A titillating reader – submitted tale of “world” domination…
I have always been one for sexual adventure. I say, as the Gemini I am, try everything at least once. Keeping that motto in mind, know that this experience was one that was truly unexpected.
I was told by a friend that a guy she knew was interest in me. Not the interested as in he wanted to date, he was interested in my sexual abilities. He heard from my friend how dominating I was and he liked the fact that I was Black. I knew he wanted me to push him around a bit and also that he had a fetish for women and strap on dildos but his fetish ran way deeper than just that.
When I got to his house, he already had a 10 in long 3 or 4 in. thick in his possession. So, I did exactly what I went there for. He bent over and I ruled him. Now, the surprise didn’t come until he started with the dirty talk that included talking about how “big” I was, how upset his parents would be if they knew he liked being dominated by a Black woman as well as other comments of the like. He later revealed that he also wanted to redo the experience, but in lace.
It was a true experience indeed.