Toy Parties are an excellent way to mix knowledge with pleasure. My Kimi’s Playthings line travels all across the country with me; teaching women about their sexual selves as well as tools and tricks to keep it spicy. Whether it’s a Girls’ Night In, Bachelorette, Birthday or Divorce party – it’s guaranteed to be a great night. Customize the package, and I’ll bring the party to you and your friends. Miami, Fort Lauderdale, New York City – this Toy Party Travels!
*Travel fees apply for parties outside of the South Florida/New York area.
Scroll down to download a $20 shopping credit for orders over $100!
Download this $20 shopping credit, bring it to any party and save!
May is National Masturbation Month, and I know how much you love touching yourselves. I took my research to the streets and polled real people anonymously on how they rub one out. This is a great way to open discussion about self-pleasure, because it seems so taboo in society. Not to mention, has us so confused as to what’s right and what’s wrong when it comes to sex. So, let’s talk about it – how do real people masturbate?
It is very normal to please yourself.
We can’t see what people do within the privacy and comfort of their own homes – but know that there are a lot of individuals masturbating on this earth.
Nearly 1/2 of women between 18 and 60 have used a sex toy like a dildo or vibrator, according to a survey via Robert Morris University.
As you read this, someone is touching themselves.
Just like it’s normal to self-please, it’s completely normal not to.
Maybe it’s not your thing. Maybe you haven’t felt compelled to try it yet. Maybe it just didn’t do the job for you. Whatever the reason is – it’s okay to not masturbate.
Everyone has their own style.
You can make it special or make it quick. Some people prefer dim lights and soft music, others can do it anywhere. Many individuals need to watch porn to inspire them, while some can simply close their eyes and imagine.
Do you. Literally.
What you do behind doors is for you alone. There are people who will try to make you feel bad for making yourself feel good, yet they live unhappy lives. Let no one guilt you.
It’s good for your health.
Seriously. Not only does masturbation release endorphins that can calm you and make you feel good – it helps increase circulation to the genitals. It is also a stress relief method for both men and women, so instead of being cranky all day – rub one out.
Seminal Fluid is one half of the necessary ingredients for creation of life. Throughout medical history, however, women’s health came secondary to the needs of men. It has taken decades to decipher the codes of the female body; what makes her tick, how she gets aroused – what irritates her flora. This journey is far from complete. Oddly enough, it is often the male anatomy and what it contains that causes irritation to the female body. Take for example, semen. It is notorious for changing the vaginal pH and causing yeast infections or Bacterial Vaginosis. Now, South Australian researchers have discovered a new link that may explain symptoms a serious reproductive issue.
SOUTH Australian researchers have published the latest piece in a long-term research puzzle investigating the biological activity of seminal fluid.
“In laboratory studies, our research found that seminal fluid enhances the survival and growth of endometriosis lesions,” says the Robinson Research Institute’s Dr Jonathan McGuane, who is a co-lead author on the paper.
Endometriosis affects around 1 in 10 women, and results from outgrowths of uterine tissues into the abdominal cavity of women with associated pain, menstrual problems and lowered fertility.
While the causes of endometriosis are thought to be multifactorial, a link between endometriosis and seminal fluid had not previously been established.
Director at the Robinson Research Institute and co-author on the paper,Professor Sarah Robertson said although these results will be followed-up with further studies, they are consistent with other research in the field.
“Our own and other research shows that rather than just being a vehicle for sperm, seminal fluid induces a biological response in female tissues,” she said.
“In most cases, this activity contributes to setting up an environment which is immunologically receptive for the implantation and growth of the embryo.”
Professor Robertson’s own PhD and postdoctoral studies at the University of Adelaide in the 1990s were some of the very first investigations in the world looking at the interaction between the immune and reproductive systems in women, and how seminal fluid impacts on this.
“But maybe there is a flip-side to this effect,” she said. “Perhaps in some women seminal fluid is one of the factors that contributes to development of a higher risk for developing endometriosis.”
“At this stage there’s not enough evidence to suggest women with endometriosis should change their sex lives,” said Professor Robertson. “But we do think it’s a factor we need to explore more.”
Forced menopause can happen in so many ways, such as a hysterectomy as recently experienced by actress/advocate Angelina Jolie. Whether we’d like to admit it or not, women get one step closer to menopause each day we wake up. Some women will experience menopause earlier than others – often due to forced menopause. The symptoms can range from mild to almost debilitating and affect a woman’s day to day functions. As your advocate, I am constantly researching the latest in solutions and treatments to help in leading normal sexual lives – and now I bring you MonaLisa Touch…
Frequently Asked Questions
The Issue
Even with the passage of time, many women still retain their youthful energy and enthusiasm, but post-menopausal changes can affect a woman’s quality of life in unexpected ways. Hormone replacement therapy may not be the best option for a lot of patients, as treatment outcomes can be uncertain. Now there is an alternative therapy for vaginal revitalization that can help millions of women who are silently suffering and unable to undergo other treatment options.
What is the MonaLisa Touch?
MonaLisa Touch is a medical laser that delivers controlled energy to the vaginal tissue to revitalize the cells in the vaginal mucosa (vaginal tissue) so that these cells make more collagen, an essential ingredient in vaginal cell health.
How does it work?
MonaLisa Touch implements CO2 laser energy that is delivered via side-firing probe inserted into the vaginal canal. A two-part pulse targets surface (epithelial) tissue and deep (lamina propria) tissue to promote vaginal mucosal revitalization.
What clinical trials have been conducted on the MonaLisa Touch?
A multisite study was conducted by Dr. Mickey Karram, Director of Fellowship Program on Female Pelvic Medicine & Reconstructive Surgery at The Christ Hospital, Cincinnati, OH and Dr. Eric Sokol, Associate Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Stanford University Medical Center. Preliminary findings from a trial evaluating the laser treatment on postmenopausal women* and breast cancer survivors experiencing vaginal health issues show positive results.
The trial assessed the use of CO2 fractional laser therapy on 30 women with vaginal health issues due to natural or forced menopause. All of the patients in the trial were treated with The MonaLisa Touch laser.
Where can I have this done?
The MonaLisa Touch is an in-office procedure performed by an obstetrician/gynecologist.
Does the procedure hurt?
The procedure is virtually painless and requires no anesthesia. Some patients may experience some discomfort the first time the probe is inserted, but the actual treatment is not painful. Many patients report that it feels like a gentle vibration.
How long does it take?
Patients receive three treatments, spaced six weeks apart, which each take less than five minutes to perform.
When will I see results?
Most patients feel improvement after the very first treatment, although the procedure calls for three treatments that are generally spaced over a 12-week period.
How long does it last?
Patients should expect to come back annually for a maintenance treatment. MonaLisa Touch was first available outside the US where more than 5,000 patients have been treated worldwide with up to an 18-month follow-up.
What are my limitations after the procedure is done?
Patients should refrain from sexual activity for 2-3 days. Your doctor will determine a post-procedure regimen that is right for you.
For which patients is this treatment appropriate? The MonaLisa Touch is appropriate for any female who has gone through menopause, as well as those who are experiencing post-menopausal symptoms as a result of a hysterectomy or breast cancer treatments.
How can I find out if a physician in my area is offering the MonaLisa Touch treatment?
Patients interested in MonaLisa Touch treatment can visit to find a physician in their area. If a physician is not currently available, patients have the option to receive additional details once the treatment comes to their market.
How much will the procedure cost?
Patients should contact their healthcare professional for additional information.
Is this procedure safe for women with breast cancer?
Yes, MonaLisa Touch treatment is particularly well suited for patients who cannot, or prefer not to receive estrogen therapy.
Will the procedure be covered by insurance?
No processing code has been established.
*Women in the study either experienced natural menopause or forced menopause as the result of hysterectomy or drug-induced suppression of ovarian function (chemotherapy, radiations, anticancer drugs such as Tamoxifen)
We’ll talk more about MonaLisa Touch in the coming weeks, but it appears to be a wonderful innovation in the forced menopause and women’s health world. I’m excited to see how this progresses and hope the information provided is an asset to someone.
Questions? Comments? Contact me –
I am so into social media, and I have become enamored with the rapper Plies and his new movement called “Sweet Pwussy Satday.” Now, if you couldn’t decode that – it stands for Sweet P*ssy Saturday; a day to hold the vagina up in reverence as it deserves to be – and cater to its every need. Plies gives weekly accounts of his vaginal escapades on Instagram, and when you’re able to understand him – they are quite entertaining. Part of the fun is deciphering what he’s saying in the first place.
Anywhoo – I decided to give my ladies some tips to help them get ready for Sweet Pwussy Satday. We may think these tips are a given, but many men and women can attest to experiencing Pwussy (Vadge) that was the opposite of sweet. Let’s make sure we’re prepared – ladies…
Sweet Pwussy Satday – as instructed by Plies…
5 Ways to Prepare Your Vagina for Sweet Pwussy Satday…
1. Shave/Wax.
I suggest getting your hands on a good shave cream, like the ever so famous Coochy Rash Free Creme. This helps keep the area protecting your vagina looking neat. Whether you choose to keep some hair is up to you, but keeping a low profile helps your partner to navigate you better.
2. Exfoliate
Whether you shave or not – exfoliating the mons area of the vaginal region can help to soften the skin and the hair. Being touchably soft can be the difference between getting treated like pie or getting the boot.
3. Keep It Clean
As simple as that sounds, sometimes it needs to be revisited. If a shower is not available at the time (long flight, after a jog, etc.) – freshen up with unscented wipes. If you’re able to hop in the tub, try to choose a soap without parabens. You can add as many tabs as you want using this technique. Chemicals in soap and body wash can create irritation and sometimes infection. Air your vagina out for as long as you can before putting on clothing.
4. Hydrate.
Water, water – everywhere. The key to good sex is lubrication, and the key to lubrication is water. If you’d like to see “jucier,” more wet vagina – sip water through the day. Every day – not just Sweet Pwussy Satday.
5. Pick the Right Recipient
Once you let someone in, there’s no changing that. Please be sure to be choosy in who you allow around your vagina. It is a sacred, important place that must be respected.
Bonus Tip – ask him to take out his golds (gold teeth) if he has any.
I hope you enjoyed this special Saturday post, and that you keep the Sweet Pwussy Satday alive!!
“Save The Balls” Campaign; Porhnub’s Movement To Raise Awareness for Testicular Cancer Awareness Month
As a sex health advocate, I take pride in discussing causes specific to certain diseases and illnesses. Now that cancer has hit close to home – it means even more to me that we all take initiative and get checked out. Pornhub happens to be one of my favorite sites for umm – research, but they are also crusaders in the fight against testicular cancer. Through their “Save the Balls” campaign, the leader in porn stands to bring awareness to millions – including readers like you. Please Like and Share this page by clicking in the box to the left after you read – you never know who’s life you may save…
Pornhub, the premiere online destination for adult entertainment, today announced its “Save The Balls” campaign to raise awareness for Testicular Cancer Awareness Month. As part of the campaign, Pornhub has released its first ever public service announcement (PSA) to be featured on special full length videos uploaded to Pornhub by, Twistys, Reality Kings and Brazzers. The campaign, which will run through April, will also feature a “Save The Balls” landing page, where you can go learn more about the disease that is the leading cause of ailment in men between the ages of 18 and 35.
See what’s under my logo – click here…
Pornhub has teamed with globally recognized advertising agency McCann-Erickson to develop the “Save the Balls” public service announcement, which depicts adult actress Charlotte Stokely using a life-size phallic model to instruct viewers on the proper methods for performing self-examinations, and check for unusual lumps or bumps in the “ol’ coin purse.” The video, which begins with a suggestive tone, quickly hits home with a message that asserts the importance of regular, and unfortunately overlooked, self check-ups to identify potential risks and aid in the early detection of testicular cancer.
“The incident rate of testicular cancer has been increasing for decades. With nearly 55 million visitors to Pornhub each day, we wanted to do our part in raising awareness towards combating this disease,” said Corey Price, Vice President, Pornhub. “Pornhub has had its share of successful philanthropic initiatives in the past and this is no one different. Our main demographic aligns with those who are most affected by testicular cancer. By encouraging our user base to perform self-examinations we can truly ‘Save The Balls’ of fans and viewers around the globe.”
Pornhub’s decision to tap into its partnerships with the largest adult studios and websites in the world will ultimately maximize potential reach of its public service announcement via the unique integration, thus ensuring millions of impressions daily. The site aims to use this opportunity to continue its sustained presence in health advocacy and awareness, a position previously established with similar initiatives such as the “Save The Boobs” campaign during Breast Cancer Awareness month. In this particular case, Pornhub’s hoping to lend a hand toward helping a completely a different, yet equally important pair of globes.
For more information on the “Save the Balls” campaign please click here.
About Pornhub:
Founded in 2007, Pornhub is the leading free, ad-supported adult video streaming website, offering viewers the opportunity to upload and share their own videos. With over 3 million videos and over 50 million visitors a day, Pornhub truly is the best adult site in the world. Pornhub has built the largest dedicated membership base in the adult community, with over 4 million engaged and loyal members, offering viewers a fun and sophisticated social experience directly in site, complete with messaging, photos, achievement badges and much more.
Many of you have been asking questions about how to have better sex lives – and this question is no different. When you have a reproductive disorder, it may be difficult to function sexually due to the symptoms. Even without any reproductive issues, sex can be made better through dietary change. Today, let’s review how improving eating habits can affect your sex life for the better. Feel free to listen to my latest podcast to hear me talk about it (please don’t laugh at my cracking voice). I appreciate you all for tuning in and trusting me with your questions!
– Kimi
Eating for a Better Sex Life
How Does My Diet Affect My Sex Life?
Our bodies function based on the nutrients they are able to draw from the foods we eat. This is true in the gym when trying to get fit, as well as in the bedroom while trying to get intimate. If your body is not energized, it can affect your ability to perform sexually. Disorders such as obesity can affect blood flow to the genitals, making erection and vaginal arousal more difficult. Feeling discouraged by lack of arousal can kill the entire mood for both partners.
PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) and Endometriosis often share symptoms that can make having sex (or doing anything) extremely difficult. While consulting with your doctor – it is a good idea to begin researching diets created specifically for these disorders and making those changes when you can. Often times, the nutrients in certain fruits and vegetables can nourish the body to help create resistance to disease and alleviate many of the symptoms without/alongside medication. It’s similar to beginning a workout regimen and deciding to eat better at the same time. You could eat poorly and see the same results, but they will come much slower – if they ever show up at all.
How Can I Start Making Changes Now?
Eat Better. Feel Better.
It’s easy.
Eat Better. Add more fresh foods to your diet. Limit processed foods when you can. If you stop somewhere for lunch, look at the menu and pick something wholesome. Once you pinpoint your specific issue, research diets that can help with it. Everything is not copy and paste; some foods may suppress a hormone and stimulate another. Having a better sex life can be as simple as lowering your blood pressure and sodium intake.
Get some vitamins in your life. Check your local health food store or pharmacy for multivitamins based on your needs. First Response has teamed up with VitaFusion to create gummy multivitamins for Reproductive Health as well as Pre/Post Natal Health. If you’re not inclined to pills, gummies may motivate you to take your multivitamins daily.
Get Active. Did you know that working out releases endorphins that make you feel good (and often horny)? It doesn’t matter how much you do – start off to the best of your abilities and work towards more. Not only may you see a decrease in weight, but you may feel an increase in libido (sex drive).
Keep track of your changes. Get a cool notebook and write down what you’ve changed this week. If you notice anything different (feelings, changes in appearance/mood, etc.) – write it down. Bring this information to your doctor and discuss your concerns. Not only does it look good to be informed, it feels good.
Stay positive, but realistic. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and you may not see change overnight. While diet change may not cure your disorder, it can and will improve your quality of (sex) life overall.
Remember, you are not alone. Take some time and look for online groups of people working towards similar goals. Facebook often has groups made for support, and it helps to know that within your personal journey – others share similar sentiments.
As an advocate for all communities, especially my Carib and Latino areas – it is extremely important for each culture to have a sex health resource they can trust. Not only are educated individuals more likely to protect themselves, they are more inclined to share information with their friends and family. I am honored to promote and (Sex Health in Spanish) as a safe platform to learn about taking care of your sexual life…
Como defensor de todas las comunidades, especialmente a mi Carib y áreas latinos – Es muy importante que cada cultura tenga un recurso de salud sexual que pueden confiar. No sólo son educados personas más propensas a protegerse a sí mismos, son más propensos a compartir información con sus amigos y familiares. Me siento honrado de promover y como una plataforma segura para aprender sobre el cuidado de su vida sexual…
Kimi Launches a Spanish Website and Engages the Hispanic Community about Sexual Health and Well Being., a Colorado public health initiative aimed at reducing the number of unintended pregnancies, has recently launched a new Spanish website, The new Spanish language site provides useful resources on a range of sexual health topics, including: information about birth control and contraceptive methods, pregnancy, STDs, and ways to initiate important sexual health conversations. seeks to normalize the conversation about sexual health in Colorado communities, and engaging Hispanics is a priority for the initiative. In a 2010 report by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE), Hispanic women represented 44.4 percent of the births resulting from an unintended pregnancy. Unintended pregnancy has a significant impact on educational attainment. The Hispanic graduation rate in 2007 was 57.1 percent.
Adam & Eve was awesome enough to gift me their new “Thruster” Thrusting Rabbit for review. I loved it so much, I got two so I could share with you all! Please enjoy the review – and feel free to enter my giveaway for a brand spankin’ new thrusting rabbit when you’re all done.
I really enjoy the ergonomic design of the Thruster – the designers were very conscious of a woman’s anatomy and they were definitely paying attention with every curve. The shape and design makes it unique from any other thrusting rabbit I’ve seen, and it’s so quiet!
The fact that it’s fully submersible leaves room for a lot of creative fun. It’s a great toy to take on a quick staycation or even just a trip to the shower. If you’re into baths, this is an awesome toy for extended play.
Have you ever tried a Rabbit Vibrator? What about one that thrusts?
How about owning one? I’ve opened my thrusting rabbit giveaway for everyone to enter – please be nice and tell your friends!
Hey Vadgesters! If you watched my last video – you know that I was gifted a Thruster by Adam and Eve. It’s such an awesome toy, that I got another one to share with you all. Here’s your chance to win it – feel free to enter now!
The Thruster is an incredible rabbit vibrator with many more capabilities than the average dual-stimulation toy. Check out my review for more details.