At last, LeVadge Shop is having its first live event. The lovechild of, LeVadge Shop features premier products in the Adult Pleasure Products industry. On February 15th, South Florida will be able to preview the newest products for 2014, enjoy live music, drinks and treats – as well as a pole dance lesson from one of SoFlo’s best instructors.
Toys will be demonstrated and the night’s discussion will be “Self-Love; Why Masturbation Is Your Friend.”
Whether you’re single, dating or married – there is always a way to spice up your nights…
RSVP is easy, simply follow the instructions below to pre-order your tickets. Door prizes will be available for the first ten ladies to arrive. Be there or be square!
Pre- Order Your Tickets Here:
Enter code VADGE10 to receive $5 off (expires January 03, 2014)
While sex toys may be taboo to some, there are many individuals who feel that they should be a part of every day life. Beyonve and Jay-Z decided to take a holiday stroll through one of NYC’s most popular adult stores. Wish I were on their Christmas shopping list…
Here’s a steamy gift that Santa certainly didn’t bring.
Beyonce and Jay Z turned Christmas into XXX-mas with a trip to famous New York sex shop Babeland on December 26, according to RadarOnline.
The Drunk In Love star and her husband reportedly treated themselves to $6,000-worth of titillating toys to help them celebrate the season.
‘They didn’t buy anything tacky or too extreme,‘ an insider told Radar. ‘It was all top-of-the-line stuff. Some of it was even gold-plated!’
Not-so-much 50 Shades Of Grey as 50 Shades Of Jay Z!
The steamy spree came after the loved up couple declared Christmas Eve date night and hit the crowded dance floor at Manhattan nightclub Greenhouse.
No doubt tired by the previous night’s festivities Beyonce, 32, and Jay Z, 44, spent a quiet Christmas Day at home with their little girl Blue Ivy, who will be two in January.
The couple, who wed five years ago, have much to celebrate this season.
Beyonce has just finished her successful Mrs. Carter Show world tour and her fifth album is dominating the charts.
The self-titled Beyonce was released on December 13 and sold a hefty 991,000 in its first 10 days, keeping it top of the Billboard 200 chart for two weeks.
But the pair will have little time to enjoy their sexy new toys as Jay Z is already back on the road.
His Magna Carter tour is due to play Atlanta, Georgia on Friday night and Birmingham, Alabama, on Saturday.
The tour, which promotes the star’s 12th studio album, Magna Carter Holy Grail, started in Manchester, England, on October 3 and finishes January 31 at State College, Pennsylvania.
In a Blue mood: Beyonce shared this snap of her with her little girl, who will be two next month, on Instagram on Christmas Eve
As previously discussed, the craze about surgical enhancement procedures is still very much popular – and often dangerous. Many women go to great lengths to save money AND get the bodies they want. With recent deaths and criminal prosecutions regarding illegal procedures, it is very important to understand the dangers of improper cosmetic surgery. New York Model/Actress/Rapper, Nya Lee speaks on her personal account with butt injections in a recent interview.
December 9, 2013 ‐ By Charing Ball
Nya Lee, supporting cast member of Love & Hip Hop NY, opened up recently about getting butt injections and why she doesn’t encourage others to do the same.
In a recent interview with VladTV, the New York-based stripper and aspiring Hip-Hop artist admitted to paying $1,200 for a non-FDA approved series of “a** shots” in hopes of creating a rounder derriere. The procedure, she said, was performed four years ago in her girlfriend’s house and by an unlicensed “technician” who said she was using a medical-grade “bio-gel,” but Lee admitted to not being able to verify the authenticity of that claim. Despite being happy with the outcome, Lee acknowledges that she put herself in danger and said she still wouldn’t advise other young women to seek out butt injections, which are illegal and have at times proven to be deadly.
According to Lee:
“It’s done in motels… I mean I did it in my lady’s house and there plenty of girls, there’s girls that email me now asking me and because that’s something I went through and I put myself there, I can’t put nobody through that or refer them to somebody and something happens to them. I don’t even respond… or even influence it.”
Listen, the ladies of reality television get lots of flack for being all sorts of negative things, but I can appreciate Lee’s candor in speaking her truth. Hey, not every black girl has a big butt. But when you ask around, it seems that a big behind is the epitome of beauty for black women. Don’t have one? Well, you better figure something out.
Don’t believe me? Just check out the many songs that are odes to the backside of a woman:
Miss Fat Booty. Rump Shaker. Da Butt. Baby Got Back. Big Ole Butt.
“I know I told ya I’d be true but Tina got a big ole’ butt, so I’m leaving you…”
Whoop! Whoop! Pull over that a** is too fat.
Booty, booty, booty, booty, rocking everywhere!
“I don’t think you ready for this jelly…my body’s too Bootylicious for you…”
Too Much Booty In The Pants. Dunkie Butt. “Bonita Applebum, I said you gotta put me on.” Fatty Girl.
“A**, A**, A**…Stop! Now make that motherf**ker hammer time!”
One thing is for sure, it ain’t her pretty brown eyes anymore.
I’m careful to not just attribute this to men as there is a considerable buy-in amongst women as well. And I am also careful not to just write the big black a**-phenomenon off as just patriarchy rearing its ugly, systematically gender-subjugating privilege over our heads. Although that does play a part in all of it, in theory, I also get the overindulgence in “appreciation” of the big brown booty. People of color, but more specifically, black people, have been subjected to the European standard of beauty, which usually is absent of more African features, including darker skin, flatter, wider noses and a curvaceous butt. And in the interest of self-determination, we get to define and redefine “what is beauty” (and “what is s*xy” for that matter) in our own self-image. However, reading the great lengths – and widths – that women, many of whom are black, have gone in order to meet this new standard of beauty, including risking prison, amputation, death and a lifetime of deformity, makes me wonder if we have just traded one oppression for another?
Just like the European standards, the black standard of beauty is real. And Lee’s story is a reminder that there are black women who find themselves excluded from both. And through that exclusion, specifically of what is considered black and beautification, comes all sorts of opportunities for shame, guilt and doing all sorts of illegal and dangerous stuff to fit in. I think it’s important as black women that we tell our young girls – and their big sisters, mothers, aunties and the menfolk too – that there is nothing wrong with loving your body, even down to a specific body part. Hell, we all have our favorites. But we also should teach that our true beauty and worth shouldn’t be compartmentalized down to just one single ass-et.
Well, here’s one way to address an elephant in the room! Artist Nate Hill has taken metaphor to the utmost level with his newest collection, “Trophy Scarves.” A play on words, the photos open discussion on race, gender and also feminism. We’ll let you draw your own conclusions, but it’s definitely an innovative concept…
Artist Nate Hill ‘wears’ white women in controversial ‘Trophy Scarves’ project
Skinny, mostly naked white women are draped across Nate Hill’s shoulders in his project, ‘Trophy Scarves.’ Hill, 36, explains it’s all about race, and how black men view white women as trophies.
East Harlem artist Nate Hill’s latest art project, ‘Trophy Scarves,’ includes photographs like this one, showing white women draped across his shoulders like scarves.
An East Harlem artist is making a name for himself by draping naked white women across his shoulders, and wearing them as human scarves.
Nate Hill, 36, said the controversial art project, called “Trophy Scarves,” is all about race.
“It’s a satire on black men who like to see white women as status symbols,” Hill, who is of mixed race, told the Daily News.
Nate Hill’s project has sparked a controversial conversation about race. He says he’s sending a message about how black men view white women as trophies.
On Instagram, lithe white women — some nude, others barely dressed in fishnet stockings or red, cheeky underwear — hang limply around Hill’s neck in dozens of photos. The artist, whose page simply says, “I wear white women for status and power,” appears only in a black suit and bow tie.
Hill, who’s originally from Florida, meets his models on social media, Craigslist or through word of mouth. Photos are taken in private, often at the woman’s home.
A photo from Nate Hill’s ‘Trophy Scarves’ Instagram page, which reads, ‘I wear white women for status and power.’
“Usually, I’m more nervous about how they’re feeling than they are,” he said. “Some of them are exhibitionists, some are artists, some of them just like to do new and interesting things.”
Hill, whose day job is tending fruit flies at an Upper East Side research facility, has “worn” between 15 and 20 women.
“I used to joke with my friends about using white women as scarves in the winter time,” he said. “Just to show, the idea that there’s something to this status symbol.”
One of the few clothed ‘trophies’ collected by artist Nate Hill.
On Friday, he’ll perform at the Abrons Arts Center on the Lower East Side, alternating between three “scarves” while standing on a rotating platform for two hours.
Hill expects controversy — it’s the heart of the project. Online, critics blast the artist for encouraging sexism, and question how the public would respond if the photos were of a white man wearing a black woman around his neck.
Most of the photos of ‘trophies’ are taken at the models’ homes, artist Nate Hill said.
Hill, who has a wife but declined to comment on how she feels about his latest work, said the project will end before the new year. Until then, he’ll collect as many new scarves as possible.
And he’s not the only one.
Hill’s popularity has sparked copycat attempts, which the artist excitedly shares on Twitter — photos of men hoisting their nude girlfriends atop their shoulders, their very own “trophy scarf” on display for the world to see.
“I’ve been shocked by the people who say, ‘You’re my hero,’” Hill said.
In 2011, Hill launched the website, selling milk that has been gargled by white women.
The pulsations a woman feels during orgasm are actually her uterus trying to gather sperm…
Round ligaments that end in the labia majora “rock the uterus back and forth during orgasm so that the cervix has the opportunity to potentially scoop semen up that may have pooled in the back of the vagina to enhance fertility,”
Tonight’s beta run was a great success – thanks to everyone who participated and watched. Our first topic was “Bedroom Blunders,” What was the most embarrassing thing to happen to you in the bedroom?
For anyone who’s sexually active, we all have had the naive misconception that sex is all misty lights, sexy faces and awesome looking positions.
As we venture into the real world, we realize this is far from the truth.
Tonight, we bare all – and discuss our most humiliating sex stories; from anal accidents
to queefing. Are you ready to talk about it?
Monthly episodes will stream live via Google Hangouts,
recordings will be posted via YouTube for
your viewing pleasure.
Questions? Comments? Topic ideas? Hit us up at
Have you ever wanted to talk about something, but your friends just didn’t understand? Ever want to have a rousing conversation about your favorite dildo or what positions you hate? Wanna have these conversations in a “Judge – Free Zone?”
Well, you’ve come to the right place.
The Masquerade is a live feed where men and women can bare all – without ever taking their clothes off. Each month, a new topic will be featured to spark conversation about every day thoughts that no one seems to feel comfortable talking about. Participants keep their identities secret by covering their faces with disguises. Is that someone you know? Maybe, maybe not. We’ll never tell.
Our first topic: “Bedroom Blunders;” What’s the most embarrassing thing to happen during sex?
The chat will be live via Google Hangouts. Can’t make it? Each episode will be recorded and available for your viewing pleasure.
Raise your hand if you’ve ever wished you could feel what was going on in your favorite pornographical film. So, it’s just me? Well, sex toy company Tenga took their talents to the virtual world and created the first sex simulator using the Oculus Rift. What is that, you ask? Read below to see how your dreams have been answered…
It was only a matter of time before someone harnessed the power of immersive virtual reality and focussed it into getting our rocks off: sex toy company Tenga looks to have created the first sex simulator using the Oculus Rift and a series of questionable aids.
Editor’s note: Before you all complain in the comments, these videos are Not Safe For Work. That probably goes for the links too. You were warned.
As creepy as this first video looks, it’s actually a fairly genius contraption. It’s essentially a futuristic male sex toy in three parts.
First, there’s the Oculus Rift. That goes over the eyes of the wearer and provides visual stimulation in the form of a manga character performing virtual sex acts on your avatar. To create an immersive sexual experience, however, you need more than just visual stimuli.
That’s where Tenga’s masturbation sleeve comes in. It provides feedback to your gentleman vegetables, but it doesn’t respond to the output coming from the actual sex simulator.
To add immersion, the devs hooked the Tenga sleeve up to a Novint Falcon 3D feedback peripheral, which takes the actions of the character and reflects them on the sleeve.
The Novint Falcon is intended to be hooked up to something like a pistol peripheral and used in action and first-person shooter titles to give gamers the real feeling of shooting a gun or being shot themselves. The theory is the same here, but the application is radically different.
In the second video, the optional hand allows for a more “realistic” hand
The Oculus Rift with optional Hand feature…
Technology is making it easier for us to never have social lives again, lol. Thoughts?
Shopping for enhancement drugs online? Think Twice.
With all the craze around “male enhancement,” it’s easy to understand why any man would be interested in being harder, better, faster, stronger. Unfortunately for most, the medically approved medications are only accessible (legally) through prescription. Prescriptions require diagnosis of an illness, so if you’re looking for casual use on date night – you may have gone to the wrong place. Over the counter drugs such as Black Ant, Rock Hard Weekend, Pandora and The Best promise all of the benefits – with none of the uncomfortable doctor visits.
Black Ant Male Enhancement Pills – are they safe?
Don’t Believe the Hype
Many brands advertise themselves as “natural” male enhancement, but do you really know what they contain? The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) approved medications such as Cialis (tadalafil) and Viagra (sildenafil) contain a set amount of each ingredient listed, including active and inactive ingredients. Many non-approved drugs claiming guaranteed results are often created in crude home/ warehouse laboratories; which may not follow the strict sanitary and medical guidelines as those approved by the FDA. Black Market vendors place most of their concern in profit, and not in health standards. Male enhancement pills are easily located on the internet, and promise fast and discreet shipping and ordering for the consumer. Customers are often duped into buying fake versions of the real products online, or watered-down alternatives with no proven effectiveness.
“Cheap is Never Usually Good”
An online search for “buy erectile dysfunction drugs” yields about 22 million websites that offer consumers “natural pills” with “no side effects.” If abnormal vision, headache and drop in blood pressure count as no side effects, then these may be the drugs consumers are looking for. The word “cheap” comes up in nearly all the searches, which should serve as a red flag for anyone looking to find an effective solution to their erectile issues. Pharmaceutical companies spend millions of dollars annually to ensure the safety and validity of the drugs being placed on the market. A $10 blister pack of cheap sex enhancement pills will probably never be subject to the same quality testing. Claims are often exaggerated in order to coerce desperate shoppers to buy the product. One site even claims that “one pill last 180 hours.” Many of the companies claiming these effects are difficult to reach if the consumer does not actually experience the desired results, and Sites often go missing after enough complaints are filed or refunds are requested.
Beware of Seedy Online Vendors
“Beware of Seedy Online Vendors”
“On these sites, you can order medications like Cialis (tadalafil), Levitra and Staxyn (vardenafil), Stendra (avanafil), and Viagra (sildenafil) without a prescription. Or, you can get a “natural” herbal remedy that promises to give you the same results. Often these drugs cost far less than they would at your local pharmacy (WebMD 2013).” Cheap brand name drugs may be counterfeit, with unknown levels of key ingredients. Most consumers utilize the convenience of online shopping, as well as the ability to bypass the awkward questions the doctor may have to ask in regards to one’s erectile dysfunction. The FDA confirmed through lab testing that certain herbal male enhancement brands contain “undeclared drug ingredient(s)” that may cause adverse effects to the consumer. Despite websites claiming that the drugs have “no known side effects,” the Food and Drug Administration tested Black Ant pills and found three times the allowed dosage of Sildenafil. The main ingredient in many ED drugs such as Viagra, Sildenafil in large doses can cause a rapid and dangerous decrease in blood pressure.
Lifestyle changes may bring back the bedroom spice
“Go Natural. No, Really.”
Men who are experiencing problems gaining or keeping an erection may want to seriously consider seeing a physician. A licensed professional will be able to better diagnose and pinpoint the cause of the issue, which may be a much simpler problem than previously thought. Often, poor diet, low energy or a completely different condition can be the cause of erectile dysfunction. Other safe alternatives exist, that consumers can use without the dangerous side effects.
Herbs such as pure Maca root have been known to naturally enhance erections and increase energy during intercourse. Consult with your medical professional to see if options such as these are right for you.
As a thank you for helping us reach 0ver 500,000 views – we are opening up our first giveaway contest. Simply enter by following the steps below. The contest starts on 11/18/2013, and a winner will be announced on 11/24/2013. Like us on Facebook, Follow us on Twitter/Instagram/Tumblr for more updates.
Winner will win a pair of Kegel Balls from PassionParties by Kimi LeVadge
Kegel Ball from Passion Parties by Kimi LeVadge
OR a pair of Dirty Dice from Passion Parties by Kimi LeVadge