The Hoo Hoo Monologues: 5 Tips For A Healthy Vagina
From the Writer’s Desk:
In a tropical place like Florida, it’s almost always summer. Regardless of whether you live near the Equator or at the North Pole, keeping a healthy vagina is crucial year round.
Our new partner, Healthy Hoo Hoo has some tips to keep your Va Jay Jay
nice and comfy 🙂
Nuff Love,
Woohoo for summer! Well at least for those of you lucky enough to have sunny skies and warm temperatures. With thermometers on the rise it’s important to bring some awareness to the wellbeing of your vulvovaginal region. Here are our top 5 tips for a healthy vagina this summer:
- Keep her dry! Avoid wearing tight jeans and allow the air to circulate in your pelvic region to help evaporate sweat. Wear loose fitting clothing like linen pants, skirts and dresses. At night, sleep sans panties!
- Keep it natural. Wear cotton underpants (we love that word) – 100% organic is best. Limit your use of synthetic underwear as sweat reacts differently with polyester/ nylon blends, often trapping moisture and causing odor.
- Avoid talcum powder. Regardless if your grandmother or mother passed along this tip, it’s best to leave this harmful hygienic practice to the history books. You may think adding a bit to your routine will help with sweat absorption, but studies now link talcum powder use to ovarian cancer.
- Limit sugar. Pass on the Kool-Aid and sip lemon water instead. Not only will your digestive system love you but you’ll be avoiding sugar. Sugar is yeast’s favorite food and combined with hot summer temperatures you may be setting the stage for an uncomfortable vaginal flora imbalance.
- Change out of wet swimsuits and workout clothes as soon as possible. This ultimately fits under Tip #1- the “keep her dry” umbrella, however we want to place extra emphasis on this summer-specific condition. Both wet yoga pants and swimsuits provide optimal fungus growing conditions. When fungus grows too quickly it can lead to a yeast infection. Toss a skirt or sarong over those wet togs and drop those breeding grounds to the floor. You’ll look that much more fashionable as a result!
Well ladies, I hope these tips help and you have a great summer complete with a healthy vagina!
Got vagina questions? Email me at kimi@vforvadge.com
The Organic Beauty Vixen: https://www.youtube.com/user/organicbeautyvixen?feature=watch
[…] bought douche – you are setting your vagina up for unhappiness. Consider natural remedies or products with natural ingredients to cleanse your vadge in the new year (if necessary). Note: Please, please, PLEASE consult with […]
[…] bought douche – you are setting your vagina up for unhappiness. Consider natural remedies or products with natural ingredients to cleanse your vadge in the new year (if necessary). Note: Please, please, PLEASE consult with […]