Have you ever wanted to talk about something, but your friends just didn’t understand? Ever want to have a rousing conversation about your favorite dildo or what positions you hate? Wanna have these conversations in a “Judge – Free Zone?”
Well, you’ve come to the right place.
The Masquerade is a live feed where men and women can bare all – without ever taking their clothes off. Each month, a new topic will be featured to spark conversation about every day thoughts that no one seems to feel comfortable talking about. Participants keep their identities secret by covering their faces with disguises. Is that someone you know? Maybe, maybe not. We’ll never tell.
Our first topic: “Bedroom Blunders;” What’s the most embarrassing thing to happen during sex?
The chat will be live via Google Hangouts. Can’t make it? Each episode will be recorded and available for your viewing pleasure.

Follow @Kimi_LeVadge on Instagram and like VForVadge on Facebook for updates and openings. New participants will be chosen randomly each month – stay tuned!