The V Word Podcast – Kimi Goes to Manila (Pt 1)

The V Word Podcast – Kimi Goes to Manila (Pt 1)

Hey Vadgesters – I’m here!

I’ve arrived in Bonifacio City (Philippines) after a very long set of flights, and I’m finally settled and able to start sharing with you. This episode covers a bit of my flight experience, what I immediately learned about trans living in Manila and self- pleasure while traveling. I’ve got pics for you as well, and goodies to come!


This has been such a great experience so far, and I hope you’ll stay along for the ride!

Listen to Kimi Goes to Manila by The V Word on #SoundCloud here:


I made a quick NINE HOUR layover in Qatar, too.











My first few days in Manila started off alone, so most of my photos are selfies. I didn’t want to look like a super tourist, so I snuck my phone out periodically to take street photos. Don’t judge me!


Kimi in Manila
My first night in town – I made it!











Initially, I felt a bit out of place, but that changed once I met with the team I would be training during my stay. The rest of my trip was awesome – check out my VLOG here, too.


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