We’ve talked about Vacation Cutting before – but it is not very often that you find a woman brave enough to talk about her experience as a survivor of female circumcision. I was honored to be able to sit down with her and tell her story. For the sake of her privacy, she has remained anonymous – but the story is just as powerful…
How old were you when you had the procedure done? Was it something you did willingly?
I don’t remember when it was done.
Where was the procedure/ritual done?
It was done in France
What was the explanation for why this ritual was done?
I didn’t get any explanation of how it was done.
Did the ritual affect your sex life in any way?
I wouldn’t know the difference between the before and after , but I do enjoy sex when it’s done right with the right person of course I have to teach the person what to do and how to please me but overall I do enjoy sex.
What are your thoughts on having it done?
Well, what’s done is already done but I wish I knew the difference.
Any feedback you would like to add for the readers?
It made me feel a little uncomfortable knowing that I am in a country where people know or heard about it but actually don’t understand it . Therefore it kind of make me uncomfortable to express my sexual desire and to always have to explain people about it.
Has there been any benefit at all to the procedure?
The only benefit out of it is it makes the vagina smaller.
I still have a hard time looking at medical pictures of the procedure, but I was able to obtain a drawing that explains pretty clearly. This is a great opportunity for education and awareness.
Female Circumcision Drawing Diagram
Share your thoughts – do you think these types of rituals should still be done?
Is tradition enough to justify continuing with female circumcision?