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UnderCovers – Sir Richard’s Condoms


Been looking for a natural alternative to safe sex? Irritated by artificial additives, lubrications and ingredients? Well, look no more, Sir Richard’s is here to save the day – or night… 


((via SirRichards.com))

At Sir Richard’s Condom Company, we believe the power of business can help bring health and pleasure to the global community.

The Sir Richard’s story began back in 2009 when a group of entrepreneurs and designers came together to create a different kind of company.

The Problem: A huge condom shortage is leaving millions of people susceptible to some of the world’s most preventable diseases.

The Challenge: From the ground up, build a company with the power to help address this pressing global health crisis.

Our Mission: For every Sir Richard’s Condom purchased, we contribute one to a developing country.

But we don’t just stop there. Wherever we make a donation, we design an entirely new brand and ensure its cultural relevance with help and guidance from local artists, healthcare providers, and others. And, of course, we make certain that all of our condoms are of the highest quality by using only carefully sourced ingredients and avoiding those that nobody would want in their bedroom.

Today, Sir Richard’s is sold coast-to-coast in the U.S. You can find our condoms at our online shop or, should the immediate need arise, at your local or independent grocer. And keep your eye out for our first donation efforts, kicking off in Haiti with Partners In Health in early 2012. To learn more about Partners In Health’s critical work in Haiti, visit their Website.

Sir Richard’s condoms are PETA Certified Cruelty Free and Vegan – rest assured that you are playing a role in saving the world.

Find a Sir Richards Near You

 For More Info, Visit the Sir Richards Website


*This is an unsponsored post, promoting a product that has been tried, tested and approved by VForVadge.com

Single and Pregnant; The Journey to Happy…


There are days when I wake up and wonder  “what the hell just happened to me?” I swear I woke up in the middle of the night with a nice flat tummy and all of a sudden … POW … I’ve got a tummy with no navel!  I guess they say that this is the growing process and there is pretty much nothing you can do.

At this time, thankfully, I’ve discovered a great friend who has found beauty in my growth spurts. I am also beginning to find beauty in it as well. Besides the crazy itching I am actually turning around a little and becoming happy about this baby. I am thinking about names and how he or she will look, and I am also hoping that this baby is not a cry baby. My first baby cried a lot and I have heard that the second one is most of the time different. I often wonder how true that is.

I have also been talking to my mother about this baby. She worries about me because she claims that this child has made me a bit more sensitive and open to hurt.  At this point in my life, maybe mother knows best. We aren’t close, but I guess me being pregnant is her way to come in. I WON’T REJECT IT! (GUESS I AM WAAAY TOO SENSITIVE LOL).

Now as the itching goes … I am surely working on it. I’ve tried many different lotions. My next step at this point is to try almond oil and shea butter. Hope they work!

In the end I am still working on feeling totally beautiful in my new (but temp) body.

Love J. Mar

Awkward Questions – from Ask FM


As we all know, I’m available on various social media platforms; Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr. I have re-discovered Ask.fm and the questions I’m being asked are hilarious! I just wanted to share a few with you guys. Feel free to send your awkward questions to vforvadge@gmail.com. I’ll post more as they come in – Enjoy the laugh!

Ask.FM questions for Kimi LeVadge
Ask.FM questions for Kimi LeVadge
Ask.Fm Questions for KimiLeVadge
Ask.Fm Questions for KimiLeVadge

Freaky Friday: “The Experience. ..”


A titillating reader – submitted tale of “world” domination…

I have always been one for sexual adventure. I say, as the Gemini I am, try everything at least once. Keeping that motto in mind, know that this experience was one that was truly unexpected.

I was told by a friend that a guy she knew was interest in me. Not the interested as in he wanted to date, he was interested in my sexual abilities. He heard from my friend how dominating I was and he liked the fact that I was Black. I knew he wanted me to push him around a bit and also that he had a fetish for women and strap on dildos but his fetish ran way deeper than just that.

When I got to his house, he already had a 10 in long 3 or 4 in. thick in his possession. So, I did exactly what I went there for. He bent over and I ruled him. Now, the surprise didn’t come until he started with the dirty talk that included talking about how “big” I was, how upset his parents would be if they knew he liked being dominated by a Black woman as well as other comments of the like. He later revealed that he also wanted to redo the experience, but in lace.

It was a true experience indeed.

Photo courtesy of 3.bp.blogspot.com

Interview with the Super Endowed (Pt. Deux)


In case you just tuned in, we’re continuing our interview with a gentleman who is considered to be a rarity. Measuring at  11.63 inches, it’s no wonder that we’d want to know how he functions…


Read our first interview here:


“Thank you again for participating,  I’m learning so much through my interviews. It really helps for my research. ”

download (1)


Are you a “grower” or a “shower”?

– Grower, definitely.  At least, to what my understanding of a grower is.

Photo courtesy of freedigitaimages.net
Photo courtesy of freedigitaimages.net

What is it like going to urinals?

– A little nerve racking.  I won’t use them unless it’s an emergency.  I normally go into to the stalls, preferably the handicapped ones, lmao don’t judge me. surprised-woman-in-red

Do your friends know about your gift? – Some of them do.  Actually as I think about it, an alarmingly high number of my (female) friends know as of late.  I’ve been uncharacteristically chatty lately.

Photo courtesy of thenewage.co.za
Photo courtesy of thenewage.co.za


Has size ever been an issue in your serious relationships? If yes, how so?

– I’ve been cheated on twice with my size having been sited as the reason for doing so.  More specifically that sex was a chore.  Honestly, I think some of the more negative self-image complexes stemmed from those relationships.



Have you ever has the urge to do something unusual with your penis that others may not be able to do? If so, please explain.

– Hmm, I’m not entirely sure to be honest with you.  I don’t have a traditional, “normal” reference point.

Have you joined any groups/clubs specializing in extra-endowed men?

– Physically, no; Online, yes.  Back when I was more self-conscious about myself, I joined a support group of sorts.  The group to a wicked turn to basically becoming a site for lusty folks looking for a “unique” encounters, swingers ads and people generally discussing other people/celebs and not about personal experiences or actual discourse.   Stay tuned for more Interviews With…

Memorial Day 2014 – NYC Fleet Week x Vadge


Unfortunately, my travel plans have been jacked up and I’m going to miss out on all the fun in NYC this weekend – but you don’t have to! If you’re in New York and are looking for a great time, join LadySteele at the Hudson River Cafe today, May 26, 2014 for  the NYC Fleet Week Music Festival.

There will be live entertainment, NYC congressmen and women as well as the chance to buy a drink for your troops. For all they’ve done, it’s the least we can do.

Support our troops at the Hudson RIver Cafe
Support our troops at the Hudson RIver Cafe

The event will include raffle for goodies from LeVadge Shop today, but since I cannot be there – I am offering 20% the entire site until May 31, 2014. Perfect time to send some “love” to the troop in your life. 

Fleet Week Special
Fleet Week Special

My cousin is a former Navy seal, and I am grateful every day that she returned from her deployments safely. I am forever appreciative of all the troops and their sacrifices. I’ll be spending the day with my loved ones, knowing that we have some of the best security protecting us wherever we go.

What are your Memorial Day plans? 

Pregnant, Horny and Dumped…


Our newest guest writer chronicles her “growing pains” during pregnancy.  Today’s lesson is about the quest to find inner peace,  especially important with another life inside of you…

So my boyfriend recently broke up with me at 10 weeks pregnant. I still have no idea why but I am working on moving on. People say that I am supposed to find a “happy” place and stay there until the baby comes but there are days when I sit and listen to my “Total” station on pandora and instantly get into “my feelings”.  I’ve since stopped listening to that station and stick to reggae and hip hop. R&b bring  havoc to the mind. Life.

 Sad Pregnant Black Woman

I am now 15 weeks pregnant and still sad about the break up but making myself feel beautiful helps with that. Doing my hair, nails, and feet. Oh and don’t forget my monthly wax. Now let’s get into the waxing thing….. At first I was so nervous. The room was cold and Lord knows I didn’t know what was coming but i believe that since I was able to give birth the first time I should be able to do this.

The place was really nice but super cold (I think that was for germs and to keep the wax hot). Catherine, a really nice Russian woman called my name within 5 mins of me being there. Shook my hand and smiled.

Walked me into her tiny room, shut the door behind her : read my slip that had what service I wanted and asked me to take everything from the waist down.

She then smiled and said … “Its okay I wall make this easy for you.” She started chatting me up which helped. I layed on the bed, bottom of both feet touching each other and she went to work.

As she worked she talked and advised that I should take deep breaths when it’s time to pull.  *Tip alert* Ask the rep to let you know when she is going to pull. Take a deep breath in and slowly out. IT WORKS! The pain was minimal. Hurt for a few seconds then stopped. She was really nice and in 21 mins I was baby soft from waist to ankle. Being pregnant meant I was a little more sensitive in special places but like I said that pain only lasted a few mins and the beauty …. I’ve never loved my skin so much! After waxing exfoliate in the shower and LOTION UP!

I decided to wax because I was too sick to manage in the bathroom. You don’t have to go all out like I did but I don’t regret it for one min.

Although I am still pregnant, horny and just got dumped I still feel great about my body and myself right now.

Pregnant and some things that come with it.

Love J. Mar

“T.O.N.Y.,” What Solange’s Song Was Trying to Tell You…


In lieu of the elevator aftermath with Solange and Jay-Z; SolAngel’s song “T.O.N.Y.” has been stuck on repeat for days. It took on a new life in my playlist, because I see so mmany women having the Tony experience. Let’s talk about it, shall we?


You know the guy; the one you know is bad for you but you can’t seem too let go. “He’s got so much potential,” “he’ll grow out of the player ways,” “I love him.” Things we’ve all said before; you love him but are you really in love with him? Is there something real that’s making you stay? Sometimes, we get blinded by characteristics I like to call,”Decepticons.” Nice car, money in his pocket, cute face, good sex and women in pursuit. These things in combination can build a weapon of mass destruction. I mean, why wouldn’t you want the guy everyone wants – right? He may look like a package deal, but is he the only one getting benefits?

“Still, he wasn’t just some regular guy. Tony’s actually The Other Night, oh whY? I could’ve been in love by now – if it wasn’t for TO.N.Y….”

When you start to get out of the dumbfounded stage, you may pick up on some traits that concern you. Lean into your female instinct. If he doesn’t call as much as he should or use to take note. Not making you feel special anymore? Red flag. If time passes and he’s not expressing interest and commitment, run. It takes two weeks to create a habit, so if three, four, five months have passed without progression – chances are he’s not that into you. Have you met his family? What does his house look like? If you have no answer for these basic questions,  it’s time for a re-evaluation. What’s the point of being with someone if you still feel single?


In this day and age, there’s no excuse to sell yourself short. Open a dialogue with your Tony, and put the bug in his ear. You’re concerned about the potential future and want to know if he sees one with you. If the answer sounds sketchy, you know exactly what to do.

There are enough single men on this earth who are looking for a great woman. Consider yourself like shelf liquor; it is the hardest to afford, because it took more time to craft. Don’t put yourself on tap for a Tony to drink up all your resources for free. You are of much higher value than that.

In the self-help book “Don’t Be a Dumb Bitch,” author Ayana Ellis discusses the popular disorders called “Dickmatization” (hypnotism from good sex) and “Lackadickaphobia (desperation from lack of sex).” Both of which can shape the kind of men we attract…

“A Predator can always tell when a woman is suffering from Lackadickaphobia. We are so thirsty and don’t even realize it. We leave food in the microwave and the key under the mat for this dude.”

Read More of Don’t Be a Dumb Bitch here: http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Ddigital-text&field-keywords=Don%27t%20be%20a%20dumb%20bitch

Essentially, we as women often make it easy for men to take advantage. Now’s the time while youre still “single” or in the “complicated” stage to cut your losses and move on. Great investors know what a bad move looks like, and they’re not afraid to back out. Investing your heart and time, and body require the same thought process.

So, before you get caught up, listen to Solange. If he’s sounding like a T.O.N.Y., skip to the next song.

T.O.N.Y. Cover

E For Erotica – Who Am I?


Energetic. Stimulating. Maybe even a bit unnerving. All of those adjectives, in a sexual context are absolutely delicious…And all can come from simply having someone eat your pussy well, or from your basic missionary position. Nothing new there.

But what if that’s what you want, that exciting and potentially earth-shattering sexual experience? You’re tired of the same ol’, same ol…You want something that arouses you differently. Something sensual. And maybe most of all, something unusual.

That’s where you enter the world of fetish, and perhaps if you’re really adventurous, “untraditional” sex. Things with names like BDSM, ménage á trois, swinging…Activities with out-of-place names like water-sports, cum-swapping, and paraphilia…

Now, before we go any further, please understand that, in all instances, your personal safety and health – and that of your partner(s) – should be paramount, both mentally and physically. So, before you decide to engage in any of these behaviors, make sure you’re taking precautions. At all times, practice safer sex, and be with a person or people you trust.

With that said, let’s get into it.

I had my first sexual experience early in life. While it wasn’t physical, it was still a sexual experience. It occurred when I inadvertently observed one of my babysitters (a neighborhood girl) engaging in – no, let’s keep it real – getting fucked by who I can only assume was her boyfriend. She thought I was sleeping in another room of the house. But I wasn’t.

I wasn’t repulsed by seeing what I saw. I wasn’t scarred by it. If anything, I was intrigued by it. Dare I say, mentally aroused by it.

The sight of that teenage boy vigorously fucking, what even I knew then to be a beautiful girl, was intensely interesting to me. When she wrapped her ankles behind his head and he drove into her, hard and deep, making her both pant and blurt out unintelligible utterances, I remember thinking “that is what I want to do…I want to make girls feel good.” You see, I knew, even at that age, that what she was feeling, what she was experiencing was pleasure. Unadulterated, simple and base, pleasure. I knew then that power could come from delivering pleasure.

And since that moment, I’ve been dedicated to finding whatever I could do to bring a woman that same, intense pleasure.

Why You Need Kimi’s Awesome Sauce In Your Bedroom Tonight…


It’s raining. Lighting flashes, thunder rolls – your partner finally stops watching the game. It’s time.

“Lightning flash, and thunder roll…”

But, how do you start it off differently from the last session?

**Cues saxophone solo and Michael Bolton**

How about a little body chocolate?

ShineNatural LLC was awesome enough to name this sensual body butter after me in celebration of my first event. I have fallen in love with the product – they can pay me in Awesome Sauce.

Kimi's Awesome Sauce by ShineNatural

This post is straight to the point. I like all-natural food. The ingredients in Kimi’s Awesome Sauce are very simple:

1. Almond Oil

2. Coconut Oil

3. Shea Butter

4. Beeswax

5. Cocoa Powder

6. Honey

7. Vanilla Bean

8. Glycerin

8 things that can make your night very special. Since the ingredients are food-based, you can pretty much put this chocolate


Coconut oil is a naturally anti-bacterial food. Shea butter and almond oil nourish the skin. Honey has anti-oxidant and moisturizing benefits and the natural aphrodisiac Vanilla just tastes so good.

I love the taste of it, and it leaves this light trace of coconut oil that can be used as a gentle lubricant, lip balm or body moisturizer. It’s multipurpose and a little goes a long way.

So – with that said. It is currently raining, and I have a fresh tin of Awesome Sauce on my nightstand waiting to be warmed up. Just rub a little between your fingers, or let the tin sit in a bowl of warm water. The party has just begun…

Night Vadgesters!

Get your Awesome Sauce at LeVadge Shop now – for only $10! 

Photo Credit