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Love, Life and Style: “Sex Furniture” – the New Wave in Home Decor


With technology booming since the new millennium, the realm of sex toys has evolved along with the times. Along with toys and videos, sex furniture is a budding trend in the erotic industry. Ergonomically designed for his and/or her pleasure, and fashionably crafted to fit into any home; sex furniture may be the next new addition to your decor.


The furniture comes in various forms and styles, including;

Sex Swings:

Mounting tools are used to drill this product into the ceiling, and the unit is allowed to swing freely in back, forth and spin in a 360 degree motion.

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Liberator Ramps: 

One of the most popular accessories, liberator ramps allow innovation in the bedroom with ergonomic comfort for both partners.

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Bondage Restraints: 

For the S&M lovers, restraints allow safe, fun bondage play for both partners. Definitely not something you want to do alone…

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Inflatable “Forbidden” Furniture:

These pieces may be compressed and stored away until the next time partners want to play. Some chairs allow for lone-play, while others require the attention of two individuals.

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Many of these new home accessories are designed to be discretely stored at home, so as not to reveal the private enjoyments of their owners.

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Which one are you willing to try? 



Douching: What the Box Doesn’t Tell You.


From the Writer’s Desk: Growing up, my greatest fun was practicing spy moves with my little brother. In a few years, we had mastered sneaking around undetected; as quiet as church mice. I don’t know about my brother, but I chose to use my special skills by peeking into the medicine cabinets and under the sinks of any and nearly everyone’s bathrooms that I encountered as a child. Sometimes I’d see these boxes that said “douche” on them and wonder what they were for.


Photo Credit As I became a young adult, I’d still see those boxes in the bathrooms of my friends’ moms. I took it upon myself to buy a box and try it. Talk about interesting! It had the most pleasant smell, like roses or a summer rain or something. Tingled a little bit, and the scent lasted all day. I knew something had to be wrong with that.

A few days later – my vadge started to itch. Besides the fact that I had used the douche for no reason (I didn’t have any vaginal odor issues), my sensitive flora had been disturbed. The germophobe and hypochondriac I was, I went straight to my OB/GYN in a fit of fury. I had given myself a yeast infection. Curiosity nearly killed my cat, so I won’t let it do the same to yours.

Let’s Talk About Douching… 

An estimated 20% to 40% of American women between ages 15 and 44 say they use a vaginal douche. Higher rates are seen in teens and African-American and Hispanic women. Besides making themselves feel fresher, women say they douche to get rid of unpleasant odors, wash away menstrual blood after their period, avoid getting sexually transmitted diseases, and prevent a pregnancy after intercourse.

Yet, health experts say douching is not effective for any of these purposes. They also warn that it can actually increase the risk of infections, pregnancy complications, and other health problems.


What is douching?

The word ”douche” is French for ”wash” or ”soak.” It is a method to wash out the vagina, usually with a mixture of water and vinegar. Douches that are sold in drugstores and supermarkets contain antiseptics and fragrances. A douche comes in a bottle or bag and is sprayed through a tube upward into the vagina.


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What are the advantages of douching?

Some women say douching makes them feel cleaner. There is, though, very little scientific evidence of benefit from douching. The rare positive research that does exist often has a downside. One study found that douching during the six months before pregnancy reduced the risk of preterm delivery. However, in that same study, douching during pregnancy was linked to an increased risk of preterm birth.

What are the disadvantages of douching?

Overall, the risks of douching far outweigh the benefits. Here are just a few of the problems linked to douching:

  • Vaginal infections (bacterial vaginosis). Douching upsets the natural balance of bacteria in the vagina (called vaginal flora). These changes make the environment more favorable for the growth of bacteria that cause infection. Studies have found that women who stopped douching were less likely to have bacterial vaginosis. Having bacterial vaginosis can increase the risk of preterm labor and endometriosis.
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). PID is an infection of the uterus, fallopian tubes, and/or ovaries. Research has found that women who douche have a 73% higher risk of getting PID.
  • Pregnancy complications. Women who douche more than once a week have more difficulty getting pregnant than those who don’t douche. Douching also increases the risk of ectopic pregnancy by as much as 76%. With an ectopic pregnancy, the embryo implants outside the uterus. The more a woman douches, the greater the risk of having an ectopic pregnancy.
  • Cervical cancer . Douching at least once a week has been linked to an increased chance of developing cervical cancer.


Should a woman douche?

According to health experts, including those at the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), you should avoid douching. Having some vaginal odor is normal. However, if you notice a very strong odor, it could be a sign of infection. The acidity of the vagina will naturally control bacteria, and simply washing the vagina with warm water and mild soap is enough to keep clean.

Note: If you feel you MUST douche, try this all-natural alternative. Fill a douche bottle with spring water, then add one part baking soda. It will freshen you up post-menstrual cycle, and in the right proportions can balance your pH.

Ladies, your vadge isn’t supposed to smell like roses, it’s supposed to smell like vagina. Take care of it, eat right, drink lots of water, take your vitamins and probiotics – and it will take care of you. If you feel any levels of pain, discomfort, strange odors or itchiness – seek professional medical help IMMEDIATELY. 


Take Care,

– Kimi



Love, Life and Style: Ten Years Without Sex – Celibacy for the Long Haul?


via madameNoir.com

We know both Meagan Good and her new hubby DeVon Franklin weren’t sexually active before they got married, but what some might be surprised to know is how long DeVon was celibate before he and Meagan even got together.

In an interview with Global Grind, the producer, author, and part-time pastor told the interviewer he went without sex for more than 10 years before jumping the broom. He explained his decision to forego sex, saying:

“Sometimes we want to be this person at home, this person at the office, and this person at church and then we get the lines mixed up. We want to be different people in different situations and it tears you apart.

“What was happening with me is I would go and preach one thing, but then I was living another, and I could not do it. I could not look at myself in the mirror. No, I could not live like this. So, I had to just stop and say,  ’until I get married, that’s off the table.’”


Since DeVon is 34 now, that means he gave up sex somewhere in his very early 20s which is virtually unheard of for a man, and any undergrad, male or female, on a college campus, let alone USC. Suddenly the meaning of his book Produced by Faith is starting to become a lot clearer. Abstinent days now behind him, DeVon is certainly enjoying the fruits of his labor.

“I’m happy,” he told Global Grind. “I just got married. It’s great. Things are great because she’s great. We’ve been married for just over three months and that was a key to happiness.”

“Men, sometimes we run from [marriage.], but I’m telling you it’s a blessing. It is the greatest blessing of life to have be able to have love because then you’re at peace…no matter what happens career-wise, you have a home base.”

Looks like he made the right choice. Do you think you could you go more than a decade without sex?


MadameNoir: http://madamenoire.com/225613/in-it-for-the-long-haul-devon-franklin-says-he-went-more-than-a-decade-without-s-e-x/#u86tIRJJHEYEqTQo.99


Love, Life and Style: Miscarriage During Marriage
















A very trying topic to discuss for many individuals and couples; miscarriage is not as uncommon as it seems. There are varying levels to miscarriage, which will be discussed at a later time. October 15 is Miscarriage and Infant Loss Awareness Month, and in tribute to this special day, we present to you an open discussion on Miscarriage and its effect on marriage. Jin at Love, Loss and Laquer brings this to viewers on a first-hand basis.

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A miscarriage is the loss of a fetus before the 20th week of pregnancy. The medical term for a miscarriage is spontaneous abortion, but the condition is not an abortion in the common definition of the term.

According to the March of Dimes, as many as 50% of all pregnancies end in miscarriage — most often before a woman misses a menstrual period or even knows she is pregnant. About 15% of recognized pregnancies will end in a miscarriage.

More than 80% of miscarriages occur within the first three months of pregnancy. Miscarriages are less likely to occur after 20 weeks gestation; these are termed late miscarriages.


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What Are the Symptoms of a Miscarriage?

Symptoms of a miscarriage include:

  • Bleeding which progresses from light to heavy
  • Severe cramps
  • Abdominal pain
  • Fever
  • Weakness
  • Back pain

If you experience the symptoms listed above, contact your obstetric health care provider right away. He or she will tell you to come in to the office or go to the emergency room.

What Causes Miscarriage?

The causes of miscarriage are not well understood. Most  miscarriages that occur in the first trimester are caused by chromosomal abnormalities in the baby. Chromosomes are tiny structures inside the cells of the body which carry many genes. Genes determine all of a person’s physical attributes, such as sex, hair and eye color, and blood type. Most chromosomal problems occur by chance and are not related to the mother’s or father’s health.

Miscarriages are also caused by a variety of other factors, including:

  • Infection
  • Exposure to environmental and workplace hazards such as high levels of radiation or toxic agents
  • Hormonal problems
  • Uterine abnormalities
  • Incompetent cervix (the cervix begins to widen and open too early, in the middle of pregnancy, without signs of pain or labor)
  • Lifestyle factors such as smoking, drinking alcohol, or using illegal drugs
  • Disorders of the immune system, including lupus
  • Severe kidney disease
  • Congenital heart disease
  • Diabetes that is not controlled
  • Thyroid disease
  • Radiation
  • Certain medications, such as the acne drug Accutane
  • Severe malnutrition

In addition, women may be at increased risk for miscarriage as they get older. Studies show that the risk of miscarriage is 12% to 15% for women in their 20s and rises to about 25% for women at age 40. The increased incidence of chromosomal abnormalities contributes to the age-related risk of miscarriage.

There is no proof that stress or physical or sexual activity causes miscarriage.

How Is a Miscarriage Diagnosed and Treated?

Your health care provider will perform a pelvic exam and an ultrasound test to confirm a miscarriage. If the miscarriage is complete and the uterus is empty, then no further treatment is usually required. Occasionally, the uterus is not completely emptied, so a dilation and curettage (D&C) procedure is performed. During this procedure, the cervix is dilated and any remaining fetal or placental tissue is gently removed from the uterus. As an alternative to a D&C, certain medications can be given to cause your body to expel the contents in the uterus. This option may be more ideal in someone who wants to avoid surgery and whose condition is otherwise stable.

 If you are experiencing symptoms of pregnancy – seek professional medical help as soon as possible. Knowing your pregnancy status is crucial at every step up until birth. If you are pregnant and experiencing unusual feelings of pain or discomfort, be sure to seek the medical advice of a licensed professional. 




Awkward Question: What are Vagina Spasms?


The formal term for vaginal spasms is “Vaginisimus,” and according to Vaginismus.com, it is “vaginal tightness causing discomfort, burning, pain, penetration problems, or complete inability to have intercourse.”

Photo courtesy of hepatit.com


Why does it happen?

The primary symptom of vaginisimus is the inability to have sexual intercourse, as the walls of the vagina tighten so much that penetration is impossible or extremely painful. The simple thought or awareness that pain may follow can cause severe muscle tightening or spasms in the vaginal walls.

What triggers it? 

Various factors cause vaginisimus, many of which are psychological causes that lead to physical symptoms.


Image courtesy of www.moondragon.org


Non-physical Causes

While sometimes no direct cause may be identified, Vaginismus.com states fear, anxiety and commitment concerns have been associated with vaginal muscle spasms. Other known reasons involve traumatic sexual experiences, history of sexual abuse or inadequate knowledge regarding sex.


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Urinary Tract Infections

The National Kidney and Urologic Diseases Information Clearinghouse states women suffering from urinary tract infections often experience discomfort around the pubic area along with burning and pain while emptying the bladder. Urinary tract infections, according to Vaginismus.com, cause the opening of the urethra, or tube leading out of the bladder, to swell and become tender.

View Vadge articles on Urinary Tract Infections Here


The accumulation of endometrial material outside the endometrium or endometriosis can lead to abnormal structural changes within the vagina, according to MayoClinic.com. Endometriosis causes painful menstrual cycles and ovulation for women, pain during intercourse, pelvic pain during bowel movements and urination and can scar fallopian tubes and inhibit egg fertilization.

Hormonal Changes

As women age, hormone levels begin to fluctuate, points out the National Institute on Aging. This change in hormones, specifically estrogen and progesterone, can cause dryness in the vagina, increase a woman’s chance of vaginal or urinary infections and eventually lead to menopause or the absence of menstruation. Menopause can occur naturally or be surgically induced by the removal of the ovaries. Menopause affects each woman differently and occasionally results in a lack of sexual interest.


Women’s Cancer Network reports vaginal cancer may go undetected, with women not exhibiting any symptoms until the cancerous cells have spread. Cancer of the vagina causes pain during intercourse, pain in the pelvis, including when voiding, constipation and abnormal bleeding. Tumors present in the vaginal canal can also cause pain as well as obstruction.

How Is It Treated? 

2. Get Help from a Sex Therapist

With the help of an experienced sex therapist, most women have a good chance at full recovery from vaginismus. A sex therapist can help you determine the cause of your condition and provide guidance and instruction in exercises you can use to overcome it. A sex therapist can also help you address emotional issues. Even if your vaginismus has a physiological cause, it’s likely that emotional issues like depression, anxiety, low self-esteem and relationship problems have been caused by having to cope with vaginismus in your life. In order for treatment to work completely, these issues usually need to be addressed.

3. Learn to Control Vaginal Muscles With Kegel Exercises

Kegel exercises teach you how to contract and release the muscles in your pelvic floor. Because vaginismus involves involuntary contraction of these muscles, learning how to control them at will allows you to override those involuntary spasms. Kegel exercises are easy to do. To identify your pelvic floor muscles, simply attempt to stop your urine flow in mid-stream the next time you’re using the bathroom. The muscles you use to do that are your pelvic floor muscles. Contract and hold these muscles for 5 seconds and then release them. Doing 10 sets of this exercise several times a day will increase your control over your pelvic muscles.

View Vadge Articles on Kegel Exercises Here


Images courtesy of www.vaginismus.com

4. Desensitize the Vagina Using Dilators

Vaginal dilators are used to desensitize the vagina to penetration. These are typically used in combination with Kegel exercises and should be used with the guidance of a sex therapist. With this therapy, you insert increasingly larger phallic-shaped dilators into the vagina to retrain your pelvic floor muscles to respond appropriately to penetration. You are not trying to stretch out the vagina. This treatment can be practiced with your partner, and can serve the dual purpose of helping to restore an emotional connection that may have been damaged while you were unable to have painless intercourse. The goal of desensitization is to reach a point where you and your partner can have sexual intercourse without any pain.

If you are currently experiencing symptoms of vaginismus, seek professional help from a licensed physician at your earliest convenience. Finding solutions that work best for your body is the primary goal of your OB/GYN.

Find a licensed OB/GYN Here






Licensed Obstetricians/Gynecologists: https://www.residencyplace.com/PathFinder/ProgramList.aspx?ListType=0&Specialty=OB/GYN



“You’re Gonna Put That Where?? There!!” A Crash Course in Anal by Bunz Bee


Are there limits to sexual activities? Or should I say, are there limits to your sexual activities? How far will you go to please your mate? Is it really about pleasing him? Or do certain sexual acts peek your interests just a teensy bit? Is curiosity enough to kick your cat to the curb for the night? Are you willing to try some things once?

Okay – three times?


Sure, you’ve done oral, you let him cum in your face, nut in your mouth, you’ve swallowed, brought toys to the room. But for all you hardcore fuckers, have you ever taken it in the buns? I mean, getting your backdoor kicked in, when the crack that’s attacked is the one in back, having sex in the butt.  The ultimate form of birth control – next to swallowing.  We’ve all tried it once, right? Ten times? Hey, I’m not judging. This topic is not intended for the tight asses, (pun intended), so feel free to sit at the kiddie table anytime during this conversation.

The proper description for anal sex is when the penis is inserted into the anus of the person you are having sex with. In heterosexual relationships, for us women, we reach our orgasm through the stimulation of your clitoris or your g-spot. Some men enjoy inserting their penises in a woman’s anus because the anal sphincter is usually tighter than the vagina. The sphincter is also very sensitive and has many nerve endings, being the source of pleasure….or pain. For some people it is considered painful, because your mental apprehension of the act itself will make things very tense.

70-80% of women achieve orgasm through vaginal intercourse.  For the other 20-30% who can achieve the “Big O” through both anal and vaginal…good for us! I mean, you! Good for you!


Okay, now what you really want to know about your first time. DO NOT attempt to try this if you feel under pressure. If you are not ready you just are NOT ready. Make sure you are very comfortable and uninhibited with your partner, because such an experience can lead to an awkward situation, not easy to forget. And please, PLEASE, relax ALL of your muscles!!!!! Pain is mental, if you think it’s going to hurt, then it will. The hardest part is getting the head in, once it’s at the opening of your anus, I suggest you take a deep breath and in one swift motion “throw that ass back”. No you didn’t just go blind, breathe. There are other factors that you need to take into consideration as well. The position you are in when the penis is inserted, how much lube and what kind, and for a lot of us, how many drinks you may or may not have had. Whatever you need to do to make you relaxed, and comfortable.


Those of us, I mean, those of you, that have tried this with success, tend to enjoy it laying on your side or back shots.  Whereas a percentage of us….you, find it easier to get on top.  It is my belief that in an upright position, you allow full access for a penis to comfortably guide its way through the anal passage.  It hurts less, if at all….makes sense? Do you use the bathroom lying down? Ok. You can also have full control of the penis, and you can take it all in at your own pace, that way as well.

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The most important detail that we cannot forget is the lube.  I know you all figure, lube? Astroglide, that is so “Lifestyle condoms” circa 1990. If you want this experience to be a smooth one, I suggest you try a lube that maintains the moisture factor throughout the whole experience. Here are some lubes you need to keep in the panty or boxer/brief drawer after you discard the baby oil and the Astroglide.

1.      Durex Play – very silky but slightly sticky. It comes in flavors such as Passion Fruit, Pina Colada and Very Cherry for you salad tossers.  It does dry out as quickly and will essentially leave you with a well tapped, and fruity booty.

2.      H2O – A latex safe lube that is not sticky, long lasting and silky.  It washes off easily and can also be licked off as well because it now comes in various flavors like, banana, chocolate, cherry, pineapple, peach, raspberry sorbet, pomegranate, strawberry, tangerine, watermelon and tropical passion.

3.      Swiss Navy Lubrication – Personally, I think this is the all-time best lubricant for your anal adventure. It is water based and slippery, as hell. Velvety smooth and condom safe. It never dries and eliminates any initial discomfort of anal penetration.  You don’t need to reapply this because it lasts right through to your orgasm(s).  Smooth enough for your partner to temporarily “coochify” your anus.

Which brings me to this.  The orgasm you will receive, in some opinions, is better than vaginal.  I’m trying not to seem too excited about expressing this to you, but the pleasure, you get, from a PROPER anal thrashing is absolutely MIND-BLOWING! Pure ecstasy. Do I sound excited? Well I am at the thought.  There are plenty nerve endings back there that will give you a sensation you may never receive vaginally. I’m not saying you must try it, but do it if you dare and if you are mentally prepared (or inebriated enough to try anything). It won’t change the person you have always been, but it may just introduce you to something new and extra in the bedroom and well needed in your sex life.


Look, if you can toss a salad, and swallow sperm, you can get fucked in the ass guilt free.


Happy Humping!



What To Expect When He’s “Expecting” – By Ayana Ellis

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What To Expect When He’s Expecting

Let’s face it. Giving head can be very humiliating if you’re not “into” it like that. But giving head is almost like a prerequisite these days. Most relationships won’t survive or even begin without it, which is why if you’re going to do it, why not be the best at it? Why not take that humiliation and turn it around into something to be celebrated, something that your man can’t live without, and something that he will not search for in another woman because he would be wasting his time? Now in my previous blog, http://byayanaellis.com/a-hands-on-course-in-oral-sex/ I discussed the art of giving head, how to be comfortable, how to be sexy and confident and how to make your man’s toes curl. But there are other attributes to giving head.  What to expect when HE’S expecting? You know, your man’s body begins to stiffen, that grip on your hair tightens, he’s beginning to get a little rough with your face, his shaft hardens and begins to pulsate, you guys are in a hot and heavy mood, the head his great, he’s moaning your name, then splat! He comes in your mouth, or if you pull away fast enough he comes on your face, your breasts the sheets, you jump up in disgust, wipe your mouth, spit the cum in a towel, either way you didn’t know what to do when he was cummin so you wasted 20 minutes giving this man head, giving him the best pleasure of his life just to ruin it at the last minute. It’s like sitting 2 hours through a movie and someone walking in during the last 5 minutes and tells you the ending. You’d be pissed! Such as your man feels when you slap his dick out your face in disgust when he’s about to cum.  The head is good and when he’s about to cum, every man is praying, please let her let me cum in her mouth, please let her swallow. 

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Now because of the nature of this act and how some men equate “cummin in a woman’s mouth/face etc.” to not having respect for said female, a lot of women refuse to swallow. But what does the opinions of society or a few immature womanizers have to do with the chemistry between you and the man you’re sleeping with? Outside influences do not belong in the bedroom. What you and your mate do is strictly between the two of you. And so now this man is cummin.  What do you do? Do you start over thinking? Oh my God if I let him cum in my mouth he’s gonna think I’m a slut. Well if that’s the case, what do you think he was thinking the entire 20 minutes you were giving him head?  Stop over thinking when giving oral sex. The only thing you should be thinking about is pleasing your mate, pleasing yourself and the smile that’s going to crawl across his face when you slurp up his yumminess with all the confidence and sexual allure in the world.

So he’s cummin, your over thinking, but you have to put yourself in his shoes, would you want the man to move when you’re about to squirt or cum? No. So stay and brace yourself and the only thing you should be praying and concerned about is this man’s diet because everything he takes in will determine the taste and texture of what you’re about to experience.

So he’s cummin and you feel the first squirt of liquid and your eyes want to bug open but you keep it cool because you better believe if his eyes weren’t open the entire time you were giving him head, its open now. He’s watching you now, the visual of his lady, partner etc., swallowing him is the crème de la crème of the entire act, the grand finale, the standing ovation, the it, the all, the end, the everything, the reason he keeps you and dumps the rest, the reason he’s faithful in most cases, the reason he brings you flowers and stays home with you on Football Sunday instead of going to the sports bar. THIS is the moment when he realizes how much you will do to please him and keep the fire burning in your (sexual) relationship and how much of a freak you are. Every man wants a freak in the bed.

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So he’s cummin, relax, open your mouth softly, and make sure it’s wet. The visual is everything to a man at this point.  Your mouth is wet, open, with a slight smirk, because you’re ready and you know he’s about to blow it.  He cums, he’s grabbing your hair, probably jerking himself excessively, getting it all out.  You feel like a smut, because he’s emptying his everything into your face.  But that is not what he thinks, in fact he’s not thinking of you at all at that moment. He is so busy enjoying the grand finale of that wonderful head you gave him the only person judging and worrying is you. 

So he came and it’s in your mouth. Providing the fact that it doesn’t taste that bad to you, you have two options. The first would be to swallow it, simple, swallow it, smile, lick your lips then lay on his stomach and relax, take it all in, be okay with it. He’s breathing heavy, he’s basking in the ambience, it’s all good, in a few seconds you’ll be up making him a sandwich or handing him the cup of water he left on his computer desk. You have pleased your man, he’s happy, you didn’t die and it’s all good.

The Second Option would be to….

If you’re a really naughty girl, I mean a really naughty girl behind closed doors, after he cums in your mouth, you’d let it leak back down his shaft, then slurp it back up again, several times THEN swallow it. 

Either way, don’t sit hours through a movie just to walk out at the end. Stick it out till the credits roll.

 Previous Posts by Ayana Ellis 

For Books by Ayana Ellis visit Amazon.com

Ayana Ellis is also a Freelance writer for Don Diva Magazine.

Website: ByAyanaEllis.com

Twitter @AyanaEllis


Tampons; Busting the Myths


At a certain time in every young woman’s life, she will get her period. It’s a rite of passage, but it’s not anywhere near elegant or fun (like we wish it would be). The first time may be a bit confusing, frustraiting and sometimes messy – but equipping yourself with information can save you a lot of time (and embarrassment). There are many myths and rumors that come with using tampons, today we will try to de-bunk some of them.

First, let’s talk about what a tampon actually does:

The word “Tamp” is defined as:

  1. Pack (a blast hole) full of clay or sand to concentrate the force of the explosion.
  2. Ram or pack (a substance) down or into something firmly: “he tamped down the tobacco with his thumb”.
Honestly, the first definition applies best in this instance, as tampons are known to concentrate the pressure of blood flow and alleviate cramps that many of us experience. It fills the vagina with cotton that slowly absorbs menstruation over the course of a few hours.
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The Myths and Rumors:

1. Using a Tampon Means You’re Losing Your Virginity.

– This is definitely false. While inserting certain items into the vagina can cause the hymen to break, a tampon is very small and too thin to have any effect on the size or shape of a vagina.

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2. They Hurt! 

This is also false. In this day and age, tampons have evolved from the cardboard applicator which isn’t always comfortable for beginners. Choose a round-tip applicator for your first few tries. The plastic is “pearlized,” which gives it a smooth finish and makes it easier to insert and guide into the vagina. Choose the absorbency that best describes your period. If you have a light period, do not use super tampons. There will not be enough lubrication to remove the tampon without discomfort.

Be sure to insert the tampon all the way into the vagina until your fingers holding the applicator touch the tip of your labia. This ensures that there’s no tampon sticking out of the vagina, which can cause major discomfort.


3. They Can Get Lost in “There”

The key to avoiding this is always knowing where your tampon string is. Especially if you use no-applicator tampons (like OB), it is relatively easy to insert the string along with the tampon. Tug on the string to make sure it’s secure and keep sight of it while inserting it. A great tip is to gently place the string along the inside of your labia (Outer lips of the vagina). It ensures that the string remains visible at any given time.

– Keeping track of how often you change your tampons can also help avoid this problem. If you KNOW you put a tampon in at 12pm, but haven’t been to the bathroom since and can’t find it – you may need to retrieve it (string and all) from your vagina. This is not uncommon and takes a little time to fix.


4.  I Can Die From Moldy Tampons

This is somewhat true, but there are numerous ways to avoid it. Mold on tampons may be caused by a number of factors, including bleach used to create the perfectly white appearance. The best way to avoid this is to examine your tampon before using it; checking for anything that may seem out of the ordinary, or dark shadows coming through the slightly opaque applicator.

Kimi Suggests: Try applicator-free tampons. Brands like OB take an eco-friendly route with their tampons which require no waste (aside from the thin plastic wrapper). The tampons are entirely visible and work just as well as tampons with applicators. Natural health stores also sell dye-free cotton tampons with and without applicators.

Changing tampons every 3-4 hours will also eliminate the risk of TSS (Toxic Shock Syndrome) – discussed Here.

Benefits of Tampons: 

With practice, using a tampon will only take a matter of seconds (including insertion and package disposal).

They are known to reduce the pain caused by cramps as they alleviate the pressure that creates discomfort. It is also said to reduce bloating.

Using applicator-free or cardboard applicator tampons reduce waste and the amount of pads/applicators in landfills, which helps the environment. Cardboard applicators biodegrade and are flushable.

Tampons can help you go through your day without worrying about leakage messing up your white pants, heavy flows bringing down your energy or being unable to go swimming on vacation.

Using tampons are a personal choice, but definitely something to look into. Browse your local pharmacy store and try a small pack to see what works for you.


Toxic Shock Syndrome: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/PMH0001676/

BeingGirl.com – http://www.beinggirl.com/article/tampon/

A Guide to Using Your First Tampon: http://www.youngwomenshealth.org/tampon.html

10 Tips on Using Tampons for the First Time: http://allwomenstalk.com/10-tips-on-using-tampons-for-the-first-time/


Awkward Question: Is it Normal to Have a Lot of Vaginal Sweat?


There are various causes for vaginal sweat, some of which make the issue more noticeable than normal. A condition known as hyperhidrosis, excessive sweating, can be seen in different parts of the body; including the hands, feet, face, chest and head. The genital region is no different. If there are sweat glands, there can be an excess of sweat.

Waxing or shaving the genital region can make sweating more prominent, as hair absorbs the moisture caused by sweating. Without pubic hair to act as a barrier, sweat is absorbed by the underwear and/or clothing placed over the genitals. If you have issues with sweating, consider a bikini wax only, and allow the hair to remain at the pubis.


Cotton panties/briefs are a helpful way to avoid the odor caused by sweat. Sweating produces a chemical called Urea, that is also found in urine; when drying or in excess amounts it may create a urine-like odor. Since cotton is porous, it allows oxygen to circulate and keep the odor at a minimum. Wick-away undergarments are also an option, as they draw moisture away from the genital region. There are underwear with waterproof barriers available as well.

Changing your diet may also assist in this issue, as foods high in sugar, salt, caffeine and alcohol can increase the level of sweat produced. Drinking water often will reduce the level of urea in the body and minimize the odor.


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Sweat Pads: If all else fails – try these. Most companies cater these to underarms, but breathable pantiliners also serve the same purpose. Check out the search here to see if any of these will be of assistance.

Always remember to see a licensed physician when faced with issues that affect your health. Only a doctor can truly diagnose whether you have a medical condition or a minor issue. Seek help if and when the issue begins to affect your daily life or regimen.






Love Joule, Japan’s First Bar Devoted To Female Masturbation, Opens In Tokyo


via Huffington Post:

This bar is guaranteed to get a lot of buzz . . . if only for the battery-operated sex toys.

Love Joule, a colorful new bar in the Shibuya district Tokyo, is the first “love and sex bar dedicated to women,” according to the Tokyo Reporter. What does this mean, exactly? Proprietor Megumi Nakagawa minces few words.

“Once they take a seat, customers are able to experience a pleasant place in which they can openly discuss masturbation,” she said. “Since most people view female masturbation as something of a mystery or taboo, it is not a usual topic at typical bars.”

It’s hard to imagine not talking about the bar’s unique theme. Behind the counter, where rows of liquor bottles would normally stand, are colorful display cases filled with dozens and dozens of different types of vibrators.

The spot is already a hit with women in the commercial sex and burgeoning adult film industry, according to its Facebook page, which sites former adult video star Nayuka Mine and model Sayo Hayakawa as customers.

Akiko Teishi, a reporter for blog Bikyamasr.com, visited the bar recently and spoke to some of its patrons.

“I go because it is a safe place and I don’t have to worry about trying to brush off men all the time,” said a customer going by the name Sayama. “Add in that it is also a great place to drink and talk about what we women love to talk about, sex and guys, that’s also a big pull.”

According to the blog, Ikuko Ikeshita a doctor with the Ikeshita Ladies’ Clinic, said that over the past few years, “there has been a movement to do away with the stigma surrounding female masturbation in Japan, pointing to the increase in websites discussing female sexuality and stores selling female sex goods.” Love Joule is just part of this general trend.

The sanctity of the space is preserved by a policy prohibiting single men from entering— men are only welcome if they are accompanying a woman, according to Rocket News.

Men without a female companion will just have to wonder what’s going on inside. Luckily for them, male masturbation doesn’t face the same stigma.

Guys not lucky enough to secure a Love Joule invite may want to check out Koichi Matsumoto’s customized toys “just for men.” Since 2005, Matsumoto’s company Tenga has sold more than 15 million male masturbation units worldwide, according to Salon, including 6.5 million units of his best-seller, the disposable Tenga Egg.

