As women go through the stages of pregnancy, many tend to experience what they feel are unusual occurrences on a daily basis. Oddly enough, many of the problems women face, like extreme gas, engorged breasts and random sprouts of hair are not really that unusual. However, there are some instances where extraordinary events happen during that (nine) months of pregnant bliss. Take a look at some of the weird facts about pregnancy, much of it may surprise you.
You Could Be Pregnant For Over A Year

It certainly puts a whole new perspective on being a few weeks late, doesn’t it?
(Link | Photo)
A Male Fetus Can Get Erections In The Womb

If having sex while pregnant seemed a little creepy before now, just imagine what your baby is doing while you make love. (Link | Photo)
Your Entire Undercarriage Might Need Stitches

Massaging the area prior to child birth can reduce tearing, but even then, it won’t completely stop tearing in most people.
You May Just Poop Yourself

In olden times, it was common for nurses to give enemas prior to labor, but this practice didn’t end up stopping the mess from happening and often caused dehydration. These days, your doctors and nurses will be ready to help clean up the mess. In most cases, they won’t even say anything about it so you won’t know the difference.
It does make you think twice about filming the birth though, doesn’t it? (Link | Photo)
You Really Will Glow

On top of this, hormones cause the oil glands to become more active, resulting in a softer, shinier appearance. When the increased blood flow combines with shine, the result is a noticeable glow.
Your Sense of Smell Gets Better

Contractions Don’t Stop After Birth

You Don’t Really Need To Eat For Two

Your Feet Can Grow Up To One Full Shoe Size

The Father Might Show Symptoms of Pregnancy
