When things go wrong during intercourse, most individuals chalk it up to the usual excuses; nervousness, environmental distractions or lack of attraction. However, if none of those factors are present – one must look further to find the true answers. Lack or decrease in libido can be caused by changes in a man or woman’s dietary regimen, so if you’ve been feeling less than frisky lately – this may be why.
Foods that Kill Sex Drive:
Eating too much soy may kill the mood
Don’t worry about developing “man boobs” if you have small amounts of soy in your diet, but excess amounts of the legume-derived products (soy milk, tofu and sauce) can drastically reduce the levels of testosterone in the blood and decrease your love drive, according to a study in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
Researchers found that men who consumed 120 mg of soy a day had a decrease in testosterone. And if you’re working on becoming a dad, make sure you cut down or delete it entirely from your diet; a 2008 study in the journal Human Reproduction found that soy can lower a man’s sperm count.
Graham Crackers:
Graham Crackers pack libido-crushing carbs
Dr. Sylvester Graham created Dr. Graham’s Honey Biskets in 1829, in the hopes that the graham meal would “suppress any carnal desires” (i.e. masturbation or intercourse). Although this was never proven scientifically at the time, Dr. Graham’s theory may have a valid point.
Refined carbohydrates in general and such as those loaded into graham crackers, can possibly cancel any plans to get freaky. Excess refined carbohydrates (bleached white flour) can zap testosterone levels. Sugars from refined carbs will not only make a man gain weight but can raise the level of estrogen and deplete his testosterone levels. Lack of testosterone = lack of arousal.
Beware of pre-gaming too hard before game time
Too Much Alcohol:
While a drink or two may make you feel brave, Alcohol is a known cause of drowsiness and lack of coordination. Combine that with sleepiness and you have the recipe for sexual disappointment. “Alcohol can take a toll on your sexual prowess causing erectile difficulties, trouble achieving orgasm and premature ejaculation,” says Amy Levine, sex coach and founder of Ignite Your Pleasure. “If you have one too many, you’re likely going to feel less inhibited.” Work on having two to three drinks max if you want to be ready to go later.
Added hormones may have you beating your meat…
Red Meat:
Foods that contain added hormones or antibiotics, such as some red meats, are a huge sex offender by unbalancing a man’s natural hormones when consumed in excess. Sometimes, certain savory foods can even affect secretions like semen, sweat, urine and breath, according to Levine. Examples of the biggest offenders are asparagus, garlic, certain spice and dairy products, which can all lead to some not-so-pleasant scents and tastes. “Sweet citrus fruits like pineapple and flavors like vanilla, tend to make men and women tastier, although you may have to ingest a significant amount to notice,” says Levine.
Overall, red meat has its pluses when consumed lean and in moderation. It’s a great source of protein and zinc, which is key to muscle-building and zapping fat. Opt for leaner cuts with round or loin in the name or a classic filet mignon. If you can, stick to farm-raised meat and grass-fed beef for your hormone free dietary needs.
Epic meals should be reserved for once in a lifetime.
The root cause of excess weight gain is overeating, which is the number one killer of men’s sex drives. According to Corey B. Schuler, functional medicine nutritionist at the Metabolic Treatment Center, “The worst food that a man can have for his sex drive is too much of it,” he says.
“Diet accelerates the aging process. Anyone carrying extra weight from ages 35 to 60 is accelerating the aging process—anyone living a high stress, poor diet and no exercise lifestyle. Midsection increase is probably the number one reason for lost sex drive.” A good diet equals good sex. “People ask if there’s some magic to it, but it’s nothing like that,” says Yarian. “The better the person’s diet is, the more healthy their sex drive.”
Keep in mind that these are not always the reasons why having sex is difficult. Other underlying issues may play a role; such as psychological stresses, physical illness, low testosterone or estrogen or erectile dysfunction. If the problem persists for more than two to three occasions, seek the advice of a medical professional.
Could your favorite daily snack take the flavor out the bedroom?
If you haven’t lived under a rock for the past decade, you may have heard of (or seen) R&B singer R. Kelly’s world famous sex tape, where he immortalized the “Golden Shower.” Many have come across the term in random sex conversation, but how many truly know what it is? Today, we break down the Golden Shower and its true meaning.
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Urolagnia, or the Golden Shower.
Urolagnia (also urophilia, undinism, golden shower and watersports) is a form of salirophilia (which is a form of paraphilia) in which sexual excitement is associated with the sight or thought of urine or urination.[1] The term has origins in the Greek language (from ouron, urine, and lagneia, lust).
The term manifests itself in quite a few different ways. There are individuals who are enticed by the sight or sound of someone else urinating. Some enjoy being urinated on, whether it be in the shower or on a bed. Others, enjoy “peeing” on their partner. Urolagnia, for example, is used to describe the sexual pleasure one receives when one pees in one’s pants or watches another person wet him or herself. Another form is uriposia, in which a person derives pleasure from drinking urine. The taste and smell of urine can actually be different based on what people eat or drink. The urine of healthy individuals is usually harmless and sterile.
All of these fall under the Urolagnia term, and are actually not as uncommon a fetish as people may think.
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Common Variations of Urolagnia:
Clothes wetting: The person is sexually aroused by wetting one’s clothing or observing another person doing so. Usually that person prefers to stage the wetting so that his/her legs (or other body parts) become soaked with urine. The warm sensation felt when urine trickles on the body seems to give very relaxing and pleasurable feelings to the person. In many cases, that person is also aroused by smelling body parts that have a urine scent. Others get aroused by telling some people about when they lost control and wet themselves. Some prefer a particular type of clothing to urinate.
Exhibitionism: Becoming noticeably desperate or wetting oneself with the express purpose of being seen by strangers. Practitioners have described going to public places such as a mall or a park. Some intend to create situations where others can see their wet clothing.
Human urinal: An act common in the bondage sex community where a male or female slave will serve as a urinal for a dominant partner. The slave is usually strictly forbidden from placing their lips directly on the body of the dominant so the practice routinely involves them receiving much of the spray all over their face, hair and body.
Omorashi: The act of holding one’s own urine until the need to urinate is urgent, making another hold in their urine, or watching another person with an urgent need to urinate. This fetish sometimes originates from childhood memories of being or of seeing another needing to urinate. Arousal may be triggered by seeing the body movements or facial expressions of that person. It can also be heightened by the person saying that they have to urinate. The arousal from being desperate comes from the sensation of having a full bladder.
Pussing: British expression for an activity involving a consenting couple where the male partner watches the woman urinate otherwise undetected in a semi-public place, usually a toilet cubicle at a pub, hotel, restaurant, theatre/cinema, office, club etc. The strategies and tactics that are used to smuggle one of the couple into and out of the toilet undetected are as important or almost as important as the urination. The activity is done by itself or as a part of or prelude to other activities which many times involve sex.[citation needed]
Voyeurism: Seeing another urinate without the person’s knowledge either through video taping by a hidden camera, or by lurking in locations where people are urinating or are likely to have an urge to urinate.
If you still feel like a weirdo – consider this. There are a few notable individuals who have openly admitted to enjoying Golden Showers, including (but not limited to); R. Kelly, Ricky Martin and British Sexologist Havelock Ellis. You are not alone, and if your partner agrees to the activity – then there is nothing to worry about. Be sure to practice safe pee, however; if you know or feel you may be infected with an STD – seek the treatment of a medical professional.
Jump up^“Ricky Martin outraged over controversy caused by his ‘golden shower’ comment”. Singapore: Agence France-Presse / Yahoo! Singapore Pte. Ltd. 2006-01-14. Archived from the original on 2007-01-25. Retrieved 2013-03-11. “Latin crooner Ricky Martin has expressed outrage over controversy that emerged after he told a leading US music magazine he enjoyed “golden showers” — the act of urinating on another person. … “I love giving the golden shower,” he told Blender magazine earlier.”
Jump up^ Redaction, “Annie Sprinkle”, Miradas (in Spanish), “(…) she made herself get called Annie Sprinkle. Sprinkle (…) made reference to her obsession with fluids: “I was attracted by the sprinkles over ice cones and by the sound of humidity. I like cascades, urine, vaginal fluid, sweat, anything wet. So the name “Annie Sprinkle” seemed perfect.””
^ Jump up to:ab Genest, H. & Dubost, G. (1974) “Pair living in the mara ( Dolichotis paragonum Z ) “Mammalia 38: 155-162.
Jump up^ TABER, B. E., AND D. W. MACDONALD. (1984) “Scent dispersing papillae and associated behaviour in the mara, Dolichotis patagonum (Rodentia: Caviomorpha) “.Journal of Zoology 203:298-301.
It’s an age old taboo that no one seems to want to discuss. Many religions have strict rules about it; making it an event that takes much thought and planning. Women fear it, men look forward to it. Some never get to it, because Baby steals the show. Sex after pregnancy is definitely not your usual conversation starter, but it sure does strike up a good discussion.
There are two different types of women after pregnancy; women in vaginal pain and women in abdominal pain. Both of these women have special circumstances that make sex virtually impossible immediately after giving birth. Initially, sex is probably the last thing on a woman’s mind unless she’s concerned about pleasing her partner. While it is normal to worry about the happiness of one’s significant other – the woman must remember that the body needs time to heal.
How long does it take to heal?
“Whether you give birth vaginally or by C-section, your body will need time to heal. Many health care providers recommend waiting four to six weeks before having sex. This allows time for the cervix to close, postpartum bleeding to stop, and any tears or repaired lacerations to heal. (Mayo, 2013)” Aside from the time given by the doctor, the second most important time is your own. Some women feel ready in a matter of weeks, while others aren’t comfortable for a few months. Remember that your cervix needs time to close, uterus to contract and any tears, lacerations or stitches to heal. Having sex before you’re ready can lead to extreme pain, injury and possible infection.
Keep in mind that every woman’s body is different, and some may recover sooner or later than the standard recommended span of time.
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Will it hurt?
Hormonal changes might leave your vagina dry and tender, especially if you’re breast-feeding.
To help ease any discomfort during sex, take it slow. Start with cuddling, kissing or massage. Gradually build the intensity of stimulation. If vaginal dryness is a problem, use a lubricating cream or gel. Try different positions to take pressure off any sore areas and control penetration. Tell your partner what feels good — and what doesn’t.
It’s also important to focus on the moment. Keep your mind on yourself and your partner — not the diapers, laundry and other household chores.
If sex continues to be painful, consult your health care provider about possible treatment options.
Will it feel different?
“After a vaginal delivery, decreased muscle tone in the vagina might reduce pleasurable friction during sex — which can influence arousal. This is usually temporary.
To tone your pelvic floor muscles, try Kegel exercises. Simply tighten your pelvic muscles as if you’re stopping your stream of urine. Try it for five seconds at a time, four or five times in a row. Work up to keeping the muscles contracted for 10 seconds at a time, relaxing for 10 seconds between contractions. Once you’ve got the hang of it, do at least three sets of 10 Kegel exercises a day.”
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Once you are fully healed, consider using Kegel Balls to further strengthen the pelvic floor and help make sex more pleasurable. These devices use resistance to regularly exercise the vagina, creating a tighter more elastic environment. Read more about them here.
Overheard in Girl Talk:
“I had a c-section – so my first time wasn’t til last week. Not the whole 8 weeks but my suture is closed up so I said fck it. Missionary like a virgin lol”
“I had a C section as well”
“I’ve had women say their partners wouldn’t wait at all. Compromising my health for his pleasure wouldn’t be priority.”
“Only thing I was scared of was getting pregnant again.”
“Me too. Condoms for the next month or so til I’m confident this birth control is working”
“I waited 3 or 4 weeks before i mounted on Hubby* again lol He was fine with waiting. I was the one going crazy without it lol.”
“Me too!! He was worried he’d bust my incision open and we’d look like fools in the ER, lol”
When I was asked to write this article I immediately said yes because of who asked me and because I feel it’s an important topic that doesn’t get enough attention. Often, when people think of “woman problems” they think of breast cancer, ovarian cancer and things like that. [tweetthis]No one really discusses #Endometriosis; what it is, how it affects girls/women every day, and how it robs us. [/tweetthis] After I said yes, I thought “what did I just agree to?” and tried to think of ways to get out of it. I settled within myself that if I’m going to be an advocate for Endometriosis awareness and research it means sharing my story and providing details. So here we go!
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My name is Anika and I have Endometriosis! I’m 37 years old and the oldest of six children. I am married to an amazing man and have 3 beautiful stepchildren. Let’s start at the beginning shall we? From the moment I had my first menstrual cycle I experienced pain, sickness, and fatigue. There was nothing and I mean nothing about that transition from a girl to a woman that was a good thing for me. You know that crap they tell you. For 11 years, I dealt with a menstrual cycle that lasted 7 days and was like a running faucet, gave me debilitating pain throughout my body; migraines, sickness, missed days from school, church, work, fainting, etc. I couldn’t function. One would think I only had this issue around the time when I was supposed to have my cycle. I had no clue that your period wasn’t supposed to be like this but I knew that none of my friends had this kind of pain and sickness with theirs. Well beginning around 1999 it started occurring outside of my period and I knew I needed to get checked out again. All the doctors I met with felt it was just cramps, nothing to worry about. It was just the “normal symptoms of your period. Every female goes through it.”
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Between 2000 and 2001, my symptoms became worse. I had become used to being sick all the time. However, I wasn’t used to having a menstrual cycle that wouldn’t stop. Weeks would go by and I would have my cycle. I went through several OB/GYNs and they all continued the same rhetoric. Ultrasounds with no results. It was even painful to get a pap smear. Something that takes a few seconds should not be that painful. My stress was growing! In the summer of 2000, I finally found someone who was willing to listen and help. After reviewing my records, speaking with me and checking me, he decided to send me for a pelvic sonogram. The end result – Endometriosis. I had no clue what Endometriosis was and immediately took to the internet. Endometriosis is a chronic disease that occurs when the tissue (endometrium) from the lining of the uterus grow in other areas of the body. The tissue creates growths or lesions, which generally respond to the menstrual cycle the same way the tissue in the uterine lining does. The only problem is the endometrial growths/lesions outside of the uterus have no way to exit the body. This causes internal bleeding, infammation, pain, infertility, scar tissue, bowel problems, painful sex, organs stuck together, and the list goes on. With this knowledge, I began a Naproxen (Aleve) regimen. Then I began a Tylenol with Codeine regimen. Nothing was working.
The beginning of 2001, my pain worsened and we ran more ultrasounds and pelvic sonograms. Besides having a great number of small fibroids, I had multiple, very large cysts growing on both of my ovaries. After crumbling into a ball of tears trying to understand what was happening to my body, I asked what we needed to do. Next up I began taking different brands of birth control pills to try to shrink the cysts. That didn’t work and left me still in pain. Finally, the doctor decided I needed to begin taking Lupron shots on a monthly basis. [tweetthis]#Lupron essentially stops your body from creating the lining in the uterus and you don’t have your period. [/tweetthis] You go through menopause. Yes, I said it Menopause! – and all the hot flashes and cold sweats. After 2 years, Lupron worked by stopping the pain but did absolutely nothing to the cysts.
My OB/GYN told me I needed to have surgery immediately because the cysts weren’t getting smaller and my ovaries were in jeopardy. So, February 2003, I found myself sitting in a hospital gown waiting to have a Laparoscopy to remove the cysts. They successfully removed the cysts. I’m now in the recovery room still under the influence of the anesthesia. I see my mom and my surgeon. The surgeon says “Ms. Robinson your surgery is finished. You will feel more pain than expected because the laparoscopy wasn’t successful. We had to do a full bikini cut to stop some excess bleeding and give you a transfusion. I have NEVER seen this much scar tissue in one body. We removed 2 cysts from your left ovary and 2 cysts from your right ovary. The right ovary was being depressed by the cysts. We removed as much scar tissue and lesions as we could but we couldn’t get everything.” And this is where is gets depressing “My suggestion is that you consider adoption because I am 99.99% sure you will never be able to have children – not even through IVF (In Vitro Fertilization). I’m so very sorry. I’ll come back and check on you later.” Then I was out again. When I finally came to I had to ask my mother if what I remembered hearing is what the surgeon actually said or was I hallucinating. She sadly said that I remembered it correctly. He said it so nonchalantly I didn’t know what to do. When I went for my checkup he told me that the endometriosis was everywhere. It was all over my uterus, my ovaries, my fallopian tubes, my bladder and my intestines as if a bomb exploded inside of me. So I wasn’t crazy or being a Drama Queen for the last 14 years, something was terribly wrong with me and I now had 6 weeks to be miserable about it.
At this point in my life, I was in a truly loving relationship. Eventually, I would want to have children and I’m told I would never have children? Back to work and back to Lupron shots for another year. Then birth control for another 4 years. I made the decision to stop when my cycle starting lasting for weeks again. I remained off the birth control for 3 years and started them again the summer of 2010 because I couldn’t take the pain any longer. So many ultrasounds to make sure I didn’t have more cysts. The pain didn’t go away but it got a bit (just a bit) more manageable. By this time, I had been married to my husband for about a year (together for 9 years). We began talking more and more about children and possibly trying IVF. I immediately began taking prenatal vitamins as my new OB/GYN said it was the best vitamins to be on even before trying. It took me 2 years to get up enough courage to make the decision to go through IVF. Around 2011, I was diagnosed with borderline hypertension, which I take daily medication to treat. I wonder why – could it be stress?
In October 2012, my husband and I walked into an infertility office. It was an initial consultation to remember. My fertility specialist was great, very straightforward which is exactly what I needed. She looked at me and said “you’re probably one of those people that should have had babies when you were 16. That was probably the best time for you.” She was worried about my egg quality because endometriosis deteriorates your eggs, but she was hopeful. The bad news was 2013 would be my last year to try IVF. It would be too much of a health risk for me to try after 12/31/2013. Go figure! During the ultrasound she found that the fibroids had significantly grown and one in particular went out through my uterine wall, came back and, and went back out through the wall (called Trans mural fibroid). I needed to have surgery to remove them before I could start anything. She also saw a problem with my fallopian tube. After having my first HSG test, I found out that one of my fallopian tubes was completely closed because of the endometriosis. It also needed to be removed. [tweetthis]A #hysterosalpingogram (HSG) is an X-ray test that looks at the inside of the uterus and fallopian tubes and the area around them, by using a dye.[/tweetthis] Pictures are taken as the dye passes through the uterus and fallopian tubes and alerts the physician to the problem areas. The test is for women who are having a hard time becoming pregnant (infertile). It can also be quite painful – mine was VERY painful.
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With this news, January 2013, I go in for my Abdominal Myomectomy where 4-6 (I don’t recall) fibroids were removed, a fallopian tube, lesions, scar tissue, and they separated my uterus and remaining fallopian from my colon (yes they were stuck together). My surgeon this time around was absolutely awesome and very informative. My ovaries, uterus and remaining fallopian tube weren’t in the best of shape but I got the green light to move forward with the IVF process after I healed. Oh did I happen to mention that the surgeon notes from my surgery in 2003 stated that he saw the damaged fallopian tube and the trans mural fibroid? He never said a word and neither did my OB/GYN at that time. I couldn’t believe that they saw those things and did nothing and said nothing.
September 2013, I began the IVF process. I was on a Lupron cycle which also included Follistim and Menopur. Hopeful remaining positive, I gave myself shots every day and visited the doctor’s office really early in the morning pretty much every other day for blood tests and ultrasounds. My estrogen levels were increasing wonderfully and all signs were positive. Ovidrel was my trigger shot, which I took a day and half before egg retrieval. I had 10 eggs retrieved and 0 fertilized through the normal process. They called to inform me and get my permission to do a last resort or “rescue fertilization” called ICSI. This rescue process is where they break the shell of each egg and insert the sperm directly into the egg. On September 30th they called me back while I was at work. It was my fertility specialist. “We are so sorry. The eggs fertilized but they all fertilized abnormally. We can’t do the implantation. Unfortunately, eggs don’t tell you why they don’t fertilize normally so we can’t tell you exactly what happened. Your eggs were mature but they just didn’t fertilize properly.” She and I talked for a few minutes and I cried. I called my husband immediately and could barely speak. I left work early and headed home. All I could do was walk in the house and collapse in my bed. Why me? Why me? Why me? I mean don’t get me wrong I don’t wish this on anyone but……….why me?!?!?!?!?
My husband came home and made me get up and leave the house. I stayed home from work a couple of days and cried myself to sleep throughout the day. All I could think about was my 1st surgeon telling me I would never get pregnant even through IVF. Could he be right? Will I never have children of my own? I feel like I’m less than a woman…as if that possibility of not having children defined my person. Logically I know it doesn’t but you can’t help but feel that way.
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I write this in tears because my failed IVF occurred just 2 weeks ago, but it’s cathartic for me to share it. I know I have a long road ahead of me and I will continue to have moments where I cry and feel the hurt of this, but I will keep going and continue living. My battle with endo hasn’t ended as I am in pain right now. I have my wonderful husband of almost 4 years (12 years together) who is with me every step of the way. My story is not exactly the same as everyone else’s, but I’m sure there are some similarities. [tweetthis]#Endometriosis has mentally, emotionally, physically drained me since 1989 and 24 years later I won’t give in, and I won’t lose my faith.[/tweetthis] It’s a cruel and horrible disease but there are treatments that may make it tolerable. To this day so many young girls and women go without a diagnosis or misdiagnosed. If you have recently been diagnosed with endometriosis, or your endo is now causing you to have infertility problems, please know you aren’t the only one going through this. You are not alone!! Your EndoSisters are all around you – it’s an international family. I spent years thinking I was just the oddball. Hopefully more women will speak out and share their stories and advice, including you! I’ve added some helpful site below.
The jury is still out on my fertility but I’m living and remaining hopeful. At the end of it whatever God’s will is it is. If nothing else maybe my story will cause someone to discuss their symptoms with their doctor and get checked out. Awareness & Hope!!!!
~Your EndoSister
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Seek the advice of your Ob/GYN if you are having symptoms of endometriosis. Only a professional can officially diagnose and treat this illness.
With the rampage of AIDS and HIV infections sweeping across America, it is especially important to get tested annually or semi-annually based on your activity. Even if you only have one partner, getting tested keeps you safe and sure. The following list includes free testing centers by state, and will be updated frequently to meet your needs.
As girls progress into women, then into mothers – it is common to hear popular myths and urban legends regarding pregnancy and childbirth. Many of these are far-fetched and unrealistic – but have been carried from so many generations, some are bound to believe. The goal today is to look into one such myth, and find out what is truth and what is fiction.
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Does Semen Induce Labor?
“I tell my patients to do that all the time,” says researcher Terry Harper, MD. Harper, who now practices maternal fetal medicine in Albuquerque. Although there’s no proof sex can start labor, there is a good reason why it might. Harper says sex releases prostaglandins, hormone-like substances that are like the medications used to induce labor. And it won’t hurt to try!
“I think sex is a great idea,” says New York midwife Elizabeth Stein, CNM. Make sure your water has not broken and your doctor or midwife has given you the green light. She adds that it’s important for the man to ejaculate inside the vagina. “This ejaculate contains prostaglandins which stimulate the cervix … possibly leading to contractions.”
Researchers often present conflicting findings in regards to non-medicinal remedies to certain medical issues, and urban legends are no different.
But few studies have ever investigated whether sex really can initiate labor, and the small amount of existing evidence was inconclusive. Dr. Tan Peng Chiong, an obstetrics and gynecology professor at the University of Malaya (Malaysia) and his colleagues write in the obstetrics and gynecology journal BJOG. Tan said the belief also probably came from “the deep seated folk perception that intercourse in pregnancy may be unsafe and may cause pregnancy expulsion or miscarriage despite fairly replete evidence to the contrary.”
Tan assisted in conducting an experiment to find out whether sex had any impact on inducing labor.
“The rates of induced labor were similar in both groups: 22 percent of those advised to have sex and 20.8 percent of the other group had inductions, a difference so small it is likely to have been driven by chance.
Pregnancy also lasted an average of 39 weeks for both groups.”
These findings are somewhat inconclusive, so research still continues in this realm.
How the Chemicals Work
Other Urban Legends:
There are other myths and legends that have been linked to inducing labor, but do not have enough research behind them to verify the claims. If you are considering any of them, be sure to consult with your doctor before trying anything.
Nipple stimulation. Stimulating the nipples releases the hormone oxytocin, which naturally triggers contractions, but the cervix must already be ripe for this to work. Too much nipple stimulation also can produce very strong contractions that can actually be dangerous to the baby.
Herbal remedies. A number of herbs, including blue cohosh and black cohosh, have been touted for triggering labor, but there isn’t enough evidence to prove they work. What’s more, herbs can be dangerous if not used properly, so don’t take any herb for inducing labor without first talking to your doctor.
Castor oil. Research shows castor oil probably won’t do anything to induce labor, but it probably will irritate your gastrointestinal tract enough to make you feel sick to your stomach.
Walking. It’s always a good idea to stay active throughout your pregnancy, but studies haven’t proved that walking can induce labor.
Unless your doctor feels that it’s time to induce labor for medical reasons, it’s always better to let nature take its course.
It seems like a far-fetched idea, but what an interesting concept! In a world where many adults wish to be parents but cannot, millions of children around the world are in dire need of loving homes. TV host Aamir Liaquat Hussain gives away abandoned babies as prizes during his prime-time game show – with mixed feedback from people all over the planet.
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From CNN:
His show — Aman Ramazan — has been dubbed Pakistan’s version of The Price Is Right, with members of the 500-strong audience receiving prizes in exchange for answering questions on the Quran.
The giveaway bonanza includes motorbikes, microwave ovens, washing machines and fridges.
He also cooks while men sing Islamic hymns and discusses religion with children in a garden full of rabbits, snakes and goats.
The baby girls given away on the show were found by an NGO, the Chhipa Welfare Association, which says it receives up to 15 abandoned babies a month.
“Our team finds babies abandoned on the street, in garbage bins — some of them dead, others mauled by animals. So why not ensure the baby is kept alive and gets a good home?” said Ramzan Chhipa, who runs the organization.
“We didn’t just give the baby away. We have our own vetting procedure. This couple was already registered with us and had four or five sessions with us.”
We’ve created a symbol of peace and love, that’s our show’s theme — to spread love. I’m setting an example. Giving a childless couple an abandoned child. But, the couple didn’t know they would be handed a newborn when they were invited to take part in the show and paperwork was not processed before the live broadcast.
So this unsuspecting couple went on the show expecting to win a new microwave came home with a new baby? You’d think they’d be pissed? But they weren’t!
“I was really shocked at first. I couldn’t believe we were being given this baby girl,” said Suriya Bilqees, now a mother of a two-week old. “I was extremely happy.”
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Not everyone in Pakistan is pleased with the baby give-a-way. Many feel that it’s a ratings gimmick and unscrupulous. Outraged people flocked to the NGO’s Facebook page to leave comments of disgust:
“shame shame. First u call the baby “unwanted” then u gift it on TV. U belittle human beings. u insult “Insaan”. U Chippa U r Cheap. u action is cheap. u went to cheap show of cheap Aamir Hamaqat.”
“Shame on you to make it a game show event, what will these children feel when they will grow up. Do a good deed with your right hand that left would not know. نیکی ایک ہاتھ سے کر کے دوسرے کو خبر نہ ہو، Children are not game show trophies Sir, you are reckless. Saving babies on one hand and vying for cheap publicity on the other.”
But Hussein believes he’s doing something good during Ramadan. “These are the disenfranchised babies that grow up to be street kids and used for suicide bombing attacks. We have tried to show an alternative. Telling people to take these kids off the rubbish on the streets, raise them and make them a responsible citizen, not to destroy society through terrorism,” he said.
Imagine this happening in the U.S. You go up to spin the wheel on “The Price Is Right”, and it stops on “Baby”.
Bawer Aksal, 49, of North Bergen was convicted of one count of sexual abuse and one count of abusive sexual contact following a five-day trial in federal court. The jury in Newark deliberated seven hours before returning its guilty verdicts, according to a statement from the federal prosecutor’s office.
Aksal was arrested in August 2012 when he arrived aboard a flight from Phoenix, Arizona, to Newark Liberty International Airport. According to the statement, Aksal was sitting in the middle seat in a row of three seats, while the victim was next to him in the window seat.
The incident took place about an hour before landing, when the aisle passenger looked to his right and saw Aksal “half into the victim’s seat, with his body against the victim’s. His right arm around the back of her and his left hand beneath a sweater that was draped over her.”
The victim awoke to find Aksal’s hands insider her shirt and shorts, and she struggled out of his grasp, the prosecutor’s statement said.
Both the aisle passenger and the victim immediately headed to the back of the plane to report what happened to the flight attendants.
The federal government has exclusive jurisdiction over all sexual abuse cases that occur on U.S. flights, as such events are outside the jurisdiction of any state.
Aksal now faces a maximum sentence of life in prison and a $250,000 fine.
“Mr. Aksal is very disappointed,” Aksal’s attorney, Robert J. Degroot. told CNN after the verdict. “He felt that the trial presented evidence that did not meet the necessary burden. He has faith in the American system and he feels that he will ultimately be vindicated.”
Aksal is scheduled to be sentenced in court on October 23.
There are a plethora of products pregnant women are instructed to steer away from; most of which consist of foods and chemicals. However, as the body changes due to hormones, women can find themselves on a spectrum of sexual arousal. Some find themselves producing more natural lubrication, while some produce far less than before pregnancy.
Women may be concerned about whether lubrication can be supplemented during pregnancy, and the answer is yes. Water-based lubricants are recommended, but it is always best to consult with your physician when selecting a product for use while pregnant.
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Lots of women insist that pregnancy makes them friskier than ever. (Others want no part of the act that “got them into this mess in the first place,” but we’re not talking about them here.) Still, it’s hard to feel your sexy best when your lady-parts are parched — and pregnancy-related hormonal changes can cause vaginal dryness in some women, explains Hilda Hutcherson, MD, clinical professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Columbia University Medical Center and the author ofWhat Your Mother Never Told You About S-e-x. (Those same hormones can cause excessive lubrication, so remember that the spectrum of “normal” is ginormous.) If you fall into the parched-and-playful category, water-based lubricants aren’t only safe but recommended.
So what about putting other things down there? Oil-based and warming lubes are fine, too. But pregnant women are often sensitive to the warming lubes, so use a tiny amount first to test that it doesn’t irritate you. As far as sex toys are concerned, those are also considered safe during pregnancy, as long as your doc has given you the okay to have sex.
They seem so lifelike and the details are amazing – how do they make them?
It’s definitely no simple process; the time and effort that goes into these dolls make the thousands of dollars they cost completely worth it. Matt McMullen, the creator of the Real Doll gives a peek inside the intimate world of sex dolls…
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The RealDoll is designed to recreate the appearance, texture, and weight of the human female and male form. Their primary function is to serve as sex partners. This activity can be accompanied by certain preparations such as dressing them up in different types of clothing, changing wigs or makeup, and even adjusting body temperature by use of electric blankets or baths.
Early prototypes were made from solid latex with an interiorskeleton, but construction of the outer material was later switched to silicone. In June 2009, Abyss Creations switched from tin cure silicone to platinum silicone, which resulted in dolls that are less prone to tears and compression marks than older RealDolls.[1]
The current incarnation of the female RealDoll product was introduced in 1996.[2] In 2003, Abyss introduced the “Face-X” system, allowing any face to be interchangeable with any body. Multiple faces can then be attached one at a time to a single doll by the owner. As of 2011, there are nine female bodies and 16 female faces in the first product line. In 2009 the RealDoll 2 was introduced, which feature removable inserts for the mouth and vagina and faces that attach by magnets instead of Velcro. The line started with two female bodies and three female faces and currently (2013) offers ten faces and three bodies. Another female body is in development.[3]
“Charlie”, the first male RealDoll, was retired in 2008[4] and replaced with two body types and three head types. “Shemale” dolls may also be purchased from the company, although these must be custom ordered. Abyss also sells silicone toys such as female torso products and dildos among other offerings.
For a time, the company also offered customizations such as robotic hip actuators, finger skeletons (instead of the usual finger wires) and computer controlled speech feedback, but these expensive options are no longer available.
RealDolls are shipped to nearly every country in the world, with the majority in the United States. The three largest international markets are Germany, Australia, and the United Kingdom. Since mid-2010 over 4000 dolls have been created and shipped.
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Not very surprisingly, there is a scientific term for this phenomena. Agalmatophilia (from the Greek agalma ‘statue’, and -philia φιλία = love) is a paraphilia involving sexual attraction to a statue, doll,mannequin or other similar figurative object. The attraction may include a desire for actual sexual contact with the object, a fantasy of having sexual (or non-sexual) encounters with an animate or inanimate instance of the preferred object, the act of watching encounters between such objects, or sexual pleasure gained from thoughts of being transformed or transforming another into the preferred object. Agalmatophilia may also encompass Pygmalionism (from the myth of Pygmalion), which denotes love for an object of one’s own creation.