutes to the entire event) and jump straight to the main course. Food’s on the stove, the baby’s crying – there’s still homework left to be done; we’re often trying to get it over and done with. Hence, the faster time of completion.




That doesn’t mean that sex isn’t better these days. Adults tend to be more mature and in tune with their bodies, it’s easier to obtain climax when you know what to do. Let’s not forget that much of teenage sex was spent fumbling around looking for the correct anatomy. “Is it in yet?” sound like a familiar question?

So don’t worry if it only lasts 30 minutes – sometimes all you need is fifteen!


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NY Times: “Denouncing City’s Move to Regulate Circumcision”


Published: September 12, 2012

Denouncing City’s Move to Regulate Circumcision


The grandmother carried the sleeping infant boy on a white pillow toward the synagogue’s altar, and passed him to her son. Her son carried the infant toward the mohel, or Jewish ritual circumciser, who stood amid a cluster of chanting men.

The mohel lifted the infant’s clothing to expose his tiny penis. With a rapid flick of a sharp two-sided scalpel, the mohel sliced off the foreskin and held it between his fingers. Then he took a sip of red wine from a cup and bent his head. He placed his lips below the cut, around the base of the baby’s penis, for a split second, creating suction, then let the wine spill from his mouth out over the wound.

“You’re O.K.,” he said to the infant, Benjamin Asher Mortob, who stopped crying after several more seconds. The sanctuary filled with elated prayer.


Ritual done using suction tube method

The mohel, A. Romi Cohn, said he had performed more than 25,000 circumcisions, on babies and adults, in New York City and elsewhere over the last 40 years. When he circumcises an infant, he said, he almost always put his mouth on the baby’s penis to pull blood away from the wound in an ancient part of the circumcision ritual, known in Hebrew as metzitzah b’peh, that is still commonplace in parts of the ultra-Orthodox Jewish community but is rare in other branches of Judaism.

The city estimates that metzitzah b’peh is used in some 3,600 local circumcisions each year. The city’s health department says that, between 2000 and 2011, 11 babies contracted herpes as a result, and 2 of them died. This spring, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention declared that the procedure created a risk for transmission of herpes and other pathogens and was “not safe.”

So on Thursday, the city’s Board of Health is scheduled to vote on a proposal that would require parents to sign a consent form indicating that they are aware of the risk of herpes transmission when a circumcision procedure, or bris, includes direct oral contact.

The measure, which Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg strongly supports, would probably be the first governmental regulation of the ritual in the United States, rabbis say. It would not affect the way most Jewish ritual circumcisions are performed — gauze or a sterile pipette is used to pull blood from the wound — nor would it ban the practice. But the issue being raised in New York coincides with moves in Denmark, Germany and other countries toward restricting or banning infant circumcision.

Mr. Cohn, 83, said that he would rather go to jail then comply with the consent requirement. While he acknowledged that there were unqualified circumcisers who work without proper health testing and training, he said he believed that the ritual was completely safe when performed by him or another practitioner certified by an association of circumcisers; he is the chairman of the group.

“If you follow strictly the ritual, there will be no harm to the baby,” he said. A circumcision, he added, “is a joyous occasion — nothing traumatic about it.”

And Benjamin Asher’s father, Isaac Mortob, 27, said his family had sought out Mr. Cohn in part because he did the procedure in the traditional way, including the oral suction. “I don’t want a 99 percent job, I want a 100 percent job,” he said. “I want him” — his firstborn son — “to be fully Jewish.”

But city health officials say the mohel’s safeguards, which include rinsing with Listerine before the procedure, sterilizing tools, scrubbing hands with surgical soap and being tested annually for pathogens, are insufficient.

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The main virus that worries the city is oral herpes, which is present in some 70 percent of the city’s adult population and can cause fatal infections in babies. Highly contagious, it is spread through contact with infected saliva, even by sharing drinks or towels.

“There is no safe way to perform oral suction on an open wound in a newborn,” said Dr. Jay K. Varma, the city’s deputy commissioner for disease control. If the measure passes, he said, circumcisers who do not comply could face warning letters or fines.

Ultra-Orthodox leaders plan to sue the city if the regulation is passed, arguing that the measure would constitute an unconstitutional infringement on their religious freedom. Some 200 ultra-Orthodox rabbis published a decree in late August warning adherents that it was forbidden “to participate in the evil plans of the New York City health department,” according to a translation by Yeshiva World News. And a Jewish religious court in Crown Heights, Brooklyn, went further, stating that oral suction was a mandatory part of the procedure that should be promoted.

“There is nothing to worry from metzitzah b’peh,” the judges wrote, according to a translation by the Chabad Lubavitch movement. “To the contrary, it is very beneficial, even according to the doctors.”

Circumcision done using oral extraction

But other Jewish leaders disagree.

Rabbi Gerald C. Skolnik, the president of the Rabbinical Assembly, the international association of conservative rabbis, said he supported the Board of Health’s move to require parental consent. He said that direct suction was not required by Jewish law and that the serious risks of the practice were “inconsistent with the Jewish tradition’s pre-eminent concern with human life and health.”

In 2005, the Rabbinical Council of America, the main union of modern Orthodox rabbis, urged that a sterile glass tube be used for suction, rather than the mohel’s mouth. But the group opposes the city’s effort to regulate the practice; instead it has asked the city to work with Orthodox groups “to voluntarily develop procedures to effectively prevent the unintended spread of infection.”

Mr. Cohn, a Holocaust survivor and retired real estate developer who lives on Staten Island, has written a textbook on circumcision. He said he had trained some 80 mohels over the years. After each circumcision, he places the thimble-size foreskin in a small jar of sand and ground cloves that he carries. He wants one day to be buried with the jars at the Mount of Olives in Israel, where Jewish tradition says the Messiah will arrive.

When he stands with a prayer shawl over his head awaiting the babies — he sometimes does three or four a day — he looks out into congregations filled with men he has circumcised; sometimes grandfathers, fathers and sons in the same family. Because he is performing a religious obligation, his services are free. Never, he said, had there been an infection.

But not everyone involved always knows there is oral suction included in the bris — or that herpes can be transmitted by contact with infected saliva.

Benjamin Asher’s grandmother, Sara Mor, who had carried him carefully up to the altar last week at the Sephardic Synagogue on Avenue S in Brooklyn, said she had not heard of it, though she has four sons.

“I never watch it, I’m scared to watch it,” she said of the circumcisions. “I don’t know what they are doing there.”

And in Brooklyn last week, at a bris so fancy with glittering dresses and Louboutin heels that it looked like a wedding, Danielle Alfaks, 22, said she had found out two days earlier that the mohel would put his mouth over the wound of her 8-day-old son, Eli. “That’s freaky, for me,” she said at a brunch reception after the circumcision at Congregation Shaare Zion on Ocean Avenue. But she added she would sign a consent form if asked.

Eli’s uncle, Mourdi Alfaks, 32, held him as Mr. Cohn performed the procedure. “He’s the greatest mohel who ever lived in history,” he said. He would not sign a consent form, he said, because “it makes no sense.”

Earlier that morning, Eli’s father, Albert Alfaks, 29, wiped a tear from his eye as he handed Mr. Cohn the scalpel, echoing Abraham’s circumcision of his son, Isaac, in the Bible.

Of the mohel, he said, “I guess I feel like if that’s what he has to do, God bless him.”





German Court criminalizes jewish circumcision

Oral Sex Mints? The Low Down on Going Down Low.


It’s no secret that there are techniques to oral sex; depth being one of them. Some people find trouble bypassing their gag reflexes which makes the act uncomfortable for both partners. Through the wonders of modern technology, anyone can enjoy giving the pleasures of oral sex with the help of mints. Yes, mints!

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The candies use the help of benzocaine to numb the throat and eliminate the human gag reflex. “BENZOCAINE (BEN zoe kane) causes loss of feeling in the skin. This helps relieve pain from insect bites, minor burns, small wounds, or other skin irritations. (CVS 2012)” Mixed in with various flavors including chocolate and wintergreen – it’s the perfect combination to spice up the bedroom.

NOTE: Do not attempt to consume food immediately after taking these mints, as the gag reflex is numbed and may not prevent you from choking.




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A Hands on Course in Oral Sex – By Ayana Ellis (NSFW)


Suck It!

By a show of hands, who saw the Kim K and Ray J sex tape?  Now outside the fact that she’s pretty, were any of you turned on at the sight of her sucking Ray J’s dick? Well here’s why:

The key to giving good head is first of all “Loving” what you do.  You can’t please your mate sexually, if you don’t put yourself first. You have to be comfortable with your sexuality and sexual antics.  If you’re giving head to please him, you’re not going to do it to your best potential. You have to love giving it and I mean love without a shadow of a doubt. Like it has to be your shit!  Also, the man your pleasing has to be confident with himself and he also has to be respectful of you and your body.  If he doesn’t make you feel good physically, mentally or emotionally there is no way this can come out right unless you just outsource that mouth to everybody and could care less who dick your sucking.

Now for those who don’t really like giving head, I’m not sure what the cure for that is. But for those of you who do, but can’t get past the feeling you get when you catch him looking at you, here is what you need to know. Appearing to be attractive when giving head is not a turn on for men. The uglier you are when giving head, the more attractive and sexier you are to him.  When you’re “ugly” on the dick, it suggests that you are most likely gagging, veins are popping out of your head, your eyes are watering, your nose is running and spit is dripping down his dick, your lips and chin. That is one ugly beautiful mess! It is also the sign of a woman who is confident in her skills and could care less about how she looks. She’s too busy working the dick.

Another thing, when you’re giving head, you have to be real about what your sucking. It’s a dick. It’s not a penis, a thing, a rod, a pee-pee. It is a dick. Say the word, “dick.” Feel sexual, nasty, dirty, and confident and be able to say the word dick before you can even think about putting one in your mouth. Dick, it’s a dick. You are going to suck this man’s dick. You’re not going to give head, say it, “I am going to suck his dick.” Dick, dick, dick, I am going to suck his dick. Know it and own it! I am going to suck his dick. There is a confidence and a cockiness that comes with the act and art of giving head. You have to be blunt in your thoughts and actions. Giving head is mental. Pun intended. So own it before you even attempt to give head to a man head. The worse reaction to giving head is having a man tell you, “forget it baby you don’t have to do that.” OUCH! That means, “You can’t suck a dick.” And that shit is worse feeling than getting fired from a job when you just moved into your new apartment. It’s okay if you’re a beginner, so long as you’re confident and willing to learn you’ll be great in no time! The first step is to be comfortable with your sexuality and with your mate.  Your mate also has to love getting his dick sucked.  Now I know it’s unheard of, but some men can take it or leave it when it comes to receiving head. Yeah I know I know, what planet are they from?  But sometimes it’s because this man hasn’t had his dick sucked the right way. There is an intimate are to giving head. You really have to black out and become one with the dick and in that moment that you’re pleasing this man orally, nothing else should matter. That dick is not even attached to a body at this point. It is just you, the dick and all of your nasty tricks. But if you’re not comfortable doing it, imagine how the man feels receiving it!

Also, you have to learn the dick and the sensitive areas. Ask your male friends or your mate, “What do men like when a woman is giving head” and get answers! Don’t be shy!!! There are certain areas of the dick that needs special attention. It’s not just about putting it in your mouth and gagging on it. There is an art to sucking dick.

For example, under the “head” or the “rim” there are lots of nerves under there. You want to make sure you pay attention to the head of that dick. While jerking him, playing this his testicles, your mouth should be very wet, your lips should be wrapped around the head and your tongue should be gracing under that rim awakening the nerves.  The saliva from your mouth should prove as lubrication while you’re gliding your hands up and down and around his shaft.  The key is to keep the dick busy and wet at all times when giving head.  When you deep throat, it should bring up a very thick mucus from the back of your throat. Don’t be grossed out or afraid of this. Let as much as possible come out and let it drip down his shaft and fall where it may. Let it hang, let it be messy, let it be wet, gushy and sloppy!!! Your eyes are running, your nose is running, you’re feeling like you must look really ridiculous. And that’s where you’re fucking up at! You shouldn’t be thinking about how you look, you should be thinking about how great this man is feeling because you are giving him some sloppy ass head! It’ll be messy, your face will be a wet mess but trust me, and your man is feeling absolutely INSANE at this point. This mucus is the key to giving good head as well.  Not only does it make the appearance of his dick look sexy but it makes everything slippery for when you’re jerking him and sucking him.  You want him to look down at you like you’re the scum of the earth, that is the key! You want him to have his fist balled up ready to knock your head off because it’s so good, and don’t move off of it until he’s ready to cum or he’s ready to fuck. Period!

Giving head is not just about having his dick in your mouth though ladies. You have to be like an octopus when you’re sucking dick. You have to multi-task! This man has balls that you have to kiss, suck, lick gently (while still rubbing, caressing and/or jerking his dick to keep him aroused), he has inner thighs that you should give some attention to (while still jerking, caressing etc.) and then you can work your way down to this little area between his ass and his nuts called a “Taint.”

Now most men don’t even know that he has one and why? Because the chick that’s giving him head really isn’t in tune with the male anatomy and she’s most likely giving head to please the man and not herself. When giving great head, even the most Alpha male will turned into a bitch and allow you to pleasure areas of his body that he thought he’d never allow a woman to touch, hence the taint. In order to gain access to the taint, the man has to lift his legs and possibly spread them just a little in order for the female to pleasure him in that area. The taint is equivalent to the gristle or that skinny but tasty part on the chinese chicken wings in the hood. Aint much meat on it but it brings us such delight when sucking on it doesn’t it?  Ladies once he lets you get that taint just know that there is nothing in this world he won’t do in bed so use that power to your advantage! If you’re really good and he has a long dick, he just might be able to get him on all fours so that you can suck his dick from the back. Oh my!!!!

Overall, there is nothing wrong with giving head. If you love it then do it and have fun with it! Always remember the nastier and sloppier you do it the better! Lose the shy girl role and become one with the dick! If you’re ashamed and don’t really like giving head then don’t do it! It ain’t for everybody! Take the zero for not showing up instead of the F for showing up and failing!


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For Books by Ayana Ellis visit Amazon.com

Ayana Ellis is also a Freelance writer for Don Diva Magazine.

Website: ByAyanaEllis.com

Twitter @AyanaEllis


B.O.B. – Busting the Myth of Vibrators


B.O.B. – the Battery Operated Boyfriend; how many of us have one – or two? Maybe even three if you’re like me. I have a

safe that is a literal graveyard for vibrators. Some women I know refuse to even try one, with various reasons why or why not.

It’s best to take reviews from someone you know and trust, so I think it’s due time for me to speak on the wonders of vibrators.


It all started on an eventful Saturday afternoon….

My two cousins and I were in the mall shopping, and we slipped into a novelty store to goof off. As everyone knows, the sex

toys and gadgets are in the back of the store, so I made my way back there to look around. I stumbled upon a flashlight, waterproof

vibrator and giggled. My cousins made their way back there and we each decided to buy one and take them home. I believe we cut

our mall trip short that day. Almost simultaneously, we called each other that night to rave about how crazy the vibrator was. I don’t

think the other two ever bought one again – I’ll never know for sure, but I became a big fan – an expert, if you will. So, let’s start with the myths:


Myth 1: You lose sensation “down there”:

Trust me – this is extremely false. Granted, going round for round will definitely cause hypersensitivity for a few hours, as the clitoris is usually the point of stimulation and it is very sensitive. Taking breaks in between sessions will remedy this, and usually one orgasm is enough.


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Myth 2: “My boyfriend will think I’m cheating on him”:

I can’t speak for your boyfriend, but this fact is dependent on quite a few factors. If you’re a dildo fan, the size may play a major role in the problem. Help your partner understand that using it is not a replacement, it is simply a temporary substitute or means of pleasure when he is not available. Vibrators have no hands or mouth and only serve one purpose – so until they create an affordable sex robot – your boyfriend is safe.

Involve him in the fun, there are massagers and vibrating rings that can bring two people into play.

Myth 3: “Vibrators are for freaks and nymphomaniacs“:

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Average people want to be pleasured, too! You don’t have to be sex crazed to enjoy the benefits of a vibrator. There are many options available to suit your intensity and comfort levels. Some give a light sensation, while others have variable strengths of vibration that can be turned up or down. If you’re feeling nervous, start with something light, like a fingertip vibrator.

Myth 4: “Vibrators are for lonely people who can’t get any sex”:

While they help on quiet winter nights, vibrators do not compare to human contact. The fact that a woman enjoys getting pleased with the assistance of a Battery Operated Boyfriend doesn’t mean she cannot go out and procure a real boyfriend. Honestly speaking, sometimes we just want to climax and go to sleep. There’s no foreplay necessary before (you can if you’d like), and no cuddling after. I prefer both of those things, so a human is always the preferred choice for me.

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Single ladies, take pride in your vibrators. If you feel the need to orgasm on a regular basis, you can do so without the assistance of another human being. It costs you nothing; no dinner, no nice shoes – just the initial purchase of the product, and you’re on the way to happiness. Vibrators allow us time to re-discover ourselves after a breakup, explore ourselves and learn our likes and dislikes – and have fun in the process.

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I’ve also found it to be a great sleep aid. Orgasms release endorphins that make us feel good – that’s scientific fact! “There is some evidence that orgasms can relieve all kinds of pain—including pain from arthritis, pain after surgery and even pain during childbirth,” notes Lisa Stern, RN, MSN, a nurse practitioner who works with Planned Parenthood in Los Angeles and blogs at Gynfizz.com. “The mechanism is largely due to the body’s release of a chemical called oxytocin during orgasm,” she says. “Oxytocin facilitates bonding, relaxation and other positive emotional states.” While the pain relief from orgasm is short-lived—usually only about eight to 10 minutes—she points to past research indicating that even thinking about sex can help alleviate pain (Womans Day, 2012).

So, don’t be scared to try it out – there are plenty of discrete Adult Novelty stores in most states that allow you to browse until you’ve found the right one for you. If you’re shy about it, keep it in a nondescript box at home, or buy a small locked box (I use Brinks Home Security Safe for mine) to stash your favorite toys in. No one has to know what you enjoy but you, and eventually your partner. He/she will thank you for it.


Kimi’s Pick: Waterproof Pocket Exotics ® – Egg by California Exotic Novelties

This was my first real purchase of a vibrator, and I’m a bullet type of girl; straight to the point, quick execution and I’m happy. It’s extremely quiet, waterproof and has four intensity settings. From my research, vibrators usually only last six months; this one lasted about a year and uses rechargeable batteries. Perfect if you want to be discrete or have roomates/family nearby. Travels well, too 🙂

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Funny Condom Commercial


This was cheeky – but I’ve never tasted a condom I could chew like gum. Maybe I should order one and put it to the test?


Rape Fighting Condom Has Teeth??





I’m on quite of a condom binge today, but I’m obsessed with them! This really caught my eye, and it may revolutionize the way our world looks at rape in underdeveloped countries. According to CNN, South African Dr. Sonnet Ehlers was on call one night four decades ago when a devastated rape victim walked in. Her eyes were lifeless; she was like a breathing corpse.

Perfect time to run away when he’s screaming in pain…

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CNN reports:

“She looked at me and said, ‘If only I had teeth down there,’” recalled Ehlers, who was a 20-year-old medical researcher at the time. “I promised her I’d do something to help people like her one day.”

Forty years later, Rape-aXe was born.

Ehlers is distributing the female condoms in the various South African cities where the World Cup soccer games are taking place.

The woman inserts the latex condom like a tampon. Jagged rows of teeth-like hooks line its inside and attach on a man’s penis during penetration, Ehlers said.

Once it lodges, only a doctor can remove it — a procedure Ehlers hopes will be done with authorities on standby to make an arrest.

“It hurts, he cannot pee and walk when it’s on,” she said. “If he tries to remove it, it will clasp even tighter… however, it doesn’t break the skin, and there’s no danger of fluid exposure.”


I think this is an awesome idea. From seeing men’s reactions being plucked on their shaft – I can only imagine the pain that would be felt from little teeth scraping it. He’d be so unable to move that the victim could get away. Only a true animal would continue trying to rape someone with this thing stuck on him…

Spray-On Condoms – Could This Be the New Wave in Sexual Technology?


Many men complain that condoms don’t fit right; they’re too snug, too loose, you lose sensation, they get lost. So many reasons not to wear them, which gives so many ways to contract disease or cause pregnancy. Germany’s own Jan Vinzenz Krause is perfecting what he calls the Spray-On Condom. the German sexual-health educator designed a custom-fitting male contraceptive using liquid latex and some materials from a hardware store. “I felt a little like MacGyver,” he says of building the contraption.(Time, 2008)

With over 5 billion condoms being sold every year, it’s no wonder that someone would come up with this genius invention. When correctly used, they protect against most STD’s and STI’s, as well as AIDS and HIV – not to mention pregnancy. Companies are in constant competition to create innovative ways to enjoy contraception; vibrating rings, ribbed and other textures, female condoms are all options for your pleasurable pleasure. Don’t forget ultra thin – there’s no excuse these days.

The fact remains that penises exist in all types of shapes and sizes, which was the catalyst for Professor Krause’s quest to universally customize the condom. “The prototype, which began testing last year, consists of a hard plastic tube with nozzles that spray liquid latex from all directions, much like the water jets in the tunnel of a car wash. According to Krause, there are numerous advantages to his spray-on condom. “The condom fits 100% perfectly, so the safety is much higher than a standard condom’s, and it feels more natural.”

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The major drawback with this design, is that the latex takes too long to dry. In order to be practical, a matter of seconds is the maximum that most would wait for the condom to be ready. Unfortunately, the latex takes 3-5 minutes to vulcanize, which makes it impractical.

 That has kept the spray-on condom on hold indefinitely until a faster-drying latex comes along. Meanwhile, Krause is tackling the size problem by preparing to launch a line of condoms in six sizes, instead of the usual one or two. They should be available in Europe starting in September and in the U.S. possibly as early as 2010.

“Having condoms in different sizes we think is a good and smart idea,” says David Johnson, group product manager of Trojan Brand Condoms. Trojan’s parent company, Church and Dwight, makes nearly 8 out of 10 condoms sold in the U.S. But different-size condoms introduce their own problems: namely, men aren’t very eager to buy a small size. Trojan’s Magnum line, whose condoms are 15% bigger than regular ones, accounts for 13% of the U.S. market. But when the company introduced a smaller condom several years ago, it had to discontinue it.

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Krause says men are reluctant to go to a drugstore cashier with a box of small-size condoms — for obvious reasons. His solution: he plans to sell his new line of different-size condoms online. “Men on the Web,” he says, “they are very honest.”

For now, this is merely just a dream – but with all the options available, there’s so many to explore! Keep trying until you find one that tickles your fancy. Here are some suggestions:

Need More Space?

Magnum XL 

Classic Kinda Guy:

Trojan ENZ

Added Sensation:

Trojan Charged, Trojan Sensations, Trojan Ecstasy

Durex PleasureMax

All Natural (Latex Free):

Trojan NaturalLamb Luxury 

Sir Richard’s 




Spray On Condom Not Coming: http://condomunity.com/spray-on-condom-not-coming/2008/05/30/

Spray On Condoms: Still a Hard Sell: http://www.time.com/time/business/article/0,8599,1832445,00.html