I’d like to introduce you to our newest guest writer, who will remain shrouded in secrecy. He’s introducing us to a world of fetish, which may be new to some readers. I have a feeling this is going to be sensational…
Have you ever thought about how hard it is to write about yourself – in the first-person? You haven’t? Let me tell you, it’s not that easy. Now let’s try adding in the subject of SEX! How hard, then, is it tocommunicate about yourself without everything coming out sounding like a humble-brag or worse, really, really pervy??
Well, that’s my task, good reader: to keep you on the edge of your seat, as we discuss some very interesting (and sometimes very taboo) things, without making you too uncomfortable and withoutseeming too…grandiose. Yeah, that’s a good word. So, let’s begin shall we, and see how I do…
Without giving too much away, I’m a Generation X, African-American man, identifying with and being “straight” on the sexual continuum (more on the continuum at later). Pretty well educated, with a college degree from a great university, I own a successful business at the intersection of technology and the creative arts. I live in one of the major cities on the Atlantic seaboard. Looks-wise, I’ve been told I’m handsome and attractive. I don’t believe myself to be dramatically so, but I’m not a mud-duck, if that’s what you’re wondering.
Basically, I’m a regular dude. More or less anonymous.
I’m the guy you’d see on the street, perhaps smile at, say a passing hello to, and keep it moving. You won’t notice me studying the fluidity of your body movement…
If you see me often enough, maybe we converse; you know, small talk. You won’t notice me checking out your high-heeled shoes. Your hips, your legs. Your ass. We might exchange numbers. Go on a date or two. You’ll miss me looking at how you slide into your seat. The very feminine way you cross and uncross your legs…
We’ll have a good, pedestrian time. You won’t know how I’ve already fantasized about quietly sliding your skirt up, and fingering you under the table at dinner, then licking my fingers as if you’re the main course.
You’ll decide, I’m a “good guy” fun to be with, smart, witty at times. And then you’ll think “maybe I’ll give him some. Why not?” And that’s what it’ll appear to be: Plain. Just some sex.
Until I get you home.
That’s when things go from run-of-the-mill intercourse to something way more…energetic and interesting. And stimulating. Maybe even a bit unnerving. At least until your first orgasm…
And that’s where we’ll pick up next time…
We’re going to be talking about fetishes. Mmmm, fetishes…Sorry, I had a moment…Fetishes and everything but “vanilla” sex. We’ll define what is meant by “vanilla” as we go along, but just trust methat we’re not going to be discussing the simple missionary encounter with the lights out, in your bedroom on a Friday night (though for the record, that can be an exceptionally wonderful experience)…
In short, we’re going to have a lot of fun! Hell, it’s sex, so how can it NOT be?