Last month, we took a tour of the infamous World Erotic Art Museum on South Beach (Miami). It was a lovely experience with great guests. While everyone wasn’t captured in photographs, I’m glad to provide a quick recap of the night at WEAM…

Guests were treated with drinks and gift bags to sweeten the evening.

The Gift Bag Rundown: Vegan condoms by Sustain (Get them Here), Kegel Balls and vibrating Penis Ring from LeVadge Shop. Peppermint Sugar Scrub from Kimi’s Playthings.
I provided light drinks to get the guests ready for the night. ULTRA Music Festival was just blocks away in Downtown Miami, so the ladies were already feeling a party vibe.

The great part about WEAM is the layout. While we mingled and got acquainted, the guests were still able to view artifacts and artwork in the specially set up lounge area. The WEAM staff made sure that everyone felt comfortable in such a taboo atmosphere.

If that porcelain penis looks familiar to you, it’s because it is from the ever famous movie Clockwork Orange. You may remember it being used as a weapon in the film – now you can admire it close up.

After the tour, I got the group together and we did a talk about fellatio techniques and the importance of kegels. I hope each person left fully equipped to please their partner or themselves that night.

My goal for these events is to create a healthy environment for sex conversation. After all, (almost) all of us came from sex and will eventually have sex – why not talk about it? I hope these events are enlightening and eye opening for at least one person, and I look forward to putting together another one. Stay tuned!
Many thanks to everyone who made it out in the midst of Ultra Weekend and terrible parking.